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first blood on dedicated transports


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so how does it work on DTs, i always thought the transport was considered that if a DT was destroyed it gave up first blood, however i could not find a rule for reference... can anyone help me please...



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From First Blood we have "The first unit, of any kind, to be completely destroyed during the game is worth 1 Victory Point"

Note is says "of any kind"


Then from Eternal War: Purge the Alien under Primary Objective we have "Remember that Independent Characters and Dedicated Transports are individual units and award Victory Points if they are destroyed."




And before anyone brings it up, Objectives are not Rules.

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What units are those?


I don't know what currently exists in different codices (I can think of a few historically), but specifically I'm thinking of this rule.



Living Bomb: Are non-scoring, non-denial units. Do not award Victory Points when destroyed, and do not count towards combat resolution.


Obviously this rule refers to VPs from killing a unit. I was wondering if it would also apply to first blood. If so, would first blood be lost if a unit with rule was the first to be destroyed, or would it apply to the first unit without this rule to be destroyed?

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There is no condition attached to the spore mine clusters not awarding victory points when destroyed, so they always do that. To get First Blood you need to destroy the first unit. Spore Mine clusters are units, so if a spore mine cluster is the first unit that the enemy destroys, he gets First Blood but no one gets a victory point. Codex trumps rulebook.
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There is no condition attached to the spore mine clusters not awarding victory points when destroyed, so they always do that. To get First Blood you need to destroy the first unit. Spore Mine clusters are units, so if a spore mine cluster is the first unit that the enemy destroys, he gets First Blood but no one gets a victory point. Codex trumps rulebook.


Many thanks :D

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I wish they'd replace First Blood with something else. It's almost alway just a victory point for going first. (Maybe it's meant to balance the advantage the other player gets for seizing VPS in the last turn.) Mostly it's just annoying.
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I might be wrong but isn't first blood gained by the first unit that's destroyed regardless of how it happens, for example deepstrike misshap or blast scattering onto my unit in my own turn.

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Not quite. First Blood is awarded to the player opposing the one whose unit that was destroyed first.

The first unit, of any kind, to be completely destroyed during the game is worth 1 Victory Point to the opposing player at the end of the game.

This rule is superseded by the rule that say that spore mine clusters do not grant VPs.
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