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Ulfgrim's Dark Angels WIP thread

Stoic Raptor

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OK, I know there's an ages-old rivalry, but here I am. I've been a lifelong Space Wolves player, but my friend and I are splitting a box of Dark Vengeance and I figured I'd choose the Dark Angels. Better Unforgiven than Unclean, right? smile.png

So, in spite of the fact that I haven't even finished painting all the Space Wolves I've got, I'm about to get a little Dark Angels force. Some Deathwing (which I've liked since the 1st Edition Space Hulk expansion), some Ravenwing, and the rest. And I've got two squads' worth of the solid-pose 4th Edition Marines to paint up in DA colors as well.

Not sure what I'm looking for in regards to advice or anything - I certainly don't expect that I'll collect an entire army, I haven't the time, space or funds to do so. But is there anything I should know, and anything else that I can't do without? We'll be playing small games - probably Kill Team or Combat Patrol types of games at first while we finish building and painting.

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Welcome to the Rock!


There may be an age long Space Wolves and Dark Angels rivalry but SW and DA are battle brothers in the rulebook so that's all that matters :P


If you were to only buy one other thing to round off your DA collection I would definitely recommend you pick up a couple of boxes of Ravenwing Black Knights/Ravenwing Command Squad. This is the best unit in our arsenal and you could always kit bash the DV Libby onto the DV Ravenwing Bike Sergeant model. 


Happy gaming!

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Some of us will never be friends with dogs!!!!!

Welcome to the Unforgiven smile.png We are a nice bunch really... Well some of us? Maybe? Except Stobz you need to watch him carefully msn-wink.gif

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If you're not going to get Ravenwing Knights as Solrac recommended, the Deathwing Knights are also wonderful. They've got weapons that beat the :cuss out of the Traitors, get to do precision hits in melee, and give extra toughness in the right placement-formation. The only thing they can not do innately is shoot, because they're not equipped to do so.
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It's probably something I'll need to pick up sooner rather than later, but I was hoping people who have some experience with it would give me some advice before I invest in the box - which apparently comes with the necessary datasheets.  I'm not looking to fully invest in a second army, just a small one for variety.

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Jump on ebay and either get a wad of DV bikes or DV terminators. For less than the cost of a regular box squad you can have 2 full troop choices or 4 half-sized troop choices for either army. I picked up 30 DA tacticals for < $25. Granted, it's plasma heavy, but it's not hard to fill in extra models here and there.


Since you're a space wolf player, I would suggest ravenwing. I think you'll find they're similar to how you like to play your space wolves (fast and loud) with the only caveat being assault. You have to choose your assaults sparingly and use their scout ability wisely.


Aside from that, they move fast, are rather tough, and would compliment your regular space wolf force as allies quite nicely.


Also, while the flyer is a nice model, it's currently not worth the points. You're better off using whatever flyers are available to the space wolves.

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True, I've noticed that I can get the entire DA contents of the DV box for about $40-45  (which is what I'm pitching in toward the set).  So I'd imagine I could easily double it for about the same cost or less.  I appreciate all the advice and welcome any new suggestions or insights as well.

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I personally would recommend a heavy Deathwing army. The reason for this is the challenge. You have space Wolves so you probably have PA covered. Ravenwing is fun and competitive but very similar to the Thunderwolf Cav in playstyle. Deathwing is not super competitive but will make you learn how to play tough games and hard situations. Obviously elite and small units deepstrike everything and you can have an awesome time. I personally love it some people hate it. I will say it makes you really learn how to play and think hard about every move long before you make it. I personally believe it made me a better "General" but some people hate it. Our fliers aren't the greatest but I think a lot of the fliers our there are a bit OP. My two cents.

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I personally would recommend a heavy Deathwing army. The reason for this is the challenge. You have space Wolves so you probably have PA covered. Ravenwing is fun and competitive but very similar to the Thunderwolf Cav in playstyle. Deathwing is not super competitive but will make you learn how to play tough games and hard situations. Obviously elite and small units deepstrike everything and you can have an awesome time. I personally love it some people hate it. I will say it makes you really learn how to play and think hard about every move long before you make it. I personally believe it made me a better "General" but some people hate it. Our fliers aren't the greatest but I think a lot of the fliers our there are a bit OP. My two cents.


I disagree on the ravenwing vs thunderwolf. While both are faster than power armor, thunderwolf are built for close combat while ravenwing are meant for firepower. The only exception to this is black knights, which will completely wipe the floor with thunderwolf in either shooting or assault. But they are also ridiculously expensive. In an 1850 point game. they'll be 25% of your army for a full squad.


Black knights are an investment above and beyond just making a DA army. They can come in squads of 10, but unlike Deathwing Knights, come in boxes of 3.

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If you go with DW knights, i suggest taking a land raider crusader for them, deepstriking them is not really effective. If you want to have fun et have a real flavor of the DA, then it's deathwing heavy, ravenwing heavy or a mix of both. 


All 3 playstyle are a lot of fun ! And like my brothers said, you can't go wrong with Black knights, i always take a Ravenwing command squad, even when i play Deathwing heavy ! 


Anyway, welcome to the Rock, and have fun with your DA :D 

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Haven't got the Codex yet, but picked up the box set Friday and had a brief chance to look it over before I went out of town. The models look great with the sculpted details.

A friend at the store showed me the Guardians of the Covenant. Though I don't like their gunmetal armor, is there any reason I couldn't use the crimson robes on regular DAs?

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Haven't got the Codex yet, but picked up the box set Friday and had a brief chance to look it over before I went out of town. The models look great with the sculpted details.

A friend at the store showed me the Guardians of the Covenant. Though I don't like their gunmetal armor, is there any reason I couldn't use the crimson robes on regular DAs?


Fluff wise, yes. Dark Angels proper have brown/bleached bone robes. Otherwise, no. They're your models, after all.


As an Addendum:


Experiment with using grey instead of a metallic color. I have some grey knights that I painted grey with a lightened black wash and I absolutely love the way they turned out. I hate the look of metallic armor, but really like the greys instead. If you want to run a similar color scheme and keep the crimson robes, I'd recommend trying that. You might like the grey/red combination.

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Thanks - I'll try the grey/red combination out on a test model - perhaps I can find a robed dude in the bits bin of my local gaming store.  I've yet to assemble and paint my DAs because I'm waiting for my mouldline removal tool to arrive so I can try it out.


I picked up the Codex today and look forward to reading it.  I think I am going to try the Deathwing squad from the box in a Kill Team game against my friend soon - I know Terminators aren't the most effective in that format but it's a conveniently-priced team for a 250 point game (give the Sergeant a Signum or Teleporter) and it won't take long to paint them up!


I noticed that there is a formation called The Unrelenting Hunt - essentially it is the contents of the DV box and the DA Expansion Box.  Has anyone tried this formation, and how does it do?  Does anyone know if the dataslate comes in the expansion set, or is Black Library the only source for it?  Also, are the models in the DA Expansion like the DV models and can only be assembled in a certain way, or are they identical to the retail models and can be customized?

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Thanks - I'll try the grey/red combination out on a test model - perhaps I can find a robed dude in the bits bin of my local gaming store.  I've yet to assemble and paint my DAs because I'm waiting for my mouldline removal tool to arrive so I can try it out.


I picked up the Codex today and look forward to reading it.  I think I am going to try the Deathwing squad from the box in a Kill Team game against my friend soon - I know Terminators aren't the most effective in that format but it's a conveniently-priced team for a 250 point game (give the Sergeant a Signum or Teleporter) and it won't take long to paint them up!


I noticed that there is a formation called The Unrelenting Hunt - essentially it is the contents of the DV box and the DA Expansion Box.  Has anyone tried this formation, and how does it do?  Does anyone know if the dataslate comes in the expansion set, or is Black Library the only source for it?  Also, are the models in the DA Expansion like the DV models and can only be assembled in a certain way, or are they identical to the retail models and can be customized?


Make sure to get the FAQ. Almost every unit in the DA codex has a modified entry now. Mostly, they did a bad copy/paste job from 4th and sprinkled in even more typos.

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Thanks, I noticed that last night.  Currently assembling the Terminators and very pleased how easily they go together and how nice the molds are - far fewer mold lines to remove than expected.


I may go with a hybrid color scheme if the grey doesn't work, now I just need to decide what color scheme I'm going to use for the terminators and the bikes.  It's almost tempting to just use the standard colors but with red robes.  Either way, I love the fluff for the Guardians of the Covenant (what little I've been able to find).  If all else fails I could always do my own unique successor.

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Have a look through last years BoA 2014 Thread it might give you some ideas there are some really good successors in there.

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Thank you!  That's an excellent resource for inspiration and links.  I picked up an upgrade sprue at the shop and built a robed Marine so I can try out a paint scheme once I settle on colors.  I'm probably leaning heavily towards GotC at the moment.

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Thank you!  That's an excellent resource for inspiration and links.  I picked up an upgrade sprue at the shop and built a robed Marine so I can try out a paint scheme once I settle on colors.  I'm probably leaning heavily towards GotC at the moment.



Here are some examples of using grey instead of gunmetal or chainmail:






My painting skills are dubious at best, but you get the idea.

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If I knew how to do non-metal metallic, I'd use that technique to simulate silver armor.  I just don't like that much metallic paint on a model, so grey is definitely better for me.

I think I might want to try a nice, dark grey like Mechanicus Standard or Eshin Grey, to keep the "dark" in my Dark Angels.


If all else fails, I can go with the standard paint scheme - I just don't know how red robes would look on green armor.  Something tells me, not too good.

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