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Blood Angel Army "Styles"


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In 5th and 6th we had MSU, Mech and Descent of Angels lists. They were varyingly powerful depending on your local meta.


I'm curious as to what style of lists we can run these days, along with wondering how powerful we think that style is, relatively?


As an example, our MSU meltacide Drop Pod lists: maxing out on five-man squads in Drop Pods to bring a ferocious alpha strike. Couple with podding heavy flamer Tactical Squads and maybe Sternguard for added punch.


I think this is a reasonably competitive list, but lacks mid- and end-game mobility and the smaller units are liable to get picked off one at a time without too much hassle. Weak to flyers and reserve manipulation.


What else do we have? Is there a stand-out competitive list "type" in our current books? What sort of lists do we expect to see do well at tournaments?

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How much Tacpods would you field in such a list?

Are 3-4 Tacpods with OS enough? How to support the Tacs at best?


I'd say get a couple of backfield fire support units and then fill the rest with Tacpods (10 dudes, melta + heavy flamer). A CAD list can be quite competitive at the end of the day, but you really have to get a good amount of Troops for ObSec to matter.

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I'm rather a fan of heavy flamer, flamer and combi-flamer in my Tactical Squads.  If I'm looking for melta, it's hard to look past the Assault Squad with triple or quad melta.


When I'm putting a list together, I tend to go quite aggressively for a particular style of unit.  My 5th edition list, for example, was entirely jump infantry.  No vehicles, no frills, no nothing else.  100% jump infantry.  I felt it limited the ability of my opponent to threaten my units - anyone bringing, say, melta, lascannons or the like would be wasting their firepower targeting my single models.


But that said, I rather want to build a more balanced army.  I don't know if it would be particularly more competitive, but I feel it looks nicer on a table.


If you were building a balanced list trying to be competitive, what would you go for?

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I'm rather a fan of heavy flamer, flamer and combi-flamer in my Tactical Squads.  If I'm looking for melta, it's hard to look past the Assault Squad with triple or quad melta.


Opportunity cost. If you don't take into account points, yes, full flamer + melta ASM might be more effective. But doing the melta/h flamer Tac squad leaves you with enough points to get some grav bikes, which is probably a lot more balanced overall. And less pods means less units sittting off board for a turn or more.

If you were building a balanced list trying to be competitive, what would you go for?


I guess a mix of pods, bikes and vindies.

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CAD Pod Tac spam and BSF/FTSF CS/DC + Bikes are the standouts to me.


Not as easy as it sounds...



If you are simply trying to outbike White Scars, no it won't be. If you build on the Blood Angel's strengths (Assault and Fast vehicles), it isn't that hard. I posted some lists in the list subforum that uses both the BSF and the FTSF. Take a look.

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You mean this?


Honestly didn't see that and it's interesting that we had similar ideas in utilising the FTSF. I initially discounted the idea of Vindicators but I do agree that it has merit. Still think the Knight is a necessary choice though.

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so for full cad tac list all or nothig? I will try it out with 3 Tac squads melta heavy flamer in Pods. They all will combat squad so the opponent has a lot of single targets to kill for his missions. In adittion i put in some meltacide squads and an HQ Bikesquad. The Priest will be the warlord for the Vitae boon. Dante in the front to tank wounds.


The list is in german but  you should althoug have no problems to understand it.


Kombiniertes Kontingent: Blood Angels
***************  1 HQ ***************  
Sanguinary Priest
+ Kettenschwert, Veritas Vitae  
+ Auspex, Space-Marine-Bike  
 - - - > 100 Punkte
***************  2 Elite ***************  
Death Company Squad
10 Deat Company Marines, 10 x Boltpistole, 9 x Kettenschwert, 1 x Energiefaust, Sprungmodule
 - - - > 255 Punkte
Death Company Squad
10 Deat Company Marines, 10 x Boltpistole, 9 x Kettenschwert, 1 x Energiefaust, Sprungmodule
 - - - > 255 Punkte
***************  3 Standard ***************  
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Melter, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter, Melterbomben 
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  
 - - - > 200 Punkte
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Melter, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter, Melterbomben  
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  
 - - - > 200 Punkte
Taktischer Trupp
10 Space Marines, Melter, Schwerer Flamer
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, Bolter, Melterbomben  -> 5 Pkt.
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.
 - - - > 200 Punkte
***************  3 Sturm ***************  
Assault Squad
5 Space Marines, 4 x Kettenschwert, 2 x Boltpistole, 2 x Melter
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, 1 x Boltpistole, 1 x Kombi-Melta  
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -
 - - - > 115 Punkte
Assault Squad
5 Space Marines, 4 x Kettenschwert, 2 x Boltpistole, 2 x Melter
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, 1 x Boltpistole, 1 x Kombi-Melta  -
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  
 - - - > 115 Punkte
Bike Squad
5 Space Marine Biker, 2 x Gravstrahler
+ , 1 x Kettenschwert, 1 x Boltpistole  
+ Trike, Multimelter  
 - - - > 190 Punkte
***************  1 Lord of War ***************  
Commander Dante
 - - - > 220 Punkte
Gesamtpunkte Blood Angels : 1850
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