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Champions of Fenris colours

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I really want to paint my space wolves the steely blue that appears in the Champions of Fenris supplement. I think it is a much richer deeper colour than the standard bar of soap space wolves colour.


I cannot find anywhere the colours used to achieve this colour scheme from the GW paint range.


Does anyone have any idea or has anyone painted their wolves this colour and can tell me which paints to use.


Many thanks...

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I don't think it is, that's just the lighting. The exact same miniatures turn up in both books.

Agreed, Lucien. Darker printing, lighting, image format used, and even some image adjusting, either with filters or color levels, as well as the screen you are looking at the image with (if you are using a digital book), can all alter the appearance of a color.


Submarine, I tried to make a darker "storm grey" that I plan on using for all my Drakeslayers Space Wolves, it's a straight 1:1 Eshin Grey:The Fang base coat, with The Fang and Russ Grey highlights. You can see images here in the PCA WiP forum or here in the Space aWolves forum. You may also want to consider just using The Fang.

thanks guys, I went into a GW store and spoke to the experts and they were in agreement with you that this was a result of the lighting. Although I still think it is a fantastic colour and would love to work out how to reproduce it. Without using unusual lighting of course.

I think it's just the lighting, but if you want a deeped bluish-grey while still looking properly Wolfy, see if you can get your hands on the old Citadel Foundation paint called "Fenris Grey".  It's darker than the Fang and not at all the same as the new paint of similar name.  If you use this as a base coat rather than The Fang, you should have a darker effect without looking too blue or non-Wolfy.


I haven't tried Bryan's technique, but looking at his work I certainly can't argue with the fantastic results!

Thanks for that. I am not really going for a more grey look, I actually want a more blue look, basically how it looks in the Champions of Fenris book but for real, not using lighting effects. That blue looks a deeper and richer colour and yet it still looks distinctive from the ultramarine colour. I don't really like grey as a colour. In your models Bryan it looks really good, but I find it makes my models look dull and lacking depth and doesn't really attract attention. 

As a test, give a shot with The Fang base, then the Russ Grey. Once you've done your highlighting and shading, give it a quick over with a thinned Guilliman Blue glaze to enhance the blue color. If that isn't enough, give it a shot with a non-thinned glaze of the same. That should enhance the blue color by giving it a bit o' tint.


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