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Lost and the Damned Question

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I've been out of the loop for a bit, thanks to life stepping in, so I have missed a bit of excitement it seems....

From everything I am hearing, IA 13 is a worthwhile investment.... So I'm going to take the leap shortly and order up a copy. 

I am hoping someone can answer a bit of a vague question for me... No specifics are necessary and I'm not asking for exact compositions or point totals or anything like that....

What I'm wanting to know is, is it possible to put together an allied detachment (HQ and troops, including DT's) somewhere in the ballpark of 450pts using the lists in IA13??

Currently I can add an Astra Militarum detachment to my Word Bearers (looking at them as counts as traitor guard, even if they aren't really) consisting of a company command squad with a chimera dt, and two vet guard squads and their chimera DT's in the ballpark of that point total I mention above, but honestly would rather use actual Lost and the Damned instead of Astra Militarum....

Basically I don't want to get my hopes up and have them crushed like we have had in the past...lol.....

I realize I could just use them as cultists but they lack any kind of DT, unless something has changed and I missed it?

Thanks in advance!


Edit: If this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it..... I placed it here as my main force that they are attached to is Word Bearer's, but I noticed after that the L&D now have their own section, so....

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Yeah your question is really too vague. The only sure thing about Renegade detachments is that you have to take command squad that costs under two powerfists base. A lot of the good stuff isn't unlocked in an Allied detachment because you need upgrade to your command squad that require a guy in it to be the Warlord. Just know that Renegades are worst than IG in a lot of ways. You have to think of them differently if you want them to be good. They have worse Ld and they don't have orders.


You have a lot of flexibility in terms of what kind of troops you take and what size and what roles they play. For the points you're describing, you can take a horde or you can bring some more elite guys and artillery.

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I suppose what I am ultimately looking for is a way to put some mobility into my cultists (or renegade type troops) for somewhere under or up to about 450ish points

..... The CSM codex leaves them stuck on foot, so I was looking for a way to get them into a vehicle and mobile..... which can be done if I go a "counts as" route but I honestly hate "counts as"..... 

Any other thoughts?


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R&H can be extremely powerful, if it your main detachment.  The devotion(which god), and trait you give to your warlord, gives you a powerful, yet theme list.  R&H is made mostly to drown your enemies in troops, and heavy support.  We are weaker then guard in some way, but stronger in others(troops, and heavy support).  We are cheap, but untrained( think a mix of ork, and nids in human forms).   Get ready to paint 100+ models. 

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