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paul experiments with unbound

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So hey as the topic title says i am going to be experimenting with unbound to attempt to make a chaos list which can do both pew pew and charge without further delay heres my first attempt at such a list which i hope il get to try out soon


Chaos Lord Mark of Khorne Juggernaught Power Maul Sigil of Corruption Axe of Blind Fury

Pretty standard lord load out maul is there incase im on a single wound and i dont want to risk killing myself



5 Chaos Marines with a Plasma Gun in a rhino

4x Nurglings


5 Plague Marines 2 Plasma Guns in a Rhino

Fast Attack

6 Khorne Raptors 2 Flamers

7 Flesh Hounds

Heavy Support

2 Nurgle Obliterators


Now this list i will admit is more foccussed on assault and as such dosent have alot of shooting. I could also make it pure khorne themed but i feel like the Nurgle stuff offers alot to this list

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why. a khorn herald would gain a lot from being with dogs. no idea why you pair the demon ax with the maul either, much less the lord on a jugger. He has no unit he can join.


single plasma are bad. If you want mini squads with it run pms, they get double the fire power. 


The raptors seem to be odd too. If flamers throw away unit, then why the 6th dude or the MoK[or any mark at all, not to mention why raptors in the first place when in unbound you could take 3 bikers with same flamers and get better effects].

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Hmmm it would be so easy to make that list bound, use the khorne lord on jugger model as a herald of khorne instead then bring a vanilla nurgle lord and stick him with the PM's in the rhino. Boom bound list with OS and you can rr your WL trait. You didn't state how many points you are trying for.


In unbound terms this is probably the easiest list to beat I've seen in a while. Normally you go unbound to do things like 5 Khorne Lords on jugger with 5 units of Spawn etc. Don't know who you are playing against but are they bringing wraithknight spam? If you built this list because this is all the models you have then I understand, but just 2 HQ proxies will set it straight.

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For me, I'd play Unbound to experiment with cramming a tonne of Fast Attack or Heavy Support choices into a certain points limit. For example, if I wanted to field a Raptor Cult army list, or an entire army of Chaos Bikers and Spawn, or a Predator tank column.

I wouldn't use it to skip the requirement of a single HQ unit or Troops choice, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.

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In my opinion, Troops do not belong in unbound, since you aren't going to be getting Objective Secured anyways-why bring scrub units?

The only time deploying a bunch of units from different codices becomes problematic is when they aren't allies of convenience.  That's why when I take my two vindicares, them being able to infiltrate and set up in some far corner of the map and Clocktower guys (I really miss that "break the invulnerable save" round...that was so awesome against all the Ironhand Chapter Masters) 


IT's also fun to have an All HQ army.  You how how Tzeentch sucks less?  If you skip the Ksons and take only Sorcerers.

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I agree with Lucio and Trevak.


Unbound is for wacky stuff you want to try, just because you can. Assuming your opponent isn't a huge whiner that refuses Unbound on principle, or doesn't want to understand the rules as written like some people on this forum seem to do...

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