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angels intervention force


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I had a game this weekend where I used the angels intervention force. I ran two full tac squads build to charge, a cheap librarian, three full dev squads (two laz'ed out one with missile launchers), and the formation with a tooled out five man vet squad with three shields and five lightning claws, an asm squad with an axe, and an asm squad with double flamers and an axe.

My enemy was tyranid. A baby mama, two of the shrouding bugs, a carnifex, and a bunch of little guys srarted on the field. Some warriors in a pod, a mawlock (msp?), and a tyrant in a pod all started in deep strike reserve.

My devs cleaned up. Turn one I nearly killed the carnifex, wounded the baby mama, and stood still. Turn two his reserves all failed to arrive, and my formation came in. I scattered towards him with the vanvets, but ended up an inch and a half away, and drew the asm squads down to flame his

minions. They caused a handful of wounds with the formation rule, and did a perfect job of bottlenecking the tyranid horde.

When his pods dropped his warlord scatted off the table and died, and his pods and warriors cleaned out a tac squad and a dev squad. His mawlock killed six tacs feom the other squad, but the rest of my devs killed all the synapse creatures besides the mawlock, my assault marines held their ground in cc against his little guys, and the tooled out vets went all wolverine on the mawlock, passing all but one invuln and rolling enough wounds to drop it.

The formation worked perfectly. Dropping the assault marines with no scatter was devastating, and the expensive built of vets easily made their points back.

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I've always liked Devs instead of tanks. Guys in cover over Hull points for sure. Considering allying in some Longfangs myself for the extra heavies too. Read in the space Wolf section about the cheeky tactic of 4 missile launchers and a heavy bolter to just potshot other units!


Did you find the other guys to just be ablative wounds or did thier bolters shoot anything?

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The bolters were a waste. If my assault marines had not been such a good road block then I would have been in position to rapid fire the gaunts with them.

My main lesson from this game was that my librarian should probably take a staff to play force and quickening to take on monsterous creatures. A sword like I usually run just doesnt hit hard enough.

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The bolters were a waste. If my assault marines had not been such a good road block then I would have been in position to rapid fire the gaunts with them.

My main lesson from this game was that my librarian should probably take a staff to play force and quickening to take on monsterous creatures. A sword like I usually run just doesnt hit hard enough.

I guess you'd just be trying to get them to fail one save in that case. If the MCs retaliate though isnt it a squished librarian?

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The bolters were a waste. If my assault marines had not been such a good road block then I would have been in position to rapid fire the gaunts with them.

My main lesson from this game was that my librarian should probably take a staff to play force and quickening to take on monsterous creatures. A sword like I usually run just doesnt hit hard enough.

I guess you'd just be trying to get them to fail one save in that case. If the MCs retaliate though isnt it a squished librarian?
pretty much, but at 65 points its worth it.
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