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Advice against Necrons


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Lots of AP4. If they're getting their 4+ armour saves along with reanimation protocols, you're going to have a very tough go of it. 


Also, have options for penetrating AV13....you need to pen it to drop their quantum shields.

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I'm a bit constrained by what I have built / painted. At 1500 I would normally run:





Chaplain (to boost DC)

Sang Priest (to boost Sang Guard)



Fragioso in pod

5x sang guard

10 DC with 2 power weapons



10 tactical marines w/ flamer & heavy flamer in rhino

5 sniper scouts with cloaks


Heavy support

Stormraven with TLLC & MM

Baal Pred with TLAC & HB sponsons

Baal Pred with TLAC & HB sponsons



Could drop the Dread and stick ASM in the pod with meltas...

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Mephiston isn't too bad an idea because Necron psychic defense isn't too good. But I would stay away from too many vehicles or dreads. Especially a fragisio- they have to get so close to work that they are rapid fire glanced to death after one turn of shooting. And three templates, even ignoring their armor saves and wounding on twos and threes, will not drop even a min unit of warriors anymore.... not with 4+ feel no pain....
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Agreed. The basic weapon that most necron infantry will be wielding is the gauss gun. It's 24", rapid fire, gauss. Gauss means it auto-glances on any "6" roll. 


Your dreadnoughts and tanks will be wrecked by basic infantry fire. As will any imperial knights.

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I would say more bodies.  If you bring devs with missile launchers and perhaps a whirlwind (keep it as far away as possible and it will kill plenty) to force him to come to you by picking of the units that give him special rules (tomb spyders and ghost arks).  Then have your whole army jump on him.  Preferably 2+ of your units on each one you assault.  Overwhelm him with saves and he will get swept.

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You do need something good vs AV13. Expect at least 4 necron vehicles of some sort, with troops having either gauss or tesla weaponry. The raven will be useful against necron fliers which tend to function (very effectively) in a late-game objective-grabbing role.


Can you proxy something to increase your SG from 5 to 8-10? Their mobility, armour and hitting power makes them good against what is not mostly a highly mobile opponent. In any case, these and the DC are the main problems for your opponent.


Deploy aggressively and go straight at 'em. And watch out for something called the tesseracht labyrinth; if one of his lords has it, don't let him get in base contact with anybody important!

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Hopefully you don't face their ever-fascinating deathstar (which easily fits into 1500 points).


Nemesor Zandrekh, Orikan the Diviner, 10 Lychguard with Shields, an Overlord and a Lord (one of them having the Veil of Darkness); all mounted in a Night Scythe.


The squad basically rerolls 1's on armor saves, rerolls 1's on Reanimation protocols, can be fearless, gains special rules from nearby opponents, can  have any warlord trait it damn well pleases, has invul saves everywhere, and can teleport around. Not to mention it comes screaming onto the board via a Nightscythe, and has the potential to have a built-in pseudo-C'tan in the form of Orikan. Can also have a lot of AP2 attacks if desired.

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I would also drop the fragioso, it's going to do too little damage and die too easily and cut off from the rest of your forces, is my guess.


What type of detachment are you using?


General tips when it comes to necrons: they have generally shorter ranges, almost all weapons have a range of 24". Almost every unit in the codex is useful. Almost every unit has an extra 5+ save meaning units are about as tough or tougher than your units with FnP. If he is using a special detachment it becomes 4+ instead so will definitely be more survivable. There are other threads on this forum that better explains how the necrons could prove to be marines but better in all aspects.


SM have better flyers so I say keep the raven, either it'll clear the skies or it'll target their vehicles.

Since they have so many good choices it's hard to give advice without it stacking up to disproportionate amounts. So I'll comment on some units. Necron wraiths are incredibly tough, with T5, 2W, 3++ and fast with beast. Praetorians are jump units with T5 and S5 AP2 attacks in CC and shooting, ghost ark with warriors are incredibly shooty and very much worthwhile for 235 pts. This transport should be a priority. It both protects the Warriors inside with AV13, shoots 20 shots a turn, gives the Warriors mobility, is open topped so allows the Warriors to shoot out of it, and if the Warriors charge you with it still alive, as long as you don't sweep them, they'll replenish D3 Warriors each turn, meaning you might be worn down in combat even with more specialist units. Did I mention the 20 shots from the ark and the 10-20 shots from the Warriors glance all vehicles on 6'es?

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Thanks for the input everyone!


I'm using a Baal Strike Force CAD.


I will drop the Dread. I could replace it with Melta assault marines in a pod, or proxy them to bulk up the Sang Guard.


Are the Baal Preds any good? I don't have a Whirlwind or Vindicator unfortunately, although they are on The Neverending List of things to buy and paint... I could drop one or both Baals, add an AC/HB land speeder and use the remaining points to bulk out and arm the infantry.


Also what's the verdict on HQ - Meph or Chaplain + Sang Priest?

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Personally I would say take a preist. FNP is your friend against necrons.

Meltacide squads in a pod will work nicly if you drop in behing their vehicles, strip away their one-timne-only AV13 shield. Just dont expect them to last past turn 2.


I would certainly suggest dropping any tanks / vehicles that arnt 100% needed, everything in the Necron armoury is designed to stip away vehicles like nobody's business.

When in doubt, add more 2+ save infantry (like SG) or jump pack troops with FNP if possible.


The only vehicles I would reccomend would be a few drop pods, either full of Melta Assault Marines or even empty.

An empty pod will either be ignored and potentially capture a few objective points / Linebreaker, or soak up a whole unit's worth of Necron fire power, leaving your more important units to go unmolested.


Be warned, my advice not be worth scratch; I got my butt handed to me by a Necron player a little over a week ago. >_<

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If you want Preds I'd say go for the stock auto cannon and HB sponsons as opposed to the Baal (adding fast to taste). My reasoning is that you probably never want to be close to the warriors you are shooting (say 24" to use the Assault Cannon) as they will gauss you hard. With stock Preds you can stay 36" away and suppress them almost as well without fear of too much retaliation, bar dedicated Anti-tank.


You lose out on rending and two shots but I think the trade off is worth it. If you make them fast you might be able to get him to chase them around the board even.

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It's a neat idea, but it will need bubble wrapping, one squad of warriors jumping out of a flyer / teleporting could make your expencive Pred a saaaad panda.


For the price of an all las-pred and a bit of bubblewrap, you could take two drop-pod melta-units that might get the job done a little faster. Although, admittedly, they would be just as dead turn 2/3 as the pred.

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I would go flesh tearer unless you really really want an extra elite slot. Extra initiative gets you nothing you are already faster. You can only hope to break them in combat and you need fast units to double up on him to force the saves to break him. Flesh tearers allows you to bring more assault marines if you want to go this route. Also the chrge bonus thing coukd help you gain a few more attacks

But whatever you do- good luck! Necrons are tough. Make Sanguinius proud

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Thanks! :D


Alas I don't have the models for more assault marines (nor a second pod for that matter).


Maybe I'll proxy one Baal as a stock Pred and use the remaining points to boost the other units. I'll post a revised list later, it won't be perfect but beyond it I may have to trust to the dice gods...


Is the Flesh Tearer detachment in the main codex? Don't have it with me...


Another question! With the points I save on the Pred I can give the Priest Valour's Edge and the relic sword. Do you think he's best placed with the sang guard or ASM?

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He's the updated list, taking into consideration the advice kindly offered above, but tempered by the models I actually have available (with some proxy's)...





- Crozius, Bolt Pistol, Rosarius


Sanguinary Priest

- Angel's Wing

- Valour's Edge




Death Company x10

- 1 Fist

- 2 Axe


Sanguinary Guard x5

- Chapter Banner

- Death Masks (are Necro's Fearless?!)

- 1 Axe

- 3 Sword

- 1 Fist

- 3 Angelus

- 2 Inferno




Tactical Squad x10 (not sure about the loadout here...)

- Sarge w/ combi plasma

- Melta

- Heavy Bolter

- Rhino


Scouts x5 (I could replace these with a second tac squad...)

- Sniper rilfes

- Missile launcher

- Camo cloaks


Fast Attack


Assault Squad x10

- Sarge w/ power axe

- 2 Meltaguns

- Drop Pod


Heavy Support



- Autocannon

- Heavy Bolters

- Dozer Blade



- TL Lascannon

- TL Multimelta

- Locator Beacon

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