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Official non red Khornate Warbands?

Lord Lee

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The Blood Disciples are black and brass, that's all I can think of. Far and away most Khornate warbands wear red, just as Tzeentch wear blue, Nurgle green, etc.


Edit: Also the Blood Disciples' fluff as per the 6th edition Chaos Codex is really stupid. Basically the 8th Company of a loyalist chapter called the Emperor's Wolves (who are also oddly enough not a Space Wolves successor as there has been only one of those and it didn't end well) attacks a demon world and a bunch of them get touched by a magic blood geyser that infects them with the rage of Khorne. Yeah...

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Hi guys


I'm looking for official non red Khornate Warbands, I looked on google but did not have any luck.


Thanks Lord Lee.

Never heard of the term "official warband". There's nothing wrong with creating your own at all. Just remember that the colours of Khorne are red, black, and brass, so using any of those colours are perfect.


Then again though in Storm of Iron there was part of the Iron Warriors who fell to Khorne and in A D-B's Talos books, one member of the Claw is obviously falling to Khorne. So who's to say that anyone could have the potential.

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I know that Khornate armies usually have red but one of my other armies is Vostroyan Firstborn so I don't really want a second red army.


It looks like DIY is the way to go.


Thanks guys.


Lord Lee.

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Why not a black legion splinter allied to Khorne?


Iron Warriors Breaching force that prays to Khorne that they are first into the breach and kill their enemies swifty?


It can literally be anything you want. Apart from one of the other aligned legions.

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