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Let's talk about the Razorback

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Hello Boys,

Since the dawn of our new codex assault marines can no longer take Razorbacks (Sad, I know), but that still does not mean we cant take them!

I know we can take Tacticals and Devastator squads, but how can we kit out our squads to put them into our wagons of death. also how do you guys enjoy kitting out your razorbacks? 

Could it be fruitful to spam razorbacks and instead of a baal strike force, go with a combined arms Detachment for objective secure? 

Please brothers add your collective wisdom 

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I honestly find our book and formations don't really give us any bonuses for running razorbacks. We get substantial bonuses for assaulting, and the same marine boosts to shooting (ie gravguns), so niether works all that well with razorbacks. It sseems our book kills the humble razorback by making drop pods and rhinos so good, and even more so by making jumpers cheap.
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My view

The razor is now roughly double the cost of the rhino, from 30% more last dex (I think?)


I can take an assault squad, with two meltas (or plasma) in a rhino, and they can raise hell from under armour 

Or I can take tacticals in a razor, for 15pts more.

In the razor, they cant shoot, and it has a bit of a pop gun.


One of the heavier gunned Backs provides a decent bit of support for a Dev squad, its unlikely to draw much fire if it sits at the back and it should be able to hide in a bit of cover, but I'd rather another Dev Squad.

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We can still field reasonable number of RzB (tacs+las+w.ever RzB u like) per 175 a pop  while keeping it fast and still keeping some firepower . Or going for more close quaters with heavy flamer /combi - flamer on Tacs. I have seen this army work nicely in 7th


On the other hand, we have lost the ability to support the spam effectively, no SoS or any army-wide cover spell, no AV13 in Fast, very crowded (choice-wise) Heavy.


Accually I have had think of a list that might be competetive (1850)



TDA Libby (ML2, SS, Auspex)~goes in DP



8xSterns (3 Combi Meltas, HF,) ~ Dedicated DP



5x5 Tacs (Las can) ~ Dedicated RzB Assualt Cans 

1x5 Tacs (naked) ~ Dedicated RzB Heavy Flamers 



3xPreds (Tripple Las)


All, fast massive firepower, while you keep all the las can squads out in some cover to shoot, and move the empty RzBs to make some cover etc. This list offers some neat alpha strike, while still keeping some anti-horde. Still loosing the AV13 in FAST hurts, could be much better with 3xBaals expanding the AV13 wall.


However , I still think our cousins from C:SM can do this better, namely Iron Hands (all the 6+ FnP, IWND on vehicles is worth loosing fast)




PS. By any means I wanted to post a list here for a discussion, just to illustrate an idea, while I do sux with forum functions, I would like to ask any good mod to hide the list in spoiler if it bothers anyone, thanks

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Hello Boys,


Since the dawn of our new codex assault marines can no longer take Razorbacks (Sad, I know), but that still does not mean we cant take them!


I know we can take Tacticals and Devastator squads, but how can we kit out our squads to put them into our wagons of death. also how do you guys enjoy kitting out your razorbacks? 


Could it be fruitful to spam razorbacks and instead of a baal strike force, go with a combined arms Detachment for objective secure? 


Please brothers add your collective wisdom 


I still run Razorbacks despite their changes and apparent dislike they are beginning to receive on the internet. In total I have four: one "Plaserback", one "Lasback" and two "Bolterbacks" (one of which is magnetised to be a Lasback) and of these, I regularly take the Plaserback and a Bolterback.


The Plaserback goes to a Tactical Squad that contains a plasma gun and a combi-plasma gun. Yes this set up can be considered to be expensive but I find the devastation it can cause to be worth it. Another thing I like about the Plaserback in this edition is the change to the Fast rules whereby a Fast Tank can go 12" and fire two weapons and this I find synergises brilliantly with this variant.


In my Bolterback I often put in Death Company, usually in a 50:50 spread of boltguns and bolt pistols & chainswords (with 1-2 power weapons). I opt for this over a Rhino as I have found that I could do with a little extra firepower near to where the unit deploys. In addition, they are (somewhat) cheap and I love heavy bolters despite the apparently hate for them.


I would like to try out a heavy flamer and especially, an assault cannon Razorback but I haven't the models yet.


When I run Razorbacks, they are in a mech list. Generally there are other AV targets around them and there's a distraction unit arriving by Drop Pod that need to be sorted out. I play BSF because I don't put much stock in Objective Secured but that doesn't mean it's not a viable option; it will need to be spammed that's all.


In a vacuum it is easy to say that a Razorback is useless and that they may not be the most optimal choice, but, when fielded correctly and with enough support they can not only survive but win you the game. Maybe I don't play against amazing generals but given enough juicier targets your Razorbacks will get through a do their duty.

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I'm in agreement with Jolemai, I frequently take razorbacks (universally Las/plaserbacks due to modeling retrictions) and they almost always make their points back. The trick for me is making sure my opponent is too busy dealing with the Furiosos and Metlacide squads that drop in his face turn one to be interested in shooting a tank thats parked waaaaaay at the back of my depolyment zone.


I usualy buy them as dedicated transports to save space in slots, but amost never use them to transport troops. They just sit at the back and do what they do best unti the game is nearly over, then turbo-boost to ant potential objectives.

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In a vacuum it is easy to say that a Razorback is useless and that they may not be the most optimal choice, but, when fielded correctly and with enough support they can not only survive but win you the game. Maybe I don't play against amazing generals but given enough juicier targets your Razorbacks will get through a do their duty.


Sorry if I'm a little Out of the loop but I have to ask what you mean by a vacuum I'm assuming it has something to do with funneling

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In a vacuum it is easy to say that a Razorback is useless and that they may not be the most optimal choice, but, when fielded correctly and with enough support they can not only survive but win you the game. Maybe I don't play against amazing generals but given enough juicier targets your Razorbacks will get through a do their duty.

Sorry if I'm a little Out of the loop but I have to ask what you mean by a vacuum I'm assuming it has something to do with funneling





It's just a simple idiom. A turn of phrase that refers to discussing something without taking into account any connection to other people or events. Basically, one can look at a Razorback and see it as AV 11, one/two weapons, HP 3, can't charge after disembarking, etc, etc but it fails to take into account the entire picture, how it is and/or should be used and in the case of 40k, your local meta.

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Razorbacks are always fielded when I play. This edition I've been doing x3 with 5man Tacticals in them. Las/plaz, Lasplaz and Ass Cannon.


I put a Heavy flamer in each squad and I'm now considering combi's on the Sargents although expensive.

If I start to feel 3 HF's are overkill the plan is to switch one to a Plasma gunner.


With blood angels bringing in reliable melta (5 man ass drop/MM attack bikes) I usually attempt to take away Heavy support options from my opponent so my Pred and Razors remain mostly un-molested.

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