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Worth taking fortifications?


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I set out to scratch build several fortifications for my gaming table at home and for group use. But as started to read thru stronghild assault a few stood as good addition's to add to list.


Skysheild is something that looks useful for less than 20 meltabomb's you get one of fliers starting on the table, saving a good chunk of points from waiting to enter the feild. because of Dante and special jump and WT using for Non scattering DS units doesn't look too appealing and might not justfiy the points.


Put I was looking at one these options


1) raven starting on sheild with 5 assult terms and a SP.


2) castes assault ram with 9 DC with jp and asroth with them.


3) castes assault ram with 10 assault terms 4 LC 1 with banner 6 with TH/SS


Does anyone else have any experience with fortifications? If I going to build them might as well find away to use them in my list

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I ran with a bastion back in 6th, for a good while. It was awesome, I won at least 22-23 of 30 games I played with it and it was a big factor in that, even though in its first game it got lanced and blown up before my first turn. Used it for my devs, who could shoot out without being shot at. IG command squad manning the Icarus on top (orders came in handy) but I think it has a set amount of hull points now, not sure.

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That's use full for long range fire support. Yeah building now have HP and few other rules,


For my Nids I use bunker with ecscpe hatch, good way to move start in cover and free 12 move. Might be useful for BA assault term or even dreadnought keeping it cover than spring it forward


I trying am trying to build list that makes use of the skysheild testing a list posted this weekend.


Being s highly mobile army static building don't offer us much, but still trying to find a May there use

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