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New Blood Angel in South Florida

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Hi everyone. I played 40k and Space Hulk way back in 2nd edition. I was a kid so I mostly played with friends and their armies. I started getting into the fiction recently, and some of the video games, and thought it would be fun to play again and actually own and paint an army. I noticed the Shield of Baal: Deathstorm set on the online store. If my local gaming store has or can order that, is that the best way to start a Blood Angels army? It seemed like there's a lot in there, but I really don't know much about what to get or start with.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello.

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No problem. If you have any other questions then I'm here to help. If I don't know the answer, then I will try to point you in the right direction of who would. :tu:

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Welcome to the B&C! As Olisredan said, hop over to our subforum and ask away. As for your initial question, it's a great place to start and is good value for money - but you will need either a Scout box or a Tactical box to help with the Troop choices.

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