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Plastic Bloodthirster up for pre order!


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As I said in the rumour thread, very very tempted. Main issue I have with it is the pose - like other have said, kinda looks like he's dancing a jig. The description does say there's two sets of legs, but I don't know whether there's really any difference.


Absolutely no idea how I'd assemble that bad boy though! 



... is it me, or does those legs/base seem... unstable.



I saw on bols that the box is meant to include new 40k rules, can anyone confirm this and if they differ much to the codex Chaos Daemon rules?

The stats that come in the box appear to be fantasy rules only... 3 sets of stat blocks, points, stats, and fantasy related special rules (listed only, no descriptions), and specific rules included in detail for the Wrath of Khorne incarnation.


Only one set of legs in the box, but two options for determining how high you want it  coming off the base; basically inserts that go into the hooves when you put the legs together.  As for stability, the entire main body of the model is hollow, and puts together sort in such a way so that nothing will have a weak join.  I think the hollow model part is great for stability (particularly with some work weighting the base), but possibly catastrophic if you don't keep it away from cats and/or children, long drops, etc...


I don't get why they didn't pit the flaming whip (ie, classic thirster) or the big feth-off axe (the one everyone's hype about) on the box cover, tbh.


If anyone gets one of these, DO let us know if the arms can be magnetized please~ (I'm going to get one myself, but it won't be for quite some time, I have a hell of a mini backlog)

As for magnetizing the arms, it's possible.  You get a separate entire arm each for the whip/chain, and separate arms entirely for the 2 handed axe.  The one handed axe is only one arm, you basically pick the head of the axe for it.

I haven't even begun to assemble it yet, I am still looking at it, and looking at the instructions, and deciding what I am going to build, and what is going to be parted out to the demon prince models I never finished.


As mentioned above, overall design of the model is so that the main body is completely hollow, so with some green stuff or some other putty as filling to anchor the magnets in, it might be fairly easy to switch between dual wielding and two handed, and so that you could swap the whip or chain arms out...but the join would be at the shoulder and not the hands.  You only get two bracers for the arms, but they are separated from the arms themselves, so they could be magnetized or carefully pinned as well.  The one handed axe is an issue.  You get two axe heads, and only one axe haft, so you have to pick one, or work carefully to be able to swap it...it is slightly wider than a space marine's wrist, but the join is split down the middle rather than a flat surface that would have to be pinned.


I really am enthused about the model...I haven't bought a bloodthirster since the metal ones from RT era that aren't much bigger than terminators are now.  I never liked the donkey/cartoon faced one they put out for 3rd/4th ed.  I was about to start converting them from the plastic daemon princes...

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The 40k stats are inside the back cover. It's just the standard profile repeated three times.


The balance is pretty much perfect, and he's light enough that he's actually quite difficult to knock over. Those flames are more substantial than a Space Marine and the leg completely encloses the top - you have to build the leg around it. They're not going to break without some effort.


It's not a fragile kit, certainly no harder to transport than something like a Heldrake or Stormraven.

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