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Stormravens cannot claim objectives on the ground?!


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Am I reading this right?

- A Flyer can only score in hover mode.

- Flyers in hover mode are considered fast skimmers

- Distances involving skimmers are measured from the skimmer's hull unless charging or ramming.

- The stormraven is 3.5" above the ground.


So de facto the stormraven (and possibly other flyers) cannot claim objectives unless they are in an elevated position.


Not using the clear plastic pole and gluing the stormraven's skids onto the base would be modelling for advantage and against the rules, right?

I guess it depends largely on the size of your objective markers and their placement.  However, I would never deny an opponent their storm Raven scoring and honestly I wouldn't play anyone who tried to deny me the same. 

  On 3/1/2015 at 8:49 PM, Quixus said:

How would the size of the marker matter? You are instructed to measure from base to base unless there is a more specific rule telling you otherwise.


Because if your marker is an inch high then it's an irrelevant discussion ;)

  On 3/1/2015 at 10:31 PM, Acebaur said:

Because if your marker is an inch high then it's an irrelevant discussion msn-wink.gif

I don't think GW makes 1" high bases and I doubt they had 1" high objective markers in mind when they wrote about coins.

  WH40K 7th Ed. on Objective Markers said:

These points are designated by using specially modeled markers, coins or counters around 1 to 2 inches in diameter.

  On 3/2/2015 at 12:11 AM, Quixus said:

  On 3/1/2015 at 10:31 PM, Acebaur said:

Because if your marker is an inch high then it's an irrelevant discussion msn-wink.gif

I don't think GW makes 1" high bases and I doubt they had 1" high objective markers in mind when they wrote about coins.
  WH40K 7th Ed. on Objective Markers said:

These points are designated by using specially modeled markers, coins or counters around 1 to 2 inches in diameter.

I have a set of resin markers that are almost exactly 1/2". I also have an old set of 3 markers that I created that use the backpack banners and they are at least an inch high.

In the interest of good sportsmanship, I can't ever see this being a problem. Have you had an opponent question you on this?

Edit: From controlling objectives: "As different objective markers vary in shape and size, it is important to agree at the beginning of the game exactly from where this distance will be measured"

  On 3/2/2015 at 11:11 AM, Jolemai said:

I'm guessing removing the Flyer from it's stand when it goes into Hover mode is a big no-no outside of house rules?

I'd like to know that too. The rules say you are supposed to put the model on the base it was sold with, but the stand is not the base.The base is large enough to glue it to the skids.


@Damien: I'm not so sure it is against the spirit of the game to build a model in a way that it can actually do what it is supposed to be able to do, even if it means leaving out one part of the kit. Is it against the spirit of the game to measure whether the hull of your opponent's flyer actually is within 3" of the objective?

I'm sure when they wrote the rules they had in mind that distance to objectives markes are measured horizontally. Disregarding vertical distances. If your objective marker in on the ground floor of a building ruin, and your squad is on a higher floor, you still count has scoring the objective. So with flyers, you would measure from objective edge to hull edge along the horizontal plane. THat's how we play.


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