BrotherJim Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Hey ok let's see how we go.I wanted to wait until I had everything organised but I think we all know that's not how these things work.So I will begin sharing my work again here on a weekly-biweekly basis, just generally chipping away at whatever is in front of me.At the moment I am working on a blood angels army build. I've just begun painting them and I'm going with a blood ravens esque colour scheme, I haven't actually completed a dudesman yet, but things are coming together there.The main focus of this army will be the painting, and getting it finished. So conversions will be minimal.At the opposite end of the spectrum I have begun converting plagues marines from all the dead space marines about the place. It's just too good to refuse, the project that won't die.I need to be in the right mood to work on this one, usually really late on a Saturday night, or when you fall asleep on the couch after work and wake up at strange hours of the morning. It's still in it's birthing stage, I shouldn't say too much.Then the space wolves are still a thing, for anyone interested. That's the real project that won't quit.But right now I'm all blood ravens, blood angel successors. I want my guys to be more like black templars who are red. So more like Word Bearers but not chaos and wearing mk7.I'm not sold on the sang guard kit. Though I will collect it. (I'm a collector at heart I've realised)So I'm looking for cool and interesting ways to have some counts as guys.I've used the death company kit for most of the army, so I'm not keen to use it again for the actual death company themselves. Whoops. Unless I paint the a different colour to seperate them from the army, which I'm still debating.The real crux of this project is that I want to collect up all the cool Jes godwyn Juin Diaz space marines I missed out on over the years. So it's a question of scale.All the new tacticals and old marines I spaced out will go to the chaos project where I'll practice converting for my blood templar angels guys.(Still developing a cool name)Also worth mentioning my laptop itself so now i do everything on my phone. My screen addiction has gone thought the roof and will now be feeding my love of space marines into that So I will be around a lot.I basically have 6 months left on the lease here and have landed myself a permanent job (38hrs a week) so I'm keen just to keep my head down and get the job down. I'm really enjoying settling into a routine again and everything here is set up great for me to make some serious ground.I'll spam random pictures for awhile to catch you all up and then then see how I go on the weekend.Let's begin, as usaul I'm stuck at highlighting. My best resource for advice on painting in the hobby shop, the manager there is a really cool guy, and not pushy at all, but he can't help it. My wallet just leaps out of my pocket and makes the ultimate scarifice. No dinner this week mate have you seen all the shinys.But seriously I'm trying to avoid collecting random figures and just focus on my space marines. I want to get them combat ready and actually attempt to finish them to the best of my current ability.Anyway. I only really have teaser shots for now, let's see how we go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 They Live! We Sleep! The plague hath cometh The Angels of Death Edit : double post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 Last teaser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Good looking conversions; the lightning claw and thunder hammer marines are particularly well done. Great sense of movement and posing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 7, 2015 Author Share Posted March 7, 2015 @ The Chaplin : cheers mate, thanks for noticing. Your confessors continue to amaze me. Despite myself I will be making some plastic lords and hq, but I'd rather try and stick to the gw models and work on my painting. Things have been coming along well in that regard, I've started basecoating the troops. Really happy to be painting again. I still to have grown since my space wolves having more confidence all round and working a lot more efficiently. Right now I seem to be painting according to my brush size, so first I basecoat everything I can with my size 0, then move down to my size 00. Whereas in the past I would paint according to colour, first doing all the brown on one model say and jumping between brush sizes. Lots of silly little things like that. As my brush control returns I will move down to my size 000 and 5 man lots and attempt some highlights. Being red/green colour blind I tend to do a lot better when I just blindly stick to the recipe and see it through. Also I don't have an airbrush so i am basecoating everything by brush, so I like to stay ahead of myself in that regard Really surprised at how much I have been able to do between last week and now. Here is the thunder hammer lord. He's getting to the point where he's going to need a name soon. Articifer armour and a storm shield maybe be overkill, but I really wanted somebody who could leap around the battle field challenging greater demons and imperial knights and what not. Whether he can or not I intend to learn the hard way :) And here is his counter part Really enjoy the play between good and evil within the Blood Angels themselves. Here's me basecoating the troops. Woo. And here's where we are today I'm about to drink and can of v and dive back in! Will have to basecoat the next lot and probably push them along to size 00 and get everybody and ready for hightlights. Once I figure out what I want to do for my death company I will post my basic list with photos of each squad to give everything shape. Just having fun making a dent in things at the moment. Gots lots of good ideas for expanding to army but I really just want to try and finish the basic troops and some hq options, so then the elites can float around the core. I think that's it for now... Soon tanks :) Fast tanks :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted March 7, 2015 Share Posted March 7, 2015 I have effectively commited like suicide, and liked all your posts, because yes. in seriousness, great stuff, would love to see finished lads if ya have 'em! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 7, 2015 Author Share Posted March 7, 2015 Haha cheers bro! Sorry mate all I have is basecoats, many many basecoats (see attached) Everybody is going to have to pull together to help me finish these guys. But tonight I'll set my sight on the Lords and the Chaplain and see what I can come up with. I'm getting tired of the troops, and I want to do something special if I can. I was thinking of using the black templar sword brethren to rep my sang guard ( at least for a little while ) I think they would look neat in the red/bone colour scheme, would that be cool? *must resist urge to skip boring stuff, like cleaning mold lines... Stay tuned Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted March 7, 2015 Share Posted March 7, 2015 @ The Chaplin : cheers mate, thanks for noticing. Your confessors continue to amaze me. Thank you for the compliment brother! Absolutely you should reward yourself with a project like converting the sword brethren (fantastic models) into "sanguinary guard". I think you should remove mold lines on models first though and simply get it done with-- it's a pain in the butt to do, but needs to be done. Keep it up! This army is going places! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 8, 2015 Author Share Posted March 8, 2015 @ the Chaplin : cheers mate thanks for the vote of confidence :) I have big ideas but just have trouble staying on task :) Update (Always wanted to say that :) ) In my usaul style I just continued to work on everything without finishing anything. Getting closer though. Here we are today Some tackys The Assualt marines Also undercoated and pinned the wings on my lords. Although I started on the Chaplin I stall when I realised I will have to drill into his backpack mount. Seems like sacrilege. Here's some tanks that need prepping Woo basecoats! Going to need some spray undercoat and maybe even some khorne red spray. Or I could save my pennies for an airbrush I suppose, but really, let's be honest :) Usaully whenever one of my active projects needs an in-flux of cash I fall back on one of my other in need of love projects. This week I'm feeling the plagues marines. I've flat run out of stuff to build for my blood ravens and I've been on the brushes too long I think. So as a prelude to that here's a teaser photo of where the "plague marines" are now. It's fun :) first you get to bring them to life. Then you kill them. Then you bring them back to life, and kill them again! Truly an army of un-dead warriors :) Here's typhus, another classic metal :) I've had him since way back Who knows what this week may bring (hopefully a classic metal Dante new in blister) *fingers crossed Have fun everyone :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted March 9, 2015 Share Posted March 9, 2015 OH, very nice, i can tell they'll look great when you're done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 9, 2015 Author Share Posted March 9, 2015 Argent Aquila - thanks! (No pressure! :p) So I missed out on classic metal Dante *tear But he went for $25 (au) + postage ($10) so works out about the same if I grabbed him from the store. I'd rather have him in metal though. Anyhoo some work was done today, I layed down the bronze on the shoulder details and applied a sepia wash overall. It seems to be doing funny things in places, I may have too much flow aid in my water as it appears to be pushing it out of the crevices? Forgot about that :/ it's a re-occurring battle. Now I'm stalling again wondering which colours to paint what. On the shoulders I think I will paint the wings black and leave the scroll work in bronze..? Or leave the wings bronze ( they have bronze aquilas already ) and make the parchment parchment? Like a white or something... And on the other shoulder all that empty space, unsure whether I should commit to the blood ravens or try for my own thing. Always fancied my guys being major zealots with parch work and litanys and oaths of moment all about. So maybe I'll just paint a cross in there and scribble some lines :) Any suggestions? Either way I'll probably slow down now and work on 5 at a time, mixing out pain for the back packs and seeing what can be down while I wait. Not feeling the plague marines so far, lost of cool ideas but they all involve destroying things, I've been so productive these last three weeks. I literally haven't painted anything (except for 5 soul drinkers) since the last time I updated my space wolves. And now this... Boom! Hah so much done. I'm worried if I stop I won't start again :) Plus these plastic Horus heresy rumours have me all in a whirl. I haven't been this motivated to save money in, well, since forever :p In all seriousness though, I really don't know what to do about blank shoulder pads. No decals, I've done them before and I don't really enjoy the job. Also the goal here is to try to improve my painting, and hopefully finish an army. So I guess I would really like some diy chapter or blood angel successor chapter. Blood angels for now as that is the codex I want to play (for now) plus all the shoulder pads.... I really need a story and a campaign and an enemy. That was why I decided on the plague marine ideas (plus all the conversion potential) But now it just reaks to me of being cheap and lame and not really cool. I want to splash out on some chaos boxes to spread amongest Oh wait I'm rambling. Going to try and not do that in this thread ;p No wish listing either. Just progress :) Good night! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 15, 2015 Author Share Posted March 15, 2015 Hey ok alrighty update time. This week I managed to squeeze out no less then 20 back packs and ten jump packs. What an effort. But with that done I have found my self totally committed to my beloved Blood Angels. So I really didn't expect to get so far so quickly and now I am caught behind, needing to do some homework and develop some fluff for my guys. But in regards to the miniatures themselves and the army composition I have decided that I'm going to stick to my original idea and avoid the sang-guard kit in favour of the death company kit. This for me is a question of scale. I grew up on 40k and white dwarf in the 90's and so I want the army to have an oldschool feel, at least initially. I won't ramble too much until I produce something that shows what I mean. Anyway onto the progress in the here and now So here we were Progress progress progress Until at last success :) Having trouble getting good photos but the army is really starting to take shape and I'm pleased about that. Technically not a legal army :( I'm still operating under 5th edition codex :) And so with that the kit bashing begins. I've decided anyone I build who doesn't "make the grade" for whatever reason, who go onto to be inducted into my death company. I'm going to use the death company box to build some vanguard vets and honour guard and plastic characters to keep everything in scale. At least for the fighting army, so then the army can always function despite my whimsical nature. In terms of painting I'm nearly ready for the dreaded size 000 and highlights, though I'm rather anxious about this. I may just skip it in favour of battle damage and weathering. Let me know your thoughts so far Here's an example of what I mean, this guy breaks all of my rules about composition, but somehow is still to cool to let go. I don't know what to do with these guys of where to put them, so the death company will fill up quick. We'll see. Still lots of potential for converting. Hah anyone noticed the gw website is down for maintaince? Haha curious much? I am. Well so ends another week, I'll have to change to title of the thread to reflect my commitment to the Blood Angels Here's an ugly photo from my desk, really bad light for taking photos during the day Enjoy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted March 15, 2015 Share Posted March 15, 2015 really good stuff, mate! painting wise, do whatever makes you happy, really depends on if you want tabletop quality, or something you could stare at for hours because of how proud you are of them. Personally, i'm in favor of always doing your best on a model, ya put so much time in 'em already, after all! with regards to the death company, i don't quite understand how he doesn't make the grade or meet your rules of "composition"??? he looks perfectly fine as is...? plus, i always thought that the death company were less conspicuous with their decor... at least, that was my impression of them. good work, do whatever makes ya happy, we'll be here to see the result! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 19, 2015 Author Share Posted March 19, 2015 So there I was taking photos of my minis to share with you folks, when I noticed something... There, in the foreground of the blood angels box art I am using as a backdrop for my army build Plague marines. Madness! Was I not just saying? Obviously my sub-conscious has picked up this idea, really glad I shared the plague marine project now, stain on this glorious thread that they are. Then I got a bit snap happy, also noticed these guys in the art work, seriously what are they doing? so GrimDark Was thinking maybe I could kitbash something up as roleplay them as scouts. I was going to use sisters of battle just to get them out, so here's a photo of them Now here's my venerable dreadnought which I've stared working on, he's been kicking around in the back ground for awhile, so I wanted to give him some proper attention this weekend. I just layed down the bronze and he looking right spiffy, update on him soon. Okie dokie for all intents and purposes I have finished building them army, just need one death company box for the spare arms and to built a neat honour guard. All the conversions were done years ago and still need green stuff ( actually just realised I've run out ) In the mean time here is the last overview shot I want to do for a while, from here on in i want to focus on one unit at a time. And just to do best I can with what's available to me. Ok so I can't resist, but things will look really lame until I get more work done. Here are my three super simple kitbashed characters who will run the army at low points games And here are The Lords Still a lot to be done. I'm getting pumped about possibly being ready to have a game this weekend :) So here is a quick photo to show what I mean about scale. I guess for me I'm just having a hard time adjusting to the newer (bigger) kits. Even though this is all I thought I wanted. Now I've gone all soft for the old 90s squattie armies that used to fill the pages of white dwarf. Like right now I really want a push fit space marine army... That would be so easy and cool I think.... Anyway, I hope you guys like the conversions, I've been sitting on these guys for awhile now, I think it's time I see them through. This guy is my favourite It's funny because, my original probelm with power fist guy was that I wanted his right foot flat on the ground. So it looked like he was actually leaning on his knee whilst standing on a rock (triple badass) But I wasn't game enough to try it, so I did the other guy as practice, and he turned out taking on a life of his own. Oh and this is where my guys fit in @ Argent- cheers mate, I'm slowing learning to relax and have fun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 22, 2015 Author Share Posted March 22, 2015 Hi guys and girls just a quick bump to show some progress on things :) Won't be able to do too much more today and I will finish this lot up through the week. A bit of a bench mark as once I do I will have a legal army in 2 hq and 2 troops :) Then there will just be elites and tanks and fun stuff to go. I have a few ideas for fun things up my sleeves. Anyway here is some progress, decided to go for a tradition look for some things Once I get these lads sorted I'll do an old school honour guard to roll with them and Dante. I had to replace my series 7 00 brush, so no Dante for me this week. I've actually only spent money on paints and knives since I started the thread, so rather proud of myself in that regard. Also made some decisions, I think I'm going to go with the current chaos space marine plastics; for my plague marines, because I know if it gets phased out I'll be dissappointed that I didnt do an army of them when I had the chance and forced to collect from eBay. It's a really great kit and offers a lot of potential so I'm going to run with it. May end up doing iron warriors instead of plague marines as I find plasticard easier to work with :p Only kidding :p I bought a book that I've heard a lot about and thought it was just the perfect place to start my way down the dark path, Ain't no school like the old school. Such an awesome era I'm going away for work next weekend so no updates for a couple of weeks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 8, 2015 Author Share Posted April 8, 2015 Oh dear where have I left this mess of mine. Never mind let's just keep pushing on! I built up a sang priest for my blood angels. And he will lead a squad of grav bikers to give myself the best chance at success. Just waiting on shoulder pads. I think I might paint the bikes up seperately. Ok so if you remember my space wolves I was originally going to do a full legion, but then fw started with the heresy series, so I have decided to break the lots up into seperate armies. So now with the blood angels done, I spent Easter building up the very last of my dudesman. I'm really getting down to the end of my bits here. The next army will have to be totally purchased for the ground up. I might actually make a go at saving for it and dropping $1000 on forgeworld. I thought I might do chaos in the meantime. I'm not sure. Anyway the rest of my space marines will be just that. I've given up in the plague marine idea for now I'm just doing raptors. Raptors are really cool anyway. I find myself most attracted to clean jean, no nonsense marines. Like Raven Guard or Alpha Legion. So here is an ugly photo to show that all happening Sternguard Moare sternguard Then we have a bit of a lord prototype. Now I'm thinking I will reserve the spaced out legs and bodies for my lords, I like them being bigger and more characterful. In contrast the army will be very disciplined. I once thought varity was the spice of life, but now I feel that less is more. That was the lesson of the space wolves. If everyone is a hero, how do you distinguish The Lord from the rifleman? Well that's enough rambling, I think I'm going to paint up my sword brethern to match the blood angels, and my stern guard in the raptors (US army olive drab :) Watch this space Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 12, 2015 Author Share Posted April 12, 2015 Decided to get back to my blood angels this weekend, I've been spending sometime in the blood angels forum and have been drinking up the inspiration there Primed and basecoated my tanks, the photos don't show it but they are currently a lovely shade of mechrite red (found an old pot!) So coming along there. Also started painting up my black templar sword brethern, they are a bit further along now too, should have them finished by this weekend. I'm currently musing using them as death company while I decided how I want to build mine up. Also I've decided I'm starting a night lords army. Who was I kidding it was always going to happen. Plus I really want to own an "old school" CSM army. Until the next two days off! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Some very lovely BA here man, I'm digging the dynamic poses. The plague marines are coming on nicely, I'm a big fan of your kit bashing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stercus Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 The kitbashing and converting you are showing us here is really good. I particularly love the sense of movement you've acheived. Great work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 Well cheers sir :) I'm a big fan of your flattery and so here is an update on a raptors lord. I'm currently debating weather or not the angle of the axe in convincing. He's supposed to look relaxed, but ready, just taking a moments pause it the heat of things. The alternate pose would be a straight right arm down with the axe head near the head with the long handle behind him. But I already have a space wolf in that pose (roughly) Any thoughts anyone? At this stage I'm really liking the raptors theme but I think I need to do the smart thing and put some effort into developing my own diy chapter. If I really am at the end of my bits (more or less) Than any new army will be in the new tactical style, or heaven forbid forgeworld! So I'd like to do something personal with these guys, plus I really don't favour monotone paint schemes... It's a rambling thread is he.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 Oh stop it! ( no really tell me more? ) :) Haha for reals I am going to master green stuff, finish these guys, then my space wolves, then I'll conquer the miniature universe and you guys all get to come with me ;) Haha no I'm really glad people like them, but I do need to pull my finger out in regards to green stuffing gaps etc. Literally just ordered 36 inchs of it ;) That should be enough right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 I reckon angling his arm down slightly would lend to the at ease pose, I say this because I carry a great stonking axe on my shoulder regularly. It's easier to have the head at an angle than horizontal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 Yeah I reakon the same mate but that's about as far back as she goes I'm afraid :( I may have to space the back pack and create some more space back there, I don't want to have to remove and detail (the tube thingy) from the axe, and I don't want to have to lengthen it anymore either, as it will look to un-babanced in that sense. He seems to be caught either drawing the axe from his back (over head) or giving someone an uppercut with the butt of it hah. Cheers for the feed back! I'll sit on this one for awhile I think :) Oh right you said down, my bad, that could work... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stercus Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Changing the angle of his head so he isn't looking parallel to the swing of the axe might increase the impression of being at rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Great job updating the old models! I remember when the 5th edition codex for BA dropped, I spent a few days stripping my old Death Company and integrating a new plastic box with the original metals. The results surprised even me! I'd agree on changing the head angle. If he's looking away or toward the direction he's walking, you'd get a better effect. But it's not bad as is, either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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