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BBCode Guide

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This topic provides information on how to use all of the BBCodes available at the Bolter & Chainsword.


Each post starts with a link back to this index, followed by the name of the BBCode in large text. This is followed by a brief description of how the BBCode works and provides formatting. An example is then shown first in code, then the result in a post. On occasion, multiple examples are provided. Relevant notes are provided. In some cases, examples of advanced uses are provided, first as code and then the actual appearance in a post.


BBCode Name


The base code for the BBCode will appear here.

Description of how the BBCode works for formatting.


An example of the BBCode will appear in a code box. You can highlight and copy examples in code boxes for your own use.

Immediately below the example in the code box will be the exact same BBCode, activated (i.e., not in a code box). This is how the code in the box above will actually appear when the software applies the BBCode formatting.


If there are any relevant notes, they will appear in italics after the examples. This may include bugs or notes when BBCodes aren't functioning.


Examples of advanced usages may appear below notes and basic examples. In cases where BBCodes are used relative to other elements of a post, lorem ipsum text will appear to represent the other content. Examples of this include the clearfloat and left/right sidebars.


gallery_26_6416_686.png IMPORTANT gallery_26_6416_686.png


Invision has indicated that support for BBCodes will be discontinued at some time in the future.


gallery_26_6416_686.png IMPORTANT gallery_26_6416_686.png


The software does not preserve the BBCode in your content. Instead, when you hit the "Submit" button, the software formats the content using the BBCodes. If you go back in to edit the content, you will not see the BBCode (though you can use BBCode in your edits).


Index of BBCodes

All entries below are hyperlinked.



Code →



Center Alignment →

Left Alignment →

Right Alignment →



Background Color →

Bold Text →

Text Color →

Font →

Italic Text →

Size (font) →

Strike Through Text →

Subscript Text →

Superscript Text →

Underlined Text →



Acronym →

Quote →

Spoiler →



Member →



List, Ordered, Arabic numerals →

List, Ordered, letters (lower case) →

List, Ordered, letters (upper case) →

List, Ordered, Roman numerals (lower case) →

List, Ordered, Roman numerals (upper case) →

List, Unordered (Bullet) →

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Acronym



The acronym tag allows a post author to provide clarity when using an acronym. Text to which the BBCode is applied will be underlined, indicating to viewers that the text is active and that they should hold the mouse over it. When a viewer hovers the mouse over the text to which the BBCode is applied, the content provided in the code appears. The author should enter the spelled out term from which the acronym is created (e.g., when hovering the mouse over "TDA" the term "tactical dreadnought armour" appears). The viewer can make the dialog box disappear by clicking the mouse/pointer.


[acronym=tactical dreadnought armour]TDA[/acronym]


Note that this BBCode can also be used to provide a definition/clarification for a term, as in the example below.


Which of the [acronym=The Successors of the 1st (Dark Angels) Legion collectively refer to themselves as "the Unforgiven," though the meaning behind the term is unknown to the larger Imperium of Mankind.]Unforgiven Chapters[/acronym] is your favorite?

Which of the Unforgiven Chapters is your favorite?

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Background Color



This code allows the author to change the background color of text from that of the skin being used to a specific color. The author may use either the plain English name of basic web-friendly colors or the hexadecimal code for a color.


[background="green"]text on a green background, plain English[/background]

text on a green background, plain English


[background=#008800]text on a green background, hexadecimal[/background]

text on a green background, hexadecimal

When using this BBCode, contrast with the font color is an important consideration. The board software will automatically use the default font color for the skin (the default site skin is white with black text, whereas the most commonly used skin is dark grey with white text). If both white and black font provide sufficient contrast with the background color you've chosen, you don't need to do anything. If one of those colors doesn't work, you should force the other color (or some other color of your choosing) using the color text/font color BBCode.

You can find hexadecimal codes for many miniature paints here.

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Center Alignment



This code allows you to align the content so that the center of each line of content lines up with the center of each other line.


[center]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu rhoncus risus.
Sed tincidunt egestas porta. Fusce iaculis justo non lacus mattis scelerisque.
Pellentesque lobortis sit amet nunc ornare euismod. Suspendisse ultricies sem justo,
ac fermentum nisl tincidunt sed. Sed lobortis suscipit libero, vel ultricies risus
pharetra nec. Donec arcu libero, aliquet vel tortor vitae, hendrerit pulvinar justo.
Vestibulum ullamcorper, dolor at dictum tempus, dolor lorem varius nisi, at
facilisis enim purus eu orci. Vestibulum quam enim, consectetur luctus sapien sit
amet, ultrices vehicula odio. Aenean varius mauris ligula, at tempus dui interdum

Donec nisi lacus, aliquet eget nisl sit amet, finibus dictum tortor. Praesent
eleifend scelerisque ex, in auctor urna posuere ac. Nulla dapibus ex dui, id
scelerisque nulla ultricies at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent non eleifend metus.
Mauris porttitor risus ut arcu ornare, eu convallis justo ullamcorper. Proin varius
aliquam nisl, ut faucibus neque tincidunt at. Integer id iaculis lectus, et
sollicitudin eros.

Quisque tincidunt arcu sit amet nibh eleifend commodo. Quisque sodales ex magna.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Mauris maximus mi fermentum nibh vulputate, id commodo sapien molestie. In
ornare facilisis turpis fringilla volutpat. Nulla quis vulputate nulla. Nunc
elementum, arcu id accumsan convallis, enim purus ullamcorper est, eu molestie
lorem libero non velit. Aliquam luctus malesuada condimentum.[/center]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu rhoncus risus.
Sed tincidunt egestas porta. Fusce iaculis justo non lacus mattis scelerisque.
Pellentesque lobortis sit amet nunc ornare euismod. Suspendisse ultricies sem justo,
ac fermentum nisl tincidunt sed. Sed lobortis suscipit libero, vel ultricies risus
pharetra nec. Donec arcu libero, aliquet vel tortor vitae, hendrerit pulvinar justo.
Vestibulum ullamcorper, dolor at dictum tempus, dolor lorem varius nisi, at
facilisis enim purus eu orci. Vestibulum quam enim, consectetur luctus sapien sit
amet, ultrices vehicula odio. Aenean varius mauris ligula, at tempus dui interdum

Donec nisi lacus, aliquet eget nisl sit amet, finibus dictum tortor. Praesent
eleifend scelerisque ex, in auctor urna posuere ac. Nulla dapibus ex dui, id
scelerisque nulla ultricies at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent non eleifend metus.
Mauris porttitor risus ut arcu ornare, eu convallis justo ullamcorper. Proin varius
aliquam nisl, ut faucibus neque tincidunt at. Integer id iaculis lectus, et
sollicitudin eros.

Quisque tincidunt arcu sit amet nibh eleifend commodo. Quisque sodales ex magna.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Mauris maximus mi fermentum nibh vulputate, id commodo sapien molestie. In
ornare facilisis turpis fringilla volutpat. Nulla quis vulputate nulla. Nunc
elementum, arcu id accumsan convallis, enim purus ullamcorper est, eu molestie
lorem libero non velit. Aliquam luctus malesuada condimentum.

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Code



This BBCode allows you to show strings of text utilizing BBCode without that BBCode working, with everything inside the "code" tags appearing inside a code box.


[code]This text is in code and BBCode and other coding languages won't be formatted. For example [color=red]red text[/color][/code]
This text is in code and BBCode and other coding languages won't be formatted. For example [color=red]red text[/color]



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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Font



This BBCode will allow you to specify the font that will appear for the text to which it is applied, overriding the default font.


[font=comic sans ms]This is the Comic Sans MS font.[/font]

This is the Comic Sans MS font.

When using the WYSIWYG editor, the board software will automatically supplement the chosen font with an alternate choice, as well as with a font class designator (e.g., monospace, cursive, serif, or sans serif) to provide browsers with alternatives in case the chosen font is not available, or to support browser customizations. In the example above, the board software automatically added the cursive font class designator. When creating the example using the WYSIWYG editor, the BBCode result is shown below:


[font=comic sans ms,cursive]This is the Comic Sans MS font.[/font]

The fonts available in the WYSIWYG editor are shown below:

Default font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Arial font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Comic Sans MS font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Courier New font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Georgia font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Lucida Sans Unicode font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Tahoma font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Times New Roman font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Trebuchet MS font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

Verdana font:
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . , ! ? " " ' ( )

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Left Alignment



This code allows you to align the content so that the left side of each line of content lines up with the left side of each other line.


[left]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu rhoncus risus. Sed tincidunt egestas porta. Fusce iaculis justo non lacus mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque lobortis sit amet nunc ornare euismod. Suspendisse ultricies sem justo, ac fermentum nisl tincidunt sed. Sed lobortis suscipit libero, vel ultricies risus pharetra nec. Donec arcu libero, aliquet vel tortor vitae, hendrerit pulvinar justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper, dolor at dictum tempus, dolor lorem varius nisi, at facilisis enim purus eu orci. Vestibulum quam enim, consectetur luctus sapien sit amet, ultrices vehicula odio. Aenean varius mauris ligula, at tempus dui interdum lobortis.

Donec nisi lacus, aliquet eget nisl sit amet, finibus dictum tortor. Praesent eleifend scelerisque ex, in auctor urna posuere ac. Nulla dapibus ex dui, id scelerisque nulla ultricies at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent non eleifend metus. Mauris porttitor risus ut arcu ornare, eu convallis justo ullamcorper. Proin varius aliquam nisl, ut faucibus neque tincidunt at. Integer id iaculis lectus, et sollicitudin eros.

Quisque tincidunt arcu sit amet nibh eleifend commodo. Quisque sodales ex magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris maximus mi fermentum nibh vulputate, id commodo sapien molestie. In ornare facilisis turpis fringilla volutpat. Nulla quis vulputate nulla. Nunc elementum, arcu id accumsan convallis, enim purus ullamcorper est, eu molestie lorem libero non velit. Aliquam luctus malesuada condimentum. [/left]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu rhoncus risus. Sed tincidunt egestas porta. Fusce iaculis justo non lacus mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque lobortis sit amet nunc ornare euismod. Suspendisse ultricies sem justo, ac fermentum nisl tincidunt sed. Sed lobortis suscipit libero, vel ultricies risus pharetra nec. Donec arcu libero, aliquet vel tortor vitae, hendrerit pulvinar justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper, dolor at dictum tempus, dolor lorem varius nisi, at facilisis enim purus eu orci. Vestibulum quam enim, consectetur luctus sapien sit amet, ultrices vehicula odio. Aenean varius mauris ligula, at tempus dui interdum lobortis.

Donec nisi lacus, aliquet eget nisl sit amet, finibus dictum tortor. Praesent eleifend scelerisque ex, in auctor urna posuere ac. Nulla dapibus ex dui, id scelerisque nulla ultricies at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent non eleifend metus. Mauris porttitor risus ut arcu ornare, eu convallis justo ullamcorper. Proin varius aliquam nisl, ut faucibus neque tincidunt at. Integer id iaculis lectus, et sollicitudin eros.

Quisque tincidunt arcu sit amet nibh eleifend commodo. Quisque sodales ex magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris maximus mi fermentum nibh vulputate, id commodo sapien molestie. In ornare facilisis turpis fringilla volutpat. Nulla quis vulputate nulla. Nunc elementum, arcu id accumsan convallis, enim purus ullamcorper est, eu molestie lorem libero non velit. Aliquam luctus malesuada condimentum.

Use of this BBCode usually isn't necessary as the board software automatically defaults to left alignment when no BBCodes are used.

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List, Ordered, Arabic numerals



This BBCode enables you to create an ordered list where each list item is indicated by an Arabic numeral (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.).


[list=1][*]First list item[/*][*]Second list item[/*][*]Third list item[/*][/list]
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
  3. Third list item
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List, Ordered, letters (lower case)



This BBCode enables you to create an ordered list where each list item is indicated by a lower case letter (e.g., a, b, c, etc.).


[list=a][*]First list item[/*][*]Second list item[/*][*]Third list item[/*][/list]
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
  3. Third list item
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List, Ordered, letters (upper case)



This BBCode enables you to create an ordered list where each list item is indicated by an upper case letter (e.g., A, B, C, etc.).


[list=A][*]First list item[/*][*]Second list item[/*][*]Third list item[/*][/list]
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
  3. Third list item
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List, Ordered, Roman numerals (lower case)



This BBCode enables you to create an ordered list where each list item is indicated by a lower case Roman numeral (e.g., i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.).


[list=i][*]First list item[/*][*]Second list item[/*][*]Third list item[/*][*]Fourth list item[/*][*]Fifth list item[/*][/list]
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
  3. Third list item
  4. Fourth list item
  5. Fifth list item
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List, Ordered, Roman numerals (upper case)



This BBCode enables you to create an ordered list where each list item is indicated by an upper case Roman numeral (e.g., I, II, III, IV, V, etc.).


[list=I][*]First list item[/*][*]Second list item[/*][*]Third list item[/*][*]Fourth list item[/*][*]Fifth list item[/*][/list]
  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
  3. Third list item
  4. Fourth list item
  5. Fifth list item
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gallery_26_6416_72.gif List, Unordered (bullet)



This BBCode enables you to create an unordered list where each list item is indicated by a bullet.


[list][*]List item[/*][*]List item[/*][*]List item[/*][/list]
  • List item
  • List item
  • List item


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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Member


This BBCode allows you to provide a link to a member's profile. A preview of the member's profile will open up as a dialog box when the viewer hovers the mouse over the link. Clicking on the link will open the linked member's profile.


[member=Brother Tyler]

@Brother Tyler

This link method uses the member's display name. You can simply copy a member's display name from their profile or post information and copy it into the BBCode (unless you know the member's display name from memory).

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Right Alignment



This code allows you to align the content so that the right side of each line of content lines up with the right side of each other line.


[right]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu rhoncus risus. Sed tincidunt egestas porta. Fusce iaculis justo non lacus mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque lobortis sit amet nunc ornare euismod. Suspendisse ultricies sem justo, ac fermentum nisl tincidunt sed. Sed lobortis suscipit libero, vel ultricies risus pharetra nec. Donec arcu libero, aliquet vel tortor vitae, hendrerit pulvinar justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper, dolor at dictum tempus, dolor lorem varius nisi, at facilisis enim purus eu orci. Vestibulum quam enim, consectetur luctus sapien sit amet, ultrices vehicula odio. Aenean varius mauris ligula, at tempus dui interdum lobortis.

Donec nisi lacus, aliquet eget nisl sit amet, finibus dictum tortor. Praesent eleifend scelerisque ex, in auctor urna posuere ac. Nulla dapibus ex dui, id scelerisque nulla ultricies at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent non eleifend metus. Mauris porttitor risus ut arcu ornare, eu convallis justo ullamcorper. Proin varius aliquam nisl, ut faucibus neque tincidunt at. Integer id iaculis lectus, et sollicitudin eros.

Quisque tincidunt arcu sit amet nibh eleifend commodo. Quisque sodales ex magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris maximus mi fermentum nibh vulputate, id commodo sapien molestie. In ornare facilisis turpis fringilla volutpat. Nulla quis vulputate nulla. Nunc elementum, arcu id accumsan convallis, enim purus ullamcorper est, eu molestie lorem libero non velit. Aliquam luctus malesuada condimentum.[/right]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu rhoncus risus. Sed tincidunt egestas porta. Fusce iaculis justo non lacus mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque lobortis sit amet nunc ornare euismod. Suspendisse ultricies sem justo, ac fermentum nisl tincidunt sed. Sed lobortis suscipit libero, vel ultricies risus pharetra nec. Donec arcu libero, aliquet vel tortor vitae, hendrerit pulvinar justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper, dolor at dictum tempus, dolor lorem varius nisi, at facilisis enim purus eu orci. Vestibulum quam enim, consectetur luctus sapien sit amet, ultrices vehicula odio. Aenean varius mauris ligula, at tempus dui interdum lobortis.

Donec nisi lacus, aliquet eget nisl sit amet, finibus dictum tortor. Praesent eleifend scelerisque ex, in auctor urna posuere ac. Nulla dapibus ex dui, id scelerisque nulla ultricies at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent non eleifend metus. Mauris porttitor risus ut arcu ornare, eu convallis justo ullamcorper. Proin varius aliquam nisl, ut faucibus neque tincidunt at. Integer id iaculis lectus, et sollicitudin eros.

Quisque tincidunt arcu sit amet nibh eleifend commodo. Quisque sodales ex magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris maximus mi fermentum nibh vulputate, id commodo sapien molestie. In ornare facilisis turpis fringilla volutpat. Nulla quis vulputate nulla. Nunc elementum, arcu id accumsan convallis, enim purus ullamcorper est, eu molestie lorem libero non velit. Aliquam luctus malesuada condimentum.

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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Size



This BBCode allows you to specify the size of the text that appears.


Default font size
[size=1]Font size 1 (8 points)[/size]
[size=2]Font size 2 (10 points)[/size]
[size=3]Font size 3 (12 points)[/size]
[size=4]Font size 4 (14 points)[/size]
[size=5]Font size 5 (18 points)[/size]
[size=6]Font size 6 (24 points)[/size]
[size=7]Font size 7 (36 points)[/size]
[size=8]Font size 8 (48 points)[/size]

Default font size
Font size 1 (8 points)
Font size 2 (10 points)
Font size 3 (12 points)
Font size 4 (14 points)
Font size 5 (18 points)
Font size 6 (24 points)
Font size 7 (36 points)
Font size 8 (48 points)

The font size shown above is for when you manually enter the BBCode, whereas the points value is the corresponding value when using the WYSIWYG editor.


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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Spoiler



This BBCode allows you to provide spoiler information in a post while keeping that information secret until a member chooses to reveal it by clicking on the "show" button that will appear in the viewer's browser. This is useful when discussing fiction.


[spoiler]Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father[/spoiler]

Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father


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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Subscript Text



This BBCode allows you to show subscript text. Subscripted text appears below the baseline of the regular text and is often used in formulae, mathematical expressions, and to indicate systems of counting (i.e., decimal, binary, hexadecimal, etc.).


Normal text[sub]subscripted[/sub]

Normal textsubscripted

Note that subscript text can be combined with other BBCodes for advanced effects, including hyperlinking.


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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Superscript Text



This BBCode allows you to show superscript text. Superscripted text appears above the baseline of the regular text and is often used in formulae, mathematical expressions, and to indicate footnotes and references.


Normal text[sup]superscripted[/sup]

Normal textsuperscripted

Note that superscript text can be combined with other BBCodes for advanced effects, including hyperlinking.


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gallery_26_6416_72.gif Text Color



This BBCode allows you to specify the color of the text, instead of using the default text for the skin. The "option" specifies the color the text, using either plain English (for a limited selection of web-friendly colors) or hexadecimal (six characters, the first two for the red spectrum, the second two for the green spectrum, and the last two for the blue spectrum - the combination of which allows for the full spectrum of colors visible to the human eye).


[color=red]This text is red, using the word red in the option.[/color]

This text is red, using the word red in the option.


[color=FF0000]This text is red, using the hexadecimal code for red in the option.[/color]

This text is red, using the hexadecimal code for red in the option.

Special care must be taken when using this BBCode as different members are viewing the site using different skins. While a color might work fine in the standard Carbon skin (with a dark grey background), that same color might not work so well for a member viewing the site using the mobile skin, which has a white background. It is often advisable to use this BBCode in conjunction with the background color BBCode (when the text is in a line of more text) or one of the header BBCodes (when the text is used as a header).

You can find hexadecimal codes for many miniature paints here.



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