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need list help for special mission

Chaplain Gunzhard

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So it's 1850 on a standard 6x4 but with a zone Mortalis 'vibe' to simulate a cavern world. Extra rules are: vehicles immobilized on 1 & 2 in terrain, no drop-pods, flyers can only hover (no zooming), every turn might be night fight (50% chance), and no deep strike except teleporting, oh and no armour 14.


All of these changes are tough on BA and especially my regular list. Further my opponents will be Eldar, DE with harlequins, and CSM+CD+IA13.


So basically my SR and LRC and drop-pods are out, that only leaves fast rhinos (night fight might help).


For terminators I have 1 LC assault (not great without transport), 2 tactical, 2 librarians, and 1 chaplain.


Any thoughts?

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I would spam the heck out of jump pack troops, lots of Jump DC, SG and assault Marines.


Pay your troop tax in sniper scouts and sit them at the back on objectives, in cover with camocloaks and nightfighting you should be getting a nice coversave. Due to the no deepstrike rule you dont have to worry about anyone getting close to them.


You don't need to worry about anti-air, so no need to take a Storm Raven and I wouldnt bother with any tanks at all.


You can expect you opponent to either avoid vehicles altogether or else stick to low AV stuff, so Melta yourself up to the eyeballs and jump-pack your way to success.

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Well, your AV14 doesnt matter much with the bright and dark lances, never mind haywire and fire dragons.


The 3 terminator squad formation may be cool in this. They all deepstrike together, and you get to spread out before shooting. Or the other way around. It might catch some models in cover off guard. Serpents also hate assault cannons/cyclones up their bums.


Did the Eldar players come up with this? I mean, this scenario gives them so many advantages it's unreal. Nightfighting helps them more than you, as with holofields in night fight, their jinking skimmer might get up to a 2+ cover save.


Bring vindicare and culexus assassins if you have them, or proxy to even the odds ;)

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Sicarans. Proxy them if you have to, if you'll be up against eldar.


Against SoH, can you take a Scorpius proxy? Give it battle of keylek legs. I think allowing you to proxy these things would only be fair considering how the restrictions affect you in every area.

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So here is what I went with:


SP with JP, PW, BP, Warlord, Veritas Vitae

Librarian JP


Sanguinary Guard x10 (all power swords) + banner

6 tactical Terminators, 1CF, HF

Death Company x10, JP (2 power weapons)


10man Sniper scouts with camo cloaks

10man CCW scouts (meltabombs on sarg)


10man Assault squad, 2 meltaguns, (PW, meltabombs on sarg)

5man Assault squad, 2 meltaguns


His list: 3 MoN CSM in rhinos

a TL-Las predator

ML havocks

2 or 3 more squads of CSM (MoN) with a ML3 Psyker

Contemptor Dreadnought

Squad of shooty Terminators with Lord


The objectives were a mix of Maelstrom cards (secondary, 1VP) and primary objectives for the final turn worth 3VPS. Due to Warlord traits I infiltrated the DC, and the 2 assault squads, and of course the 2 scout squads, the SG+SP+Libby+Dante squad started behind ruins and the Terminators were held in reserve.


By turn 2 half of my stuff was already in assault as he was coming at me; despite hitting real hard at first the game was mired in close-combats due to his Toughness-5. His contemptor counter-assaulted the DC and eventually killed them all, as well as the Terminator squad that assaulted that combat.  Later in the game Dante broke off just to attack the Contemptor, but despite many hit-and-run attempts and lots of failed inferno pistol shots he never killed it.


The Sanguinary Guard tore through everything though and I think they might not have had any casualties. The scout snipers missed all game then broke and fleed of an objective and off the table, the CCW scouts took out the Havocks and held an objective and the Assault squads eventually wore down the MoN heretics and took objectives.


The final tally was BA 14, Sons of Horus (CSM) 8.

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