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How do you equip your Death Company?


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So. Who hear views death company as auto includes? I think I am boring my friends because I take them all of the time.


Since the new codex I've stop taking the bolter variant and gone full on jump pack and 2 ccws.


My typical is Lemartes, 7-10 marines with jump packs, 2 inferno pistols, power fist/bolter, thunder hammer/bolter, and power sword.

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What type of players are they? If they call you boring for taking arguably our fluffiest and most hallmark unit when they might take Riptides and Wave Serpents then they aren't very cool msn-wink.gif

Build your army how you want. I'd always put some DC in because they are my favorite unit in the entire game!

It looks like you are using them as an anchor to your force there, lots of upgrades and Lemartes to smash all comers. I'd even suggest maybe taking a couple more because otherwise you don't have many spare bodies before you start losing special weapons. Plus a big DC is nasty.

If you combine them with some podding Dreads to keep the enemy busy on turn one then hopefully they will go with minimal fire aimed at them!

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I've never found anything in the BA dex to be an auto-include.

In the last codex I would never leave out Corbulo and a Flamer/Fragioso in a pod, but with the dawn of the new dex I think we have a lot of very viable options.


Admitedly I rarly leave my 2 Meltacide drop squads at home, but I wouldnt have much trouble building a list without them.


I think the important thing is just taking the units you love, and if you love the Death Company you shouldnt be made to feel bad for running them.

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The DC are as close to auto-include as BAs get. For just a smidge more than a VanVet you get FNP, Rage and sufficient wargear options to crack most targets. While not as subtle and tactically flexible as some options, they are a great hammer unit and can take on most units in the game. Well tooled up, they can even threaten some Death Stars.

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If your friends are getting bored of your one unit of DC, why not surprise them with MORE UNITS. Just throw down all of your jump marines, call them DC, and make them deal with it.


If you want to be fluffy with it, run the Strike Force Mortalis formation from Shield of Baal: Exterminatus


1 Chaplain

3 DC Squads

2 DC Dreads

1 Stormraven


Gives everyone crusader and the DC gain rampage.

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Death Company don't strike me as being over-powered. They are a little tougher than regular marines against most attacks but if you land a Battlecannon or power fist hit on them, they go squish just as quickly.


Their advantage is that they are pretty good against most targets. They have the volume of attacks to down hordes, or MCs through weight of numbers. They can take sufficient special weapons to crack tough targets. And they have sufficient mobility to get where they need to go under their own power.


7th edition seems to favour increasingly specialised units (cheap meltacide RAS, tac squads with heavy flamers etc). The DC are slightly unusual in being reasonably effective against almost any target at a good price point.


I started playing BAs back in 1st edition with then original WD rules for the Death Company so I never got into the armour-spam mindset of 5th edition. For me, DC are fluffy and effective and I rarely leave Baal without them.

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Want to try something different....try gold-painted Sanguinary Guard.  For about the same number of points as a 6-man DC with PWs, you instead get 5 SG with artificer armor and master crafted power weapons and jump packs.  They are about the same number of points as DC mixing in a few PWs.  The Sanguinary guard cannot take hammers/shields, but can swap encarmine blades for encarmine axes, or PFs on the cheap.  Plus they have the double tap AP4 short range assault bolters...DC differ in having rage (+2 A on the charge), 3+ armor/FNP.  Overall, if your regular opponents are MEQs, Sanguinary guard could be better.  In some formations, the encarmine bladed SG go off at I5, S5, before the opponent can attack, so the damage can be big.  Just sayin....

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Want to try something different....try gold-painted Sanguinary Guard.  For about the same number of points as a 6-man DC with PWs, you instead get 5 SG with artificer armor and master crafted power weapons and jump packs.  They are about the same number of points as DC mixing in a few PWs.  The Sanguinary guard cannot take hammers/shields, but can swap encarmine blades for encarmine axes, or PFs on the cheap.  Plus they have the double tap AP4 short range assault bolters...DC differ in having rage (+2 A on the charge), 3+ armor/FNP.  Overall, if your regular opponents are MEQs, Sanguinary guard could be better.  In some formations, the encarmine bladed SG go off at I5, S5, before the opponent can attack, so the damage can be big.  Just sayin....

yea but it doesn't scream death...Death...DEATH!!! like a good old DC squad can ;)

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Want to try something different....try gold-painted Sanguinary Guard.  For about the same number of points as a 6-man DC with PWs, you instead get 5 SG with artificer armor and master crafted power weapons and jump packs.  They are about the same number of points as DC mixing in a few PWs.  The Sanguinary guard cannot take hammers/shields, but can swap encarmine blades for encarmine axes, or PFs on the cheap.  Plus they have the double tap AP4 short range assault bolters...DC differ in having rage (+2 A on the charge), 3+ armor/FNP.  Overall, if your regular opponents are MEQs, Sanguinary guard could be better.  In some formations, the encarmine bladed SG go off at I5, S5, before the opponent can attack, so the damage can be big.  Just sayin....

I love Sanguinary Guard.  If I am using SG I go expensive, 7-8 models, banner.


DC are cheaper assuming you don't go wild on power weapons/fists/hammers.  So would you rather have 8 SG with a banner, or 8 DC and most of the points for a 5 man RAS? 

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I run a heavily mechanized force. Death Company in rhinos can't assault the turn they disembark which is not okay with me. I can never justify using a Land Raider since those points go to MMAB or predators. Jump packs are not immune to small arms unless they hide behind the vehicles. The HQ requirement for battleforged lists also puts a kink in my mech lists since the rhinos carry full squads. So, if there's no LR there's no place for HQ guy. If I take DC I could run a JP HQ . That HQ takes points away from predators and anti-tank units. No HQ's either. :D Death Company used to be in my lists all the time for their mulching capability but I don't care for the delivery options.

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I'm still experimenting with a stormraven delivery system for DC.  It gives me options so long as someone does not hit the flyer with a "golden BB".  My experiments will change the list over time as I try different things.  But overall, you just have to have DC!  

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I run a heavily mechanized force. Death Company in rhinos can't assault the turn they disembark which is not okay with me. I can never justify using a Land Raider since those points go to MMAB or predators. Jump packs are not immune to small arms unless they hide behind the vehicles. The HQ requirement for battleforged lists also puts a kink in my mech lists since the rhinos carry full squads. So, if there's no LR there's no place for HQ guy. If I take DC I could run a JP HQ . That HQ takes points away from predators and anti-tank units. No HQ's either. biggrin.png Death Company used to be in my lists all the time for their mulching capability but I don't care for the delivery options.

Tried a librarian dread?

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I love Sanguinary Guard.  If I am using SG I go expensive, 7-8 models, banner.

DC are cheaper assuming you don't go wild on power weapons/fists/hammers.  So would you rather have 8 SG with a banner, or 8 DC and most of the points for a 5 man RAS? 

Both! :D


Never rely on one hammer unit. If you take 2, there is a good chance one of them will reach the enemy sufficiently intact to wreck some face. Back up with a few meltacide squads, a dash of grav biker and a little air-support and you have a fast, hard-hitting army that can take on most opponents.

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I love Sanguinary Guard. If I am using SG I go expensive, 7-8 models, banner.

DC are cheaper assuming you don't go wild on power weapons/fists/hammers. So would you rather have 8 SG with a banner, or 8 DC and most of the points for a 5 man RAS?

Both! biggrin.png

Never rely on one hammer unit. If you take 2, there is a good chance one of them will reach the enemy sufficiently intact to wreck some face. Back up with a few meltacide squads, a dash of grav biker and a little air-support and you have a fast, hard-hitting army that can take on most opponents.

The DC are my 2nd unit (well them or an Imperial Knight), I've been enjoying Vanguard Veterans as my primary hammer, running them basically the same way I used to run my old Veteran Assault squads back in 4th edition.

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Ive been favouring VVs over DC recently.  Love the shields.  I'll bring them back when I play Astorath i think.


See I'm really tempted to make some VV out of the BA Tac and DC pieces I have (plus some shield I guess I'll buy). I remember you had an awesome build for them Mort? How are you running them JamesI? They do get less attacks and no FNP without a priest but I imagine they must be pretty good with a few shield to tank while the force advances.

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Been rocking them with 4 shields, 2 MB, 2PW and JP.  Pricey (246), but very solid.  


222 without JPs and in a Raven.  


And, ya, I usually rock them with the priest. That way, the WS5 makes up for the 1 less attack on the charge (because they do have a vet profile, so 4 attacks for most of them without the shield).  Otherwise, they'll have FNP too.  I feel the priest wasted in the DC, despite the WS5.

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Been rocking them with 4 shields, 2 MB, 2PW and JP.  Pricey (246), but very solid.  


222 without JPs and in a Raven.  


And, ya, I usually rock them with the priest. That way, the WS5 makes up for the 1 less attack on the charge (because they do have a vet profile, so 4 attacks for most of them without the shield).  Otherwise, they'll have FNP too.  I feel the priest wasted in the DC, despite the WS5.


Thanks! Great lineup, Might have to have a go at making some of these then... What kind of weaps do you go for? Sword and Axe? Or a Maul/ Axe and let the priest handle the speed kills with the AP2 Relic?


Edit: I guess there is lance too even!

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Ive been favouring VVs over DC recently.  Love the shields.  I'll bring them back when I play Astorath i think.


See I'm really tempted to make some VV out of the BA Tac and DC pieces I have (plus some shield I guess I'll buy). I remember you had an awesome build for them Mort? How are you running them JamesI? They do get less attacks and no FNP without a priest but I imagine they must be pretty good with a few shield to tank while the force advances.


Mine are a bit more expensive, I have 2 PWs (sword and axe, but I am considering turning one into a Spear since I will likely have Dante with them) and a PF but otherwise the same as Morticons.

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When I run 5 to 6 DC I gear them as follows; Jump Packs, 1 with Power fist/bolter, 1 power sword.

When I have 7 plus I throw in 2 inferno pistols and if I'm at 9 plus I throw in one with a thunder hammer/bolter.


I found this to be the most effective as for their size they crush anything they touch. And I usually run them with either Astorath, or Lemartes. I never run DC without one of those 2, and lately it's been Lemartes.

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