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Point of "Blooded Demi-Company"?

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Shield of Baal: Exterminatus - formation "Blooded Demi-Company" (p38)...


I can't figure out the purpose... it's a legal Baal Strike Force list with no less required slots and no extra optional slots, it has the same special rules as well: Red Thirst, and re-roll warlord traits from BA codex (not even the Extreminatus/Archangel traits!).


Am I missing something?

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I'm pretty sure it is mostly there so that you can field it as part of Dante's Avenging Host which is a formation that includes the Demi company as a sub-formation and grants them additional rules when taken with the rest of the Avenging host formation. 

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I'm pretty sure it is mostly there so that you can field it as part of Dante's Avenging Host which is a formation that includes the Demi company as a sub-formation and grants them additional rules when taken with the rest of the Avenging host formation. 

Yeah, the formation is pointless on its own but a necessary part of the very large and expensive Dante's Avenging Host.

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Well... I believe you gents are right.  The one formation from that book that I do like however is the Archangels Orbital Intervention Force. It's just 3 terminator squads (tactical or assault) that can DS with a single roll and can run and still shoot.


Add the Archangels Relic: Archangel's Edge, and your terminator sergeant can Instant-Death MC's!

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I like the Strike Force Mortalis formation. A legal all Death Company list baby!


Seriously considering taking this to a tournament in a few months.

Not at all competative, but will look awesome and be great fun.

you can still pull that off with the bsf though.



Yeah but Crusader and Rampage special rules are awsome.

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I like the Strike Force Mortalis formation. A legal all Death Company list baby!

Seriously considering taking this to a tournament in a few months.

Not at all competative, but will look awesome and be great fun.

you can still pull that off with the bsf though.

Yeah true, it seems like most of these you can build in BSF. Perhaps the other advantage would be, you could take these detachments without spending all your Elite slots.

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On a side note is the Exterminatus campaign book worth purchasing? I doubt I will have a Tyranid opponent anytime soon but the new formations sound cool and of course I'm alsways seeking more BA fluff.


I think the fluff is really cool and the book does look nice. Also the Archangels and Flesh Tearer focs / relics / warlord traits are pretty neat.


^^ Though admittedly underwhelming rules wise.

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On a side note is the Exterminatus campaign book worth purchasing? I doubt I will have a Tyranid opponent anytime soon but the new formations sound cool and of course I'm alsways seeking more BA fluff.

I think the fluff is really cool and the book does look nice. 


^^ Though admittedly underwhelming rules wise.


This is pretty much my opinion.  I enjoyed reading the fluff and I liked looking at the formations and trying to plan lists with them, but I almost always just go back to the Baal Strike Force instead of the formations.

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On a side note is the Exterminatus campaign book worth purchasing? I doubt I will have a Tyranid opponent anytime soon but the new formations sound cool and of course I'm alsways seeking more BA fluff.

I think the fluff is really cool and the book does look nice. 


^^ Though admittedly underwhelming rules wise.


This is pretty much my opinion.  I enjoyed reading the fluff and I liked looking at the formations and trying to plan lists with them, but I almost always just go back to the Baal Strike Force instead of the formations.



Yep. Buy it for the gorgeous art and wicked fluff. Some of the formations are quite nice, but they aren't game breaking. A few special rules might be useful though in the right situation, it'll probably just take a skilled general to get the most out of them. 

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I really want to try out the vet one with the free upgrades, but an a couple models short (10 or so between combis and power weapon jumpers). I love the intervention force, it can do a number against many opponents, and do even better with a character dropping in with the relic jumppack.

I have to agree that these formatiions leave too much in reserve. I might only try the free upgrade formation once, but the asm/vanvat one will be a staple for me giving an effective and affordable mobile reserve.

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I think some of them are alright.


The aforementioned Terminator one is alright; as is the one with free gear (for larger point games).


I personally think the FT one with Counterattack and Stubborn isn't terrible; the models they force you to take are pretty decent, although it does end up feeling a tad like playing Space Wolves.

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If you face up against Dark Eldar often, there's a FT relic in Exterminatus that stops poison working on the dude wearing it. All those splinter shots are now trying to wound on whatever base strength they are. Fleshbane still works, ofc, but you can't have it all.

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I like the Strike Force Mortalis formation. A legal all Death Company list baby!


Seriously considering taking this to a tournament in a few months.

Not at all competative, but will look awesome and be great fun.

you can still pull that off with the bsf though.



Yeah but Crusader and Rampage special rules are awsome.


They are; pity about the lack of the Red Thirst though, since it dramatically increases (IMO) the effectiveness of the DC.


As a side question to this thread; how much emphasis do you guys place on the availability (or lack thereof) of the Red Thirst in formations? I personally run almost entirely Baal Strike Force because my preferred melee-centric, highly-mobile playstyle dictates that the Red Thirst is nearly mandatory in my regular lists.


That said, I'm not against it either; formations just let me play different playstyles, like the aforementioned SW-esque Counterattack formation.

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I normally just run BSF as typical games at my local club are 1500 or occasionally 1750 points. Trying to fit some of the formations and detachments into that point level can be tricky. At 1500 points I can run a BSF with everything I want without running out of slots. Even at 1750 I only just max out on my FA slots.

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