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Dealing with Harlequins


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I have up coming match against them, and quickly glancing there codex they look to be a really solid army well though out and balanced. Also I know there going to be flooding they next event.


They still squishy just like eldar and DE but they seem to be quicker and with new tricks.

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As ever, flamers of all types. Two of their psychic powers shut down your shooting effectively, so you need to get close. Drop pod tacticals with flamers will probably wipe out a squad.


Ignores cover doesn't really work as they have invulnerables.


A librarian to try and help shut down veil of tears may be useful.


Our FNP helps, as they have a lot of stuff that can rack up a combination of multiple ap - wounds and a few AP2 wounds, but none are high strength enough to cancel FNP. 


But yes. Flamers. The harlies do their damage through combat. Getting 3-4 wall of fire hits in before they even get to attack will punish them.


Dante will also be useful to try and out hit and run them

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Play defensive I say with Alpha strikes to negate the immediate threats. Feed them isolated units for you to counter charge with our monsters later. While we do have speed, I imagine they are faster. 10 man tac squad with Heavy Flamer, Flamer and 2 Hand Flamers and bolters will probably mess someones day up hard from the shooting and overwatch alone (what do you mean you get 4 D3 hits?!?) pop a death wind launcher on this too and you have some elf mince meat.


Use our resilience and don't give them ground, I'd always try to assault them too I guess. Furious charge to wound on 2's will cause a lot of damage!

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I was looking at flamers to take them out, and of course hitting them with DC. There more of glass cannon than the other type of elves. There warlord taits are nasty.


I saw there phsyic table and its poised to cause problems for most armies, I tend to skip on Libby in most of my list but astorath +2 deny the witch is going to come handy

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Flamers and Bolters. They all have Hit and Run, so expect them to always be jumping in and out of combat. Flamers make that charge back in so much more painful. Plus they are all only T3. Mass enough fire you will wound them so many times they fail their 5++
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Also they have the ability to force your guys to take moral checks or run (i believe), so keep your devastators away from the board edge.  It seems like their abilities force us to come to them a bit to actually do anything.  Oh, and they are terrible on  the second turn of a combat before they h&r away.  A power sword or maul will make them regret ever assaulting you.

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Power mauls for the win. Nothing like doubling out that expensive troupe leader/ shadowseer/ death jester. And wounding everything in the book (but the jet bikes) on a 2+ is just icing on the cake

Well, on the charge we still wound on 2+ with mauls. I always seem to forget how good furious charge is...
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Astorath probably isn't a bad bet. Unwieldy doesn't really matter as he's going last anyway.


He can reroll failed hits and wounds, which is great if they get the snapshot/hit on 6's in combat power off. DC would still easily get enough wounds through to hurt them.

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I'm so used to making swords and axes for my Space Wolves that i sometimes forget about mauls. They really are excellent weapons, and with FC for +3S at initiative... I should make sure I pick some up for my fledgeling BA force.


Regarding harlequins and the Baal suggestion - while the flamestorm cannon would be lethal, would it be able to catch them, and how likely is it to actually survive long enough to do anything given that harlequins seem to have a whole array of souped-up haywire weapons? The assault cannon/HB version seems like it would be good for contributing to the fusilade of 2+ wounds and forced saves, but I have the same reservations about that.


Speaking of vehicles, how best to go about bringing down starweavers?

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Power mauls for the win. Nothing like doubling out that expensive troupe leader/ shadowseer/ death jester. And wounding everything in the book (but the jet bikes) on a 2+ is just icing on the cake

Well, on the charge we still wound on 2+ with mauls. I always seem to forget how good furious charge is...

I figure with the Space Clowns will probably always get the charge so the point is moot

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They can spam haywire like crazy, that's why I thinking attack bikes HB might be safer bet than baal's , still tweeting my list. Hitting last is a given so the bsf granting 1+ I won't do might, great point on taking cad over this as I forseer the last few turns as sprints to objects.


As far as taking down there starwevers I thibkknh attack bikes with MM or HB.


I am little cautious of bringing Ravens because of there speed plus haywire.


Mauls are golden with FC and often over looked

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Also trying to set for counter charges could be good. A screen of tacs/assault marines followed by a squad of vanvets/death co could do the trick to actually getting the charge. Let the cheaper guys take the charge and get pummeled. Then jump on the squishy xenos next turn with your hammer.
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Match went well, the player is very good eldar player bit stumbled a bit with the clowns, learning curve I guess. To start off they really are glass cannon with tricks, they will make for some cheese list when allied with eldar and can host up DE, but standing alone there tough but less than I was expecting.


Speed both there gunship and transport faster than us, while he didn't take option for 1 shot only ap2 gun he went with a lot of haywires options.


With ended up playing 1850 and called after turn 4 weather was getting :cussty out.


Hit and run was rough but if they got stuck or charged they fell like tau. Flamers and more flamers. They want to get in to CC so if you facing pure force of them take as many flamers as you can. Even the hand flamer puts in work.

Attack bikes were great use MM over HB, and get lucky shots off and down 2 his skimmers,


DC were nasty like always I took 1 maul and on the charge ID as many as he could hit was nice. Astorath went on tear the dice were good to him.


There phyc phase can hurt, I don't recall what spells he got as he didn't roll well and maybe got 1 or 2 off. Got lucky.

There word lord traits all 3 tables are great, he roll one that kills my warlord if in combat with his or something like that. Which would have been fine if i drew out tactical card which awards VP if our warlord is killed in challenge, but I didn't so keep him bounces around played a game of cat and mouse.


Tactical sq were mixed the Grav gun didn't do much they don't like heavy bolter shots flub most of the time and didn't do much

There shooting is on par with eldar but they can toss out a lot of low ap shots.


I feel once players get use to them, than I will be able to do a proper write up, we both spent time back forth with codex which is cool with me as it was learning curve for army that hasn't been on the table sense 2nd.


Overall I feel there better force to boost up eldar or DE, but because of randomness and off tricks they could pull a few surprised . So next turny should prove interesting

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I have up coming match against them, and quickly glancing there codex they look to be a really solid army well though out and balanced. Also I know there going to be flooding they next event.


They still squishy just like eldar and DE but they seem to be quicker and with new tricks.


Try not to get into close combat with them because they can be nasty. They are less nasty I think if you charge them. Try to shoot them as much as you can with bolters. Their armor save isn't great. Flamers everywhere their shooting is pretty bad as well.

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Careful with the bladestorm on their shooting. I wonder if priests would be good HQ choices against them, since they don't have much (that I'm aware of, I haven't read their codex in-depth) which would negate the FNP.


I think the real danger with harlequins isn't going to be facing pure harlequin lists, tbqh - I'm sure those will exist and present unique challenges, but it's the prospect of what harlequins bring to dark and craftworld eldar armies as a force multiplier that I'm most concerned about, and also the thing I expect to see exploited the most.

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Spartan with legacy of Mars is a winner, 6 shots at str 7 rending ignoring junk and rerolling penetration rolls also survivable with the 4 plus to ignore haywire.


Also podded assault Marines, try the flamer version. Two flamers and two handflamers each causing d6 hits on the troops inside transports does a number on them. Flamers in general are nice as they get the wall of death when the harlies charge. Bikes are good as you get to stay in or out of combat range, more easily, hammer of wrath hits at I 10 thin their I 6 attacks out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dante will do well because of his high initiative, but power weapons are wasted on harlequins with their 5++. Most harlequins will also have some sort of AP2 weapon, either a harlequin kiss or caress, so you'll be eating a decent number of AP2 wounds.

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