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Question on Blood Angels Valor's Edge


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Thanks for the welcome smile.png

I would interpret it as the same as replacing one weapon with one relic with the added note clarifying that you dont replace a weapon.

So you still have 1 relic only on the character but you keep the base weapons.

With that i will leave this discussion. I will agree to disagree if you still have the same opinion smile.png

I asked this in regards to the wargear section as well since the wording is similar. I have to agree with the interpretation that it's a one for one swap. Otherwise Vanguard Vets can't take a pair of lightning claws since the wording under your interpretation suggests that they are allowed only one of them. Considering we have pictures of Vanguard Vets kitted out clearly with two lightning claws, even for the Blood Angels, then it stands to reason that they must be allowed to buy two of them.

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If I recall correctly, while GW has not ruled on this, some of the big tournaments in the US have and allow 1 artifact per character.  My store uses the BAO FAQ and therefore I know I am limited to 1 relic.  So while I would like Ancal to be wrong, some of  the big events have agreed with his interpretation.

Interesting... I imagine there are similar issues with sergeants being gunslingers then?


Sergeants can take what they want and theres nothing saying they can't I don't think. Also that relic rule with tournament sounds very housey to me, maybe they just want to limit multiple relic monsters that are available to some codicies

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I think this is why I was confused, it sort of can be read both ways. Also in other codex's and supplements with a relic table (cant recall which ones at work) it gives different sentence's that allow multiples. The BA dex has the same wording as the Chaos dex and my friend has played it only as one per character. I'm not saying it should be that way, I would love to take a character with the sword and plasma gun relics.smile.png Just wanted the general consensus.smile.png

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I've been feilding a Priest with The Angels Wing, Valour's Edge and The Fury of Baal since the new dex dropped.

No one has ever told me they thought this was an invalid loadout.

One character can take multiple relics, as long as no relic is duplicated. smile.png

Isn't this an invalid load-out as you have to replace an existing weapon to access a relic weapon?

If I recall correctly, while GW has not ruled on this, some of the big tournaments in the US have and allow 1 artifact per character. My store uses the BAO FAQ and therefore I know I am limited to 1 relic. So while I would like Ancal to be wrong, some of the big events have agreed with his interpretation.

Interesting... I imagine there are similar issues with sergeants being gunslingers then?

No, the wording is different and no issue there.

I think this is why I was confused, it sort of can be read both ways. Also in other codex's and supplements with a relic table (cant recall which ones at work) it gives different sentence's that allow multiples. The BA dex has the same wording as the Chaos dex and my friend has played it only as one per character. I'm not saying it should be that way, I would love to take a character with the sword and plasma gun relics.smile.png Just wanted the general consensus.smile.png

I feel like it can be interpreted both ways, and as such if my store was not following the FAQ that forces me to the 1 relic decision I would probably go that way anyway just to be safe.

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So only one weapon relic per character then? I generally go with the majority when these issues arise smile.png

I don't think that is the majority at all... hah, not that 'the majority' is in anyway an official answer. It seems clear to me that a character can take multiple Relics but I understand where the other opinion is coming from.

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"The majority" can't even be taken from this short link as it does not contain a way of judging the most common belief other than who gets their point across best to each individual who reads it.


I try to go by the motto of unless something states 100% that an effect (etc...) cannot happen where in the poor wording creates multiple interpretations of a rule. Then it's allowed and is legal according to the rules and people are free to use it against me.


Also my opinion is that the limitations of the 1 for 1 is purely there so people know they need to have a weapon before they can exchange it for a relic. Eg a priest has to pay the 1 point for an extra weapon before he can exchange it for a second relic weapon.

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There is a sequencing issue some people have with taking multiple relics (or gunslinging sarges). Where all upgrades are done at one time rather than one after another.

I would say that however the ipad verson lets you build the army would be the official ruling, but I dont know anyone who has it.

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It is different per codex, as per the normal GW writing style.  I have both the digital codices for Space Marines and Blood Angels.  The force organizer at the end of the app will allow you to take more then one artifact per character in the SM version but only one per character in the Blood Angel book.  There was a big discussion about this on one of the facebook 40k pages the other day and it seems that some of the books are worded so you can only take one per character and some are worded so you can take more then one.  




Wording from the Blood Angel digital codex (pg82)  Only one of each Relic of Baal may be taken per army. A model may replace one weapon with one of the following:


Wording from the Space Marine digital codex (pg371) Only one of each Chapter Relic may be taken per army.  A model can replace one weapon with one of the following:


Several of the items listed have notes attached that they do not replace one of the character's weapons, such as "The Angel's Wing".


I can load up on relics in the SM codex but nothing allows me to take more then one in the BA codex.  As a general rule of thumb I would discuss the issue with whom ever you are playing prior to playing and make sure you are both on the same page until we get an faq/errata update.

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