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How many scatter dice do you reroll?


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Confusingly GW uses the word "dice" instead of die for the singular of dice:

Warhammer 40,000 uses a special dice called a scatter dice (marked with arrows and a Hit! symbol). This dice is mostly used to determine a random direction, most often applied when working out the behaviour of blast weapons, such as mortars and battle cannons.

When you use that special die, you always roll one or more d6s with it. Since those regular dice obviously are not scatter dice, what happens if you get a reroll on scatter dice? Do you even reroll the d6s? Can you choose whether you do?

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What are you re-rolling (deep strike, crash and burn?), and what's the source of the re-roll?


Blast weapons specifically say you re-roll everything (twice over - for "Blast weapons and re-rolls" and for "twin-linked blast weapons").


There's no general rule for any other type of scatter, but I'd use the above and the XD6 rule as a precedent if the re-roll source doesn't make it clear.

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I was looking at the reroll for scatter when deep striking Void Claws.

When units from this Formation arrive by Deep Strike, you can re-roll the scatter dice if you wish

I get that the intention is probably to reroll all three dice, but by the definition quoted earlier scatter dice can just as well refer to a single die with arrows and Hit! symbols on it. Additionally the general rule for rerolling all dice only applies to regular d6.


If only GW used die for the singular...

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If it said re-roll scatter, I'd say you have to re-roll everything. That would be equivalent to re-rolling to hit.


But it says re-roll the scatter dice. A D6 is not a scatter dice.


You could probably argue it either way though.


I don't see any precedent or argument for picking and choosing which dice each time.

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