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Ulfgrim's Dark Angels WIP thread

Stoic Raptor

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If I knew how to do non-metal metallic, I'd use that technique to simulate silver armor.  I just don't like that much metallic paint on a model, so grey is definitely better for me.

I think I might want to try a nice, dark grey like Mechanicus Standard or Eshin Grey, to keep the "dark" in my Dark Angels.


If all else fails, I can go with the standard paint scheme - I just don't know how red robes would look on green armor.  Something tells me, not too good.


Santa Claus.


That's one of the reasons I paint my bolters black instead of red.

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I'm trying a Company Veteran in GotC colors, but for now I think I'm going to go with Codex-standard colors for my army.  I know I can do it and tutorials are available for things I haven't tried yet. 
I tried the standard scheme on an old 4th Edition flat pose Marine and I'm satisfied and confident in my ability to turn out an army to a good standard.



(for some reason the red eyes don't show up in this image)

Since we are starting with 250-point Kill Teams while we reacquaint ourselves with the rules and assemble our armies, I started on my Deathwing Squad.




I traded in some old games and minis for store credit and got the DA Expansion for a mere $20, so I'm ready to start on my basic army.  When I am able, I'm going to pick up a light box and hopefully that'll help my dodgy cellphone camera to take better shots.

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I'm trying a Company Veteran in GotC colors, but for now I think I'm going to go with Codex-standard colors for my army.  I know I can do it and tutorials are available for things I haven't tried yet. 
I tried the standard schem on an old 4th Edition flat pose Marine and I'm satisfied and confident in my ability to turn out an army to a good standard.
Since we are starting with 250-point Kill Teams while we reacquaint ourselves with the rules and assemble our armies, I started on my Deathwing Squad.


I traded in some old games and minis for store credit and got the DA Expansion for a mere $20, so I'm ready to start on my basic army.  When I am able, I'm going to pick up a light box and hopefully that'll help my dodgy cellphone camera to take better shots.



Good start! Looks like you're already picking up the color scheme and it looks good.


Don't forget to check ebay for extra DV power armor marines/bikes. Totally worth it for less than $10 per full tactical squad and $12 per half bike squad.

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I've got an extra tac squad and bike squadron on the way, Chaplain Seraphicus from the 6th Edition box (so my friend can use his Aspiring Champion on an even footing with me), and an extra Librarian so I can mount him on one of the bikes.


Thanks for the compliments!  The pictures don't actually do justice to the work - my photography skills have never been equal to my painting skills.  I wouldn't say I'm competition level but I'd call myself intermediate - a high tabletop standard in most cases and if I ever get around to play in a tournament I've at least got a chance at best painted army if nothing else.  So I just ordered a light box set with backdrops and lamps and we will see if I can get some good photos that way - if the cell phone camera still isn't enough, I may need to invest in a decent actual camera.


I am enjoying the change in pace from painting Space Wolves - they look nice and have lots of fun bits, but I like having three different color schemes for the different companies - and the ability to build some stuff that Wolves don't usually get to use.  I can see myself getting some more DW and RW as time goes on.

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I've got an extra tac squad and bike squadron on the way, Chaplain Seraphicus from the 6th Edition box (so my friend can use his Aspiring Champion on an even footing with me), and an extra Librarian so I can mount him on one of the bikes.


Thanks for the compliments!  The pictures don't actually do justice to the work - my photography skills have never been equal to my painting skills.  I wouldn't say I'm competition level but I'd call myself intermediate - a high tabletop standard in most cases and if I ever get around to play in a tournament I've at least got a chance at best painted army if nothing else.  So I just ordered a light box set with backdrops and lamps and we will see if I can get some good photos that way - if the cell phone camera still isn't enough, I may need to invest in a decent actual camera.


I am enjoying the change in pace from painting Space Wolves - they look nice and have lots of fun bits, but I like having three different color schemes for the different companies - and the ability to build some stuff that Wolves don't usually get to use.  I can see myself getting some more DW and RW as time goes on.


A high end cell phone has the same camera as a DSLR, but without all the apature and zoom goodies on it. The biggest thing is to find a way to immobilize it while you take your pictures.

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Resolution isn't everything - it's more a matter of focus, light balance and other things that most cell cameras just don't seem to have.  You can probably tell that by the pictures above - I had elbows and wrists braced.  And the software to get files from my phone to my PC is a PITA to use - most times, it's easier to just email them to myself and open them that way for processing.  I've seen some great photographs of minis taken with cell phones - none of them with mine.  I read the thread in the photography sub-forum but it's clear I need to do more to get good results.


And for some reason, my phone camera has this weird purplish-pinkish tint to photos in artificial lighting, even if I try to adjust the settings.  It's never been dropped or anything so I have no idea what's the issue.  But we'll see if the little light box improves the matter - maybe taking the glare off and lighting the work better is all that I need.

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Resolution isn't everything - it's more a matter of focus, light balance and other things that most cell cameras just don't seem to have.  You can probably tell that by the pictures above - I had elbows and wrists braced.  And the software to get files from my phone to my PC is a PITA to use - most times, it's easier to just email them to myself and open them that way for processing.  I've seen some great photographs of minis taken with cell phones - none of them with mine.  I read the thread in the photography sub-forum but it's clear I need to do more to get good results.


And for some reason, my phone camera has this weird purplish-pinkish tint to photos in artificial lighting, even if I try to adjust the settings.  It's never been dropped or anything so I have no idea what's the issue.  But we'll see if the little light box improves the matter - maybe taking the glare off and lighting the work better is all that I need.


You must use an iphone :P. My android is plug > drag and drop files > done.


I'm well aware. I've had to take photography once upon a time. That was back when we used 35mm cameras and did our own developing though.


But I'm not a professional painter so I'm not worried about taking professional pictures of my unprofessional painting :)

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No, it's an HTC One (android).  There's some stupid software that runs when I plug my phone into the computer.  I can close it afterwards and go in via Windows Explorer but it's still an inconvenience.  


The pictures it takes are good enough to get the point across but the models really look better than the pictures would indicate.  A lot of the subtle detail and highlights/shading are lost in the glare.

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No, it's an HTC One (android).  There's some stupid software that runs when I plug my phone into the computer.  I can close it afterwards and go in via Windows Explorer but it's still an inconvenience.  


The pictures it takes are good enough to get the point across but the models really look better than the pictures would indicate.  A lot of the subtle detail and highlights/shading are lost in the glare.


Yeah, your lightbox should help with that. At least you'll be able to balance the lighting and turn off flash. That's also a reason I don't like HTC. They add more bloat than motorola. I bought a Oneplus One and never looked back.


Anyway, if you do invest in a nice little studio, you'll be obligated to start a page (or at least deviantart account) dedicated to your models. A few shots on a thread will never suffice :)

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Glad you like it!  I wish more people would visit.  I haven't done much with it for, well literally a month, because I've been spending a lot of time building and painting.  But I'm formulating ideas for what to cover next, even if it's just a review or writeup on some of the new tools and models I've bought.

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When I painted up my test Tactical Marine, I went with 3rd Company colors - but the more I think about it, the more I am leaning towards doing them as 5th Company instead.  The heraldry for the 3rd is easy but I love the quartered look of the 5th much more.  And of course Balthasar from the box is the 5th Company Master, so it makes sense that the PA troops would be his.


I'm also pondering whether I should build one of my Terminators from the expansion box as Belial (I could even magnetize it for the different weapons options).  Balthasar already makes a decent counts-as Azrael, and I know I'll buy the Belial model sooner rather than later, but I like the idea of tricking him out with all the weapons he can use and swap them as needed.

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Glad to see your journey into the Unforgiven is going well.  You should go for the 5th Company, I have found painting the knee pads not too bad. By the looks of your painting, you shouldn't have any problems.  Looking forward to some pics of your GotC test piece.


You should also try the SnapSeed app for touching up your photos.  It is made by google so it should be available for Android.  It's real easy to use too.


You should be able to produce a pretty sick looking Belial from the expansion set.  From what I understand it is the standard Deathwing box so there will be all the robed models to choose from.  Although there are a limited number of pauldrons with the crux on them.  So swappable arms may be a challenge.


Keep up the great work!

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Thanks as always for the compliments, encouragement and ideas.  I got the second Deathwing Terminator done:




The glare is kind of unflattering to the highlights, it makes them appear far sharper than they look in person.  That light box can't arrive soon enough!


Also, I decided to look through my box and see if I could kit-bash a better Belial than the official model.  Success!  Though this will mean I'll need to buy another DW Command box to make the 5th Knight I need.  Aw, shucks... as if I wasn't already planning on that. ;)




I think for the basic loadout I'm going to use the standard Terminator power sword and the storm bolter from the Space Marine Commander kit. It will look more authentic than the thing with the bayonet.

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Looking really good. 


Yeah buying the Belial figure is not something I would do... Especially when the Deathwing Terminator Kit can make him better :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So in the last two weeks, I finished my custom Belial (pics in the other thread, as well as the HQ thread and Belial customs thread) and did two more of the DV Deathwing:




I kind of wasn't liking the yellowish tint that the models had when using the P3 Menoth White Base/Highlight colors.  I was looking for something a little cooler.  I've been experimenting each time with various colors of primer, basecoats, washes, etc. and I think I've finally decided that the "official" colors as seen in the recent GW videos are indeed the colors I like.  Going forward, that is how I plan to paint my Deathwing Knights and Deathwing Command.
So that leaves me with just Sergeant Barachiel to finish - base colors are applied and shading is done, I have only the highlights to do.  I expect to have him done in the next day or two.  So essentially, for the first time since I don't know when (maybe ever?) I've painted 500 points in less than a month.  (I'm counting Belial as 250 for this purpose because I modeled and painted up all three weapon loadouts).
Starting next week, my plan is to paint up Balthasar and Turmiel (both are assembled and primed with some basecoating done) and my Interrogator-Chaplain on a bike (which I've already assembled and primed).  I have an attack bike that's nearly assembled, but I'll want a Ravenwing sprue to customize it (fairing, torsos, etc.)  I will probably just buy the Battleforce box when I get paid on Friday.  I'm considering magnetizing the sidecar and wondering if it's also possible to somehow magnetize the weapons so I can use either the heavy bolter or the multi-melta - but there's not a lot of room to do so.  Any advice?
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Damn that is some nice paintjob there on your deathwing. I too use an HTC One (M7) and i never got the camera to take pix like that, not that my model as nice as yours though :D. For transferring files though i usually posted my pix of the models on Google+, but lately i used Google Drive instead to store the pix. Much easier than that stupid software that HTC has :D. 

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Yeah, the software is terribad.  I usually just email the pic to myself, open it on the PC and tidy it up in Paint.NET to adjust the levels and such.


I got the lightbox but haven't had time to set it up and take pics - I will definitely do so when the last of the squad is done!  With the right camera software I suspect I can get some good pictures with the HTC.  The biggest issue is how it handles lighting, so the light box will help immensely.

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My favorite technique for robes/capes/tabbards is to paint the inside in a deep red silk type scheme. I base with screamer pink, and do a progressive drybrush highlight of reds. I do broad strokes of red across the ridges in khorne red and then a slight line/drybrush highlight of mephiston red over the peaks of the folds, and around the edges. I provides great contrast, while keeping the overall integrity of the paint scheme (white robes, with the red silk inside).


Deathwing are a little different, I did green robes and used very little red on any of my DA marines.

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So, here they finally are.  Grand Master Belial and Deathwing Squad Barachiel:



This is the first picture with my new light box.  The small portable lights are nice but I need to find a portable, bright light for overhead.  I used the DSLR Camera app (apparently the closest to Apple's Camera+ app) and fixed it up a bit in Paint.NET.


Hopefully once I get better lighting and a decent digital camera where I can specify white balance and such, pics will be even better.


April's project is the two DV Tactical Squads I have, and Master Balthasar.  I figure if I can do around 500 points a month, I'm making good progress.  It will still be a couple months before I have a tournament-sized army but I already have nearly all the models I'd need for even a 2500 point force.  I really just want another box of Black Knights for Sammael's command squad and possibly another box or two of DW Terminators.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first of my DV Tactical Squads are done - I will set up the light box this weekend and get some pictures.  I'm very pleased with the way they came out - better than my prototype from six weeks ago.


Basically,I start with AV black surface primer, basecoat with Caliban Green, wash with AP Dark Tone, touch up with Caliban Green, first edge highlight with Warpstone Glow, fine edge highlight with Moot Green.  Touch up with Caliban Green where the highlights are too broad or messy.  Wash with Biel-Tan Green, then when that wash is dry, I carefully wash with AP Dark Tone again.  Touch up with Caliban Green where the black is too strong, and then varnish with AP Anti-Shine.  


The result is a nice dark, dark green with highlights that are bright but not "Tron"-like.  


I had planned to paint the second Tactical squad this month, but with the ETL just two weeks away, I will instead spend this time cleaning, assembling, and priming that squad, my dozen or so Ravenwing bikes, and then if time permits, build some Deathwing as well.  I've got about 2000 points of unassembled Dark Angels available for vows - whether or not that all gets done this summer is another story, but I might reasonably get half to two-thirds of it done in the next three months.

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Here they are - I am satisfied with the results but not with the photo.  My light box is really not that good (avoid stuff like "LimoStudio").  I wish I'd gotten in on the Foldio Kickstarter.


I'll try to get a better picture when I can get some better lighting on the subject.



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