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The Krasnyy 264th Rocket Army - a Combat Patrol project


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My friends convinced me to sign up for the 400 pt Combat Patrol tournament at OH CON 2015.  Unfortunately, my only functional army was my Imperial Knight Household – which certainly wouldn’t work!  I decided instead to take the plunge into an idea I’d been kicking around for a few years.


The Krasnyy 264th Rocket Army is about as stereotypically Soviet Russian as I could get.  I sat down with my 4th Edition copy of Codex: Imperial Guard and went through the old Doctrines rules for inspiration.  What screams Soviet Russia?  Commissars, Conscripts for them to execute and nuclear missiles.




Commissar with bolt pistol and CCW, bound to the Conscripts (or are they bound to him?)  – 25 pts


Platoon Command Squad, Commander with laspistol and CCW, one trooper with meltagun – 40 pts

Infantry Squad 1, Sergeant with laspistol and CCW, one trooper with meltagun – 60 pts

Infantry Squad 2, Sergeant with laspistol and CCW, one trooper with flamer – 55 pts

20 Conscripts with lasguns – 60 pts


Deathstrike Missile Launcher with heavy bolter – 160 pts


Total – 400 pts on the nose


I can't make up my mind if this looks abusive or suicidal.  I do know that it’s incredibly basic, incredibly fluffy, and so far has been pretty darn fun to see in action!  The Deathstrike, in particular, suits my tastes for psychological lists.  Whether or not it gets its rocket off, and whether or not it hits anything, are all added bonuses.  What it does best is control deployment.




If you guessed Valhallans, you’re correct!  Fortunately for me, GW is still selling off its remaining classic metal models at prices well below that for stripped figures on eBay.  Unfortunately, the range of classic metal models was always limited.  For example, there are only 9 individual Valhallan guardsmen with lasguns, and even then there are only 4 basic poses.  This was more fatiguing than I originally anticipated.


Anyway, I picked up five boxes of Valhallans and got down to it.  I also tracked down classic models for the Commissar and Platoon Commander, and some other Valhallan-specific bits.  I’d love to work Vostroyans into the lineup in the future – as Veterans or even Scions – but that’s a story for another time!




I did quite a bit of research into Soviet battledress, and finally decided on this color scheme for the Red Army circa WWII.  It was the best mix of browns and greens, in my opinion, and would stand out against the snowy bases.  Quite the opposite of effective camouflage!


I generally hate basing models.  For some reason, nothing sticks out as sorely as a model’s base not matching the battlefield you’re playing on.  So, I tend to just use a flat black base.  This time, however, I decided to flex myself a bit.  Snow is very easy to do, fits the theme very well, and best of all – it hides some of my kitbashing blunders and the gaps in the slotted bases.


I did more research on snow flock vs. baking soda, different glues, etc.  I was set to dive into baking soda and PVA for my snow effect until I read that this combination can yellow over time.  Apparently, that isn’t likely if you seal your models but as it’s winter I won’t be spraying sealant anytime soon.  Instead, I went with a Woodland Scenics winter diorama kit I found laying around.


Anyway, on to the models!




Comrade Commandant Aksakov leads his Platoon Command Squad to glory. Gold hat pins mark the troopers as members of a command squad. The voxcaster was taken from a random terrain sprue, and has had its batteries removed for the purposes of the Combat Patrol list.  I added bayonets (cut down Space Marine combat knifes) to every lasgun I could, as it makes me think of a Mosin Nagant or SKS rifle.




Infantry Squad 1 includes a basic Sergeant and a second meltagun.  I replaced the Segeant’s bolt pistol with a laspistol from the 2nd Edition CCW sprue for WYSIWYG and to keep it period with the rest of the army.  The meltagunner in this squad received high honors for vaporizing a Striking Scorpions Exarch with a precision shot during the second trial game.




Infantry Squad 2 includes another basic Sergeant with autopistol and a flamer trooper. The stripes on the Sergeant’s chainsword denote which squad is which.  The flamer originally had a large plume of fire (from Armorcast) but it was damaged when I dropped it during basing. The flame bit was broken beyond easy repair, so I cut my losses and finished the model without it.




"The enemy is the other way, Comrade!"


The squad of 20 Volunteers is led by Comrade Commissar Tyruska, who is happy to ensure that they keep volunteering. Red armbands are used to make the Conscripts visually distinct from regular troopers. Other than the Commissar, who was the first prototype for the army, this squad was spiritually draining to paint.  So much time and effort over 3 pt meatbags…




Here's a very early WIP of the Commissar.  The standard black Commissariate color scheme wouldn't work with the Red Army theme, so I decided to use red trim on his coat and hat to tie him to the Conscripts he'll be executing.




The Deathstrike Missile Launcher is the centerpiece of the army, so I saved it for last to motivate me through Conscript Hell.  Sorry about the lack of focus.




The Chapterhouse wheeled conversion kit yielded a look somewhat similar to the Topol-M launch vehicle. I used the same snow flock as with the infantry models. It was very helpful in hiding the ugly joints between the Chapterhouse kit and the Chimera body - it was definitely not an exact fit, nor an easy build.




I tracked down some OOP Valhallan vehicle crew to tie the Deathstrike to the rest of the army. The icicles are old, broken flying stands that I melted over a candle. It's not exactly the same as working with glass, so my technique leaves something to be desired.




The missile itself is meant to look like a Vostok rocket. The upper stage was taken from a 1:72 Topol-M detail kit, joined to the missile body with paper clips. I used a LEGO brick as the top of the fuel tank. It didn't come out as cleanly as I wanted (or even straight!) but it passes muster.




This project was also my first attempt with magnets. The missile is removable for transport, and also for after it (hopefully) launches.




You can make out the locations for the magnets. It was much more straightforward than I expected. I also used a leftover bit from the Topol-M detail kit as an exhaust pipe on the back of the launch vehicle.






I couldn't possibly build an army centered around a nuclear warhead and not make an accompanying mushroom cloud. I didn't take any in-process pictures because, to be honest, I had no idea what I was doing. The cloud consists of the guts of a 60-lumen emergency LED lantern, a plastic vase, floral wire and a lot of cotton.




The lantern has multiple settings and power levels. Here is the cloud at full intensity.




And here is the cloud on the "red light" setting.




While waiting for parts to arrive, I threw together some objective markers. They are a ruined monument, a subterranean ventilation duct, a missile preparing to launch, a subterranean hatchway, a weapons cache and the idiot son of some high-ranking officer who managed to get his ass lost in No Man's Land. The latter is especially good for The Relic, but the men have a tendency to just let the enemy have him.




I found a set of status markers from Flames of War, which will work nicely for WH40K as well. In retrospect, the hammer-and-sickle is more out of place than I originally envisioned. They should still help me remember who is (not) doing what each turn!


If you happen to be at OH CON 2015 in April, stop by and say hello!  And if you also happen to be in the Combat Patrol tournament, be sure to have your troops take their iodine pills!

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I have a Valhallanized version of Creed sitting on my to-do pile for a future date, who looks strangely like Nikita Khrushchev.  Also to be worked on eventually is a heavy weapons squad with 3 missile launchers, a Veteran Squad with grenade launchers and a demolition charge (Demolition Man from Schaeffer's Last Chancers), and a kitbashed Leman Russ with the leftover tracks from the Deathstrike Missile Launcher and an Olifant-pattern hull from Models and Minis.


I'd like to eventually bulk it out to 1,000 points but my first goal was the 400 point tournament.  To be honest, after those damned Conscripts I think I'm going to go back to my Knights for a while.

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Which models are you using for veterans? The Khrushchev reference made me chuckle.


I recall an old white dwarf where someone made some Valhallans with these Ragnarok tanks converted from Leman Russes. I thought they were very fitting. I think they would really fit your painting since they look so historically realistic. Here is a link to the lexicanium:



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I've seen Ragnarok conversions floating around!  I'll toy around with it and see what I can come up with.  I've got the Olifant kit on my desk at the moment, but I could see working the Ragnarok in as a heavier tank for larger battles.  You're right, it certainly fits the look!

The veterans at this point are leftover Valhallans from the other squads - I found three grenade launcher models and Demolition Man, and the rest is history.  The latter is going to be especially fun, as he's apparently too badass to wear his winter coat.  I was originally going to work in some Vostroyans, but I might save them for another unit.  I want to keep this army infantry-heavy to fit with the theme.  I'll probably add another infantry platoon or bulk out the Conscripts to a full squad at some point.

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Here is a link with some pics of the Russian KV-2 from WWII. It's not in English but the pics are a good starting point I think.





You know, I was going to save this for a future project but you've sold me on it.  The Olifant tank turrent wasn't doing it for me, and I think that the hull still has promise.  I have a full tank crew in the queue and I'd love to run some themed Kill Team missions in the style of Fury, The Beast and even Tank.


Outstanding work, comrade!


If you haven't yet, please start an army thread down in the Astra Militarum forum. I'm sure the other Guard would love to see your work.


I went ahead and did that, thank you!


Love it. I'm painting a russian- colour- scheme- army myself.  Very happy with the inspiration.


Thanks!  When I was planning out the army I ran some searches here and elsewhere for similar themes, but didn't find a whole lot.  I'm glad to see others with similar ideas!

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