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Question about GW basing kits

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Flocking goes a long way.  I bought a tub of GW's scorched grass and have fully base two armies -- one of them Imperial Guard -- and easily have half left over.  So about 250 infantry bases, 30 terminator bases, 12 bikes, 12 dreadnought bases (IG HWT, attack bikes and dreads), and an Imperial Knight; plus some more I am surely forgetting.  You are not going to get as much from the basing kit as you would buying a tub of just flock, but you will be able to sand and flock 50 models or more, easily.


The rest of the basing kit depends on how much stuff you add to a base and how many models need extra debris.  You should be able to do about 25 characters without being too stingy with the bits.


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