Argent aquila Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Boy howdy, that pose is cool! to me it looks as if he's about to level the head into some poor bastards skull, and he looks VERY casual about it. if you want relaxed, change it, if you want head lopping, leave it as is, because he looks more menacing this way in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 Thanks again guys. It really all comes down to the legs. Opening up the assault marines legs in this way really helps to bring a 3rd demension to the the miniature, but yes it does take some time to find just the right angle. But I'm stoked people see potential in my work, will update again soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 22, 2015 Author Share Posted April 22, 2015 Hahaha I haven't gotten a round to the conversions yet :/ But I have bee laying down some colour on my rhinos. I also re-jigged the tactical and assault squad to be dedicated anti infantry anti armour respectively Looky looky More progress soon, thanks for looking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DimDim Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 Hey ok let's see how we go. I wanted to wait until I had everything organised but I think we all know that's not how these things work. Im outta like but damn........ This guys fine! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veteran Sergeant Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 I like all the conversion you're doing. Getting some nice looking Marines that will stand out from the crowd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 This force is coming along nicely fella. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 22, 2015 Share Posted April 22, 2015 What Brother T said +1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 13, 2015 Author Share Posted May 13, 2015 I like all the conversion you're doing. Getting some nice looking Marines that will stand out from the crowd. Cheers mate, I really enjoyed your ultras when you were doing them, top notch. This force is coming along nicely fella. What Brother T said +1. Cheers fellas! Not a lot of progress I'm afraid but I have been getting things organised. First thing is that I'm having a little bit of a crisis of faith, which I'm looking for some advice/feedback from my seniors on. Basically it's the blood raven sceheme. I like it and all, but.... Well my original idea was to build and paint an army that could facilitate the use of both Codex: Blood Angels and Codex:Space Marines. I just really like the idea of a chapter master with honour guard, and blood Angels kind of have their own version of this, with the obligatory blood champ and sang priest. So I was torn between the two and couldn't decide which I liked the most. So the Blood Ravens seemed the perfect fit. Plus I've always been attracted to the raven guard. It's destiny surely? I like the sceheme a lot, maybe it's just because brother Heinrich has finally posted his blood Angels, I'm second guessing myself. Well that too but actually it's because I have finished building up the rest of my space marines. Yes you remember they were going to be plague marines, then alpha legion (I keep trying to plan armies that can play multiple codeces) Well anyway I've decided, wait for it... Ultramarines! Oh yeah baby! But it gets better, grey ultramarines!!! I'll be honest now and say I loved everything about my space wolves, especially the colour sceheme I stumbled upon, and the codex. Everything except the wolf wolfity wolf whizz on your wolf lord with his wolf sword and wolf cloak. Wolves everywhere man. Seriously I'd just rather do skulls and Eagles. That simple. But it's not that simple is it? Haha So I'm keeping the paint sceheme and losing the wolf. I will run ultramarines with honour guard in my beloved landraider. Two squads of stern guard and two tactical plus one dev squad. Real simple, straight forward, no fuss, no frills ultras This squad will be replaced with more proper honour guard. So now that kinda frees up the blood Angels to just be blood Angels. Derpy derp derp this is why I never paint things, so much potential when their all in grey :p I'm kidding of course, I do like the paint scheme and I'm happy enough, but still, I doubt. I could just pop off the shoulder pads and replace them, maybe repaint the loincloths in black? I won't do anything drastic until I have finished the other guys. Hmm more stuff happened let's see.... Sorry about the sun glare. Let's see I rejigged the assault marines to be vanguard veterans, I'm also planning on building more assault marines for two squads of 9, or three squads of six. Just need extra special weapons dudes and another sarge. The death company are coming along, I'm just waiting on parts. Here are the vanguards And so yeah, another week ends. I took my blood Angels down to the store, and they were well received so that was nice ( despite some confusion as to who they were, which I suppose I'll get used too, the guys just like to wind me up) But what's happening is that the boys are planning a game of apocalypse for July. With my armies nearing completion I've been looking at ways to strengthen them through allies. So I figure now might be a good time to jump on the inq28 hype train, as well as imperial Knights and a few other things, I've been wanting. So here is the very humble beginning of that. I have one inquistor with acolytes in landraider. Soon to add a vendetta and maybe some chimeras. Oh crap and the ETL too! I keep forgetting about that! I need to work out the points cost for my death company (9men with jumppacks two power fist, ?) and also my grav bikers and sang priest on bike. I should be able to get them done on time once I make my vow. But I'm excited about this inquistor business. Whenever I embark on a space marine army build I end up building a lot of cool dudes that don't really have a place in the army. I was thinking I could use them for kill teams. For some reason I just can't build characters for the sake of it. They need to have a purpose and a place in the army. And for lords etc I generally prefer the GW models. But building your own inquistor is actually really daunting. but this is definitely the year for it. Thanks for reading Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 21, 2015 Author Share Posted May 21, 2015 Well I've made my vows and last night I began prepping this weekends efforts, however I was nightly distracted in a flash of inspiration. At his coming there was a sound as of many trumpets blaring at once, the ground shook and the earth blossomed with his arrival, there was a brilliant white light that was swallowed up by the spreading of black wings Hallelujah hallelujah the Angel has come I going to highlight him this weekend and that's usually where I stooge it so I thought I'd better post him now. Either going to name him Icarium or something more traditional like Raphael. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 21, 2015 Share Posted May 21, 2015 Challenge forte to a Fight. He looks Great!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 22, 2015 Author Share Posted May 22, 2015 Lols I was guna come back but all of my calls are really offensive and no amount of smiley faces can take the sting out of it ie: Forte doesn't play fair, he bats for the wrong team :p (That's chaos codex I'm referring to) Get you mind out of the gutter people. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 22, 2015 Author Share Posted May 22, 2015 I'm getting super keen now, nearly home time :) Going to finish up this captain and the other one as well as make a start on my bikes and death company :) Once I complete my bow I will make another, but I'm also looking to finish up all the other things that are half started.... The army should be game ready by next week which will be great :) *vow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 22, 2015 Author Share Posted May 22, 2015 Hey hey whoa wow I did some digging and I found my first thread from 2013, wow how time flys :) Check it out list of inspiration for my up coming sang/ honor guard :D Zazing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 24, 2015 Author Share Posted May 24, 2015 Hey guys :) and girls :) That's seems to be a thing There's lots of random crap I'll be sharing over these coming weeks, big for now I'm all about the ETL. And my new Lordy Lord. But before that. Just wanted to thank everyone who has taken the time to comment so far. Really helped push me along with my conversions. I probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise, and I'm really pleased. I feel like I build ok but I really need to get a handle on painting. So here's where I'm at. The best i can do. Angelus flamer Some friends Some more And so yeah. Still got plenty to do for my ETL Death company, just waiting on shoulder pads. Man I love the death company. I wanted mine to be special, but I feel like they are pretty special already. I'll try and focus my effort on the painting and just let that one guy be converted. And then the bikes which at what I should be painting right now. Oh and here are all the bits i have for more sang guard or van/honour guard conversions. Originally I didn't think I would do this but I'm glad I let my conversion sneak into thread and with some support push me along. My lord here is full of errors and imperfections. But I've given up on perfectionism. It's enough for me to just do the best I can. Naw what a bitch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 31, 2015 Author Share Posted May 31, 2015 Hey dudes got my death company more or less finished, so that's the first half of my vow complete :D I'll finish the bikes up next weekend, just spent too long in the chair yesterday :) The army is game ready and I'm going to go down to the store to hang out today. One thing that happened is that I put the death company down in front of the army and they just looked wrong, the army I mean. I kept picturing all the awkward convos I would have to have explaining the blood Ravens sceheme. Plus to be fair I owed 2nd edition when I was like 9. So the John Blanche box artwork is embedded deep within my subconscious. I actually prefer the Epic 40,000 box art. Also speaking of subconscious I should be sure to rip my hat to midnight runner for his amazing Flesh Eaters and particularly lord Valek. That army has had a very big impression on me. But anyway just some photos of deathcompany and some others. Hopefully I get a game in today, finish up some nick nacks through the week and do some army shots next weekend along with my bikes. I want to pick up something today and I always gets distracted at the store, so I made a list of simple things that have potential either for my BA or other armies. Sang guard Land speeder Librarian CSM box Skittari Harlequins Will be interesting to see what I come home with. Anyway here are the death company. This guy still needs some work Then here is a quick shot of the others to give you an idea. As soon as I changed the first should pad I knew I had made the right choice. Though the blood Ravens scheme is easier on the eyes. And so yeah. I'm really stoked now the new assault marines are out. That officially makes my armies old school. :D Not rogue trader old school, but still. A classic. Retro 90's stuff, :) Now if only I had two classic chaos space marine armies to off set them :) One thing I've been thinking is that my Ultramarines are shooty (bolter) Whilst my BA are choppy (chainsword) Would be nice to have two chaos space marines armies along the same theme. Idno like Iron Warriors Night Lords I've never really liked chaos space marines. But I love love love Traitor Marines. Anyway I'm supposed to be focusing on my BA. After the bikes I naught just take a week and tinker with some ideas. Boom, as it were. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 31, 2015 Share Posted May 31, 2015 Hell of a up-date, Looking GOOD!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 31, 2015 Share Posted May 31, 2015 Great Angels, nice work with the kitbashing and dynamic posing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 7, 2015 Author Share Posted June 7, 2015 Cheers guys :) Well there I was working on my bikes for the ETL, when I finally reached a point where I could glue the bikes to the bases, the riders to the bikes, and finally the backpacks to the riders. This meant for the first time in weeks I could move the miniatures around without them falling apart :) which set off a bit of a project review. Which became a bit of a "let me tell you about my level 40 Mage" type deal :) I'll update in chunks so I can stay on top of the grammer ;) So anyway here is a condensed pictorial rundown of Jims day off. Once I complete my ETL vow I want to paint the other space marines, who are now going to be Imperial Fists. The Nostalgia is too strong. It's not over for the Blood Angels, I'm just tired of painting red man. I always do better when I rotate around my projects. So ready go Here are the Blood Angels core all ready to go bring sweet mercy to the local sector. Her they are with all the trimmings. I keep moving the goal posts, this week it's the assault marines again, I've stripped a few, with success, so I may repaint the lot. Here are the bikes who I'm rather surprised at. I want to challenge myself for the ETL with them and the death company and actually paint the details. Lol. So I'm giving them another week. I only really paint on the weekends nowadays. Ready for washes :) The death company are really cool, I'm loving them. I built a new guy. He has a evisorator. Really neat and easy conversion using the arms found in the tank assessories sprue. With the grey Knights hilt no further conversion nessasary. Although I did pin the arms was fun mucking around with the pose. He prompted another conversion later in the week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 7, 2015 Author Share Posted June 7, 2015 So from there I wanted to have a look at my Imperial Fists/Ultras. They are on this page so I won't spam the same images as there hasn't really been any progress. I'm stuck trying to decide if I want to use decals or proper shoulder pads. I think I'd prefer regular smooth shoulders pads and decals, although it's hard to source the old ones now on ebay, as everyone seems to be selling the new ones :( It seems silly but I don't feel the new tactical exactly match the old style, even the shoulder pads. I've forced the decision by spilting my remaining shoulder pads across the army, so now I need more before I can make progress. I'm good like that. Should've just finished one squad :) But I have plenty to paint in the meantime. Here is my new (old) honour guard. All metal. :) Finally have these miniatures. Still missing a few, but enough to start. I was hoping to have these guys stripped and ready but I've run out of acetone it seems. The collector in me is very happy about now. It's over now, I can move on. And I can happy practice painting these chaps. I want to note that I've sold off all the "collectable" space wolves I had. The Wulfen and games day priest, the Jes Goodwin Scout Sargeant, the scouts, the hq etc. All gone now. I had my time with them and they were great to own and paint. I don't need the miniatures, I'll just keep the pictures. So also there are my black Templars Boom. Haha. So yeah, I put this guy together same as the other. He has a lot of potential but I think I'll keep him as a Black Templar. I've pinned the arms and trimmed down the shoulders so he's great fun to kitbash with. Here you can see the little work I had to do to make it all fit. And with his arms pinned I can raise or lower them as desired. I think lowered looks cooler. I think all this witch hunter inquistor stuff may just pan out into a black Templar army for me. Here I'm trying to decide if these two guys can hang out in the same army. Is the scale an issue? I also feel these photos are too big, though they look great on my phone ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 7, 2015 Author Share Posted June 7, 2015 Lastly just some shots of the inquistor and friends. Also my Necromunda guys and girls who i am keen to include in the reteine in anyway I can. The gang leader on the left was my first miniature :) still got him. I've only really got Cadians ATM, need to collect up all the ones I missed over the years while they are still available from GW. In the meantime I'll take what i can get. And so yeah. That will be the last overview I think. Even I'm getting tired off them ;) From here on in everyone will just know where things go. Also look out for an oldschool chaos space marine army coming your way. Although, at this stage though I spend most of my time daydream about what new chaos space marine kits will look like, or if the Black Templars upgrade will match with legion mk2 and mk4 legs. I really shouldn't talk about it but, they are just day dreams after all. I'm the meantime I keep looking at my lord and wondering if I should make his right leg a little bit shorter, not sure really. I've left the way vlear for me to go go in and take it off without too much fuss, as I was never sure about it. He might end up needing re-basing. Also this guy who has been largely forgotten by me. He's flying. That's it! Thanks for reading :) After my ETL I'm going to move to monthly updates as it's easier to maintain :) I don't know how some people around here manage to do it, but I'm sure glad they do, makes for a good show ! Peace Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted June 7, 2015 Share Posted June 7, 2015 This force is really coming on strong. To answer the scale question about the EC and Sword Brother, sure, after all Marines come in many different shapes and sizes the same way we do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted June 29, 2015 Author Share Posted June 29, 2015 Cheers brother tyrax! Thanks for following along, though i must debate, :p my 9 year old inner child believes they are all genenically engineered post human demi-gods from the grimdark future. Transhumanism and all that :) So they should all look exactly the same :) Like my Blood Angels :) im kidding of course thanks for your support :) I actually believe my pre-occuppation with scale comes from the job i do, im a pallet racking installer man Oh my the symmetry So if my pallet racking can be perfect in everysense, why cant my space marines!!!! Hahaha so yes i think we have discovered why my ocd for symmetry and scale is so bad. Also why i have such trouble breaking my army builder mentality. Downtime is anametha(sp?) to me. Anyway i do have some actually progress. Despite today photos i have finally settled on doing the Raptors chapter. But last week i decided to muck around doing like a love child between grizzly bears scythes, and new kid on the block Overdrives Taurans. So the pictures will make more sense. Typically i didnt finish them 100%. They still need battle damage and weathering, but ive dropped they idea in favour of doing Raptors. The most exciting thing is that i have finally started building bases, was the most fun ive had in the hibby for awhile. I forgot how much i just love building things, i dont think i will ever stop converting my space marines. Painting them gresn is like a gateway drug towards nurgle. Im not sure yet but i want to leave the window open to go down that path with my guys. Building heroes and telling the story of their fall along the way. So i wanted to do a DIY so as not to tarnish the reputation of the Raptors Chapter. Maybe something like they Emperors eagles of something equally lame. I just figure why buy another army when i could just continue to kitbash and convert this one forever - cue evil laugther.... Anyway here we go, the first 3 dudes on the paintkng block, in last weeks sycthes/taurans scheme. Im not sure about it now, also went with ultra decals because thats what i had. I like this guy, lefty sneaky stabby With pin joint for ease of access. Sneaky alright Really had fun with the bases So yeah. I like em and all. But not for me. Dont know until you try i suppose. Ive done green marines in the past amd found it way more exciting and enjoyable. This week in the hobby at large, i feel like we are in the eye of the storm, im really keen to put my head down at smash this project ( i have a few days off work ) Obstacles are as followes - Need giant paperclips to complete my dreadnought conversions - easy then hard. Need to make peace with using fancy shoulder pads on regular dudes, cause thats all i have. Or atlernatively make peace with using new tacticals pads on old tacticals marines (they're differently i swear it!) :D :D Or alternatively chose a chapter and splash out on some pads. But actaully the wouldnt reach me for weeks so no go there. Hmm thats it really. If i sort these shoulder pads i could potentially be painting tomorrow now that the army is based.... Hmm and i could just drybrush and do the whole army in one hit :) Oh yeah baby, the engines are turning.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted June 29, 2015 Share Posted June 29, 2015 Lovin' the experimentation. Just keep doin' whatchya love, take different directions with the army if ya want, we'll be here to cheer ya on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 29, 2015 Share Posted June 29, 2015 Man I missed alot. Like the Yellow Ultras.By the way I'am doing Gray&Red Ultras. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted July 7, 2015 Author Share Posted July 7, 2015 Cheers agent! I really do appreiciate your ongoing support in this quest of mine :) DeathSpectre - Good to see you around brother :) I havent been active as of late but i did see your angels encarmine (?) looking real swish too (Man i hope i got that right!) Actually good timing, i was just going to do an improtu update to keep things moving, but I might aswell take the chance to announce the news.... I'm doing The Death Spectres chapter. And I'm nearly finished :) There is a lot more to it than just honouring an old friend and the ease of their paint scheme. But I'll save all that for another day. Today is a random update. Oh yeah remember I said I was going to the store? Well look what I got Phew! last two boxes. Don't even get me started on the incredible value in those space wolves boxes. Plus it's always nice to have that extra firepower in case you need it. And fitting the style of the other two boxes I have so I'm glad I got them. Also this guy O M G. Literally brand new in box, lead, as in metal, as in weighty. All for a cool $30 on the au BSS. Insane. He'll make an awesome death spectre, rules smules.... Even since I thought about the DS they have been absorbing everything I think is cool about 40k and space marines like a sponge. Like all of my ideas fit and I don't need to change anything or break the bank or anything... I even found the old official GW decal sheet on eBay, like actually, what the frag? Plus I'm always pushing the undead theme, not so much nurgle, but more like armies of darkness evil dead III : space marines. Like Vampire Counts- in space! But not Blood Angels. Or Dark Eldar. So like an army of chaplains. Yeah that's it. And all broken, exposed vertebrae and ribs.... And glowing. Like Legion of the Damned, only without the flames. Oh like the chaplains confessors. Yes. Just like that. Death spectres. Haha but that's not today. I'm just still brainstorming my biker lord and command squad (fingers crossed) Which becomes hilarious because i found an old topic on wargamerau that involves specifically death spectres biker commands. It was an old thread so nothing groundbreaking expect a picture he posted for inspiration Swwwweeeeta! Oh man I haven't actually read this one, but I'll have to now. I've only read the vimes books so far... Ahh so anyway I was digging through my old space wolves project and I found some dudes and they reminded me of a dude I don't think I ever posted. So I thought I would share them now, then I took some happy snaps. Plus I have old dodgy photos from about the place. I'm working towards a proper update, but man this hobby dude, haha I'm bringing the hobby back (far out I'm so addicted to 40k podcasts now) Alright so enough random gibberish, hold on to ya butts Enter the Wolf Lord He was the last guy I ever built for the army. This is bare bones, he had a lot of bits and do dads, trophies and wolf pelts. But it's nicer when it's simple (sometimes) He needs a paint job, I may even, just for the lols. Then this other guy Wolf dude He was my all time favourite and I don't think I posted him back when. He's got it all, even his trophy pole has a pony tail ;) Ok last favourite And of course the biker lord They were good times :) So then just a Dodgy update to keep things moving Phase one The shoulder pad allocation dilemma Making press Molds Skeletons for everybody. Progress break through The missing units The boss man For now I'm going to try and keep trophies of the army for as long as possible, but we all know how that works out Thanks for watching, comments encouraged :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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