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Looking to bring my blood angels back up to scratch


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Hi there, I've been away from 40k for some years now (3-4 I think), and before that I was a guard player. I have chaos and ork armies too, and the last stuff I really bought was dark venegence when it came out and the hardback chaos dex.


So that's where I am. I've obvs not mentioned my other army, the reason why I'm here. Like all starting players, 15+years ago I started marines... these have been through many iterations, but the one that stuck was blood angels. And they stuck well, I had the mini dex of theres, then the WD version, then the full dex. Now I'm hoping to bring them back up to speed in current edition.


I haven't yet bought the dex, or even this edition of rulebook. I'm not asking for rules or points or owt daft like that. What I am asking for is advice on useable (ie. legal) unit set ups, and some guidance on where rules are. I have read some reviews which talk about an all termie force... is this in the main dex or a supliment? I had a look on the gw website and could only see painting guides and the main dex. What have I missed?


I have (pics to follow in a day or so if I'm organized) tyco, 2-3 tac squad, some devs, a rhino and a few termies painted. I think that's all that's currently done. My to do list has a number of death company, an assult squad, another rhino (for the death company), 4-5 pods, and approx. 36 more termies (hence me asking about the termie army) and 2-3 landraiders. Then theres a couple of priests or other characters I'm sure I've missed.


Since I haven't got the rules and am out of touch with how detachments/allies etc work, can I ally a termie blood angel force to a normal blood angel force? or would this be unbound? I ask because I have a killer looking chaplain in termie armour ready to lead that force, but would also love to be able to have tycho leading his company for the termies to swing in and rescue...


Sorry for the word dump, I promise I will try to get some pics up here to show asap

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Welcome Brother Spafe!


Well the good news is, you have been gone long enough where your army composition isn't too different from what you will field now.


Death Company is a very good purchase, and most will say that a Librarian or a Sanguinary Priest would be a good addition as well.


Aside for that, I would personally say that an Imperial Knight or a Stormraven as a nice centerpiece to the army could be fun too!



Looking forward to seeing your pics!

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Welcome back to the game Brother.

The all Elite list is from the Shield of Ball; Exterminatus book, but I'd focus more on the standard codex for now.

Our normal army detachment will still let you take up to 4 units of Elites and has some great buffs thrown in.

Death Company fare much better with Jump Packs rather than Rhinos these days, mostly due the fantastically cheap price of jump packs. Save your money on the Rhino and invest in more assault marines. Either with jump packs or in a drop pod, assault marines are great when kitted out with plenty of Melta.

Pods are great in the current meta, and you can even buy empty Pods from your fast attack slots and put Terminators in them.

Vehicles are being overlooked a bit at the moment, they have fallen out of favour due to the price and the fight to fill up slots with other decent units. I personally love Vindicators with super-charged engines, others swear by Predators, but all in all the main focus with our new dex seems to be Melta-heavy assault units and lots of jump packs.

Our troop slots are the only really area that doesn’t have any obviously superior choices. We either take Tac marines (usually Heavy Flamer, Flamer, Combi-flamer in a pod / rhino) or scouts, who (despite being really potent in combat now) people don’t seem to like.

All of our named HQ choice are a bit hit and miss, but depending on the rest of your list, Priests with jump packs and Librarians are the most popular choices.

I must admit, I personally love the Librarian Dreadnaught, but that’s more "rule of cool" than competitive.

I hope this has been a helpful run down, as always people have different ideas about what’s good / bad, the most important thing (for me) is to take the units you think look coolest / enjoy playing the most.

Have fun and post some pics. smile.png

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Thanks very much for the replies. I was in dereliction of my duty last night, but assuming the gf has a long bath tonight I'll have a chance to pull out the case and snap some pics!


I'll very much be surprised if I get any games soon, so first off I will be trying to get stuff painted so if/when I do get a game it'll look nice on the table.


Scrounging up more jump packs may be an issue, but if I get a pack of 5 death company, then should be able to find 2/3 more, a unit of 8 death company with packs is alright? I'm thinking it would look cool with 1 thunder hammer and 2 Pweps, but I know some places say careful not to overkill stuff, is this too much? also am I on the right tract still arming with bolters or are B/P the way to go?


Thanks for the help guys

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A unit size of 8 is perfect.

I would be careful over-arming them, one Thunderhammer or Powerfist and one Power Weapon per 8 guys is usualy enough.


The Boltgun / Bolter Pistol choice is really up to you.

I prefer a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword for the extra attack in C/C. I also find Boltguns run the risk of killing too many opponents and make it harder to get the charge.

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Thanks for the feedback, it may be a good few weeks til I get round to actual progress with them (need to get a coupld of bloodbowl teams painted first), but progress will happen!


In the mean times, here is my first (and only!) NMM attempt, the leader of my company:


tycho 2

tycho back



I've read on several reviews of the BA dex that tycho is bad, am I really that handicapped using him. Bear in mind I really wont be doing tournie scene, just odd few pick up games and some games against my mate who uses whacky lists (last time we played ages ago it was logan and all termie wolf guard, time before was all pod wolf list, time before was tau suit heavy with ethereal samuri leading kroot inf charge...)


And the finished Rhino (tac squad pics coming soon hopefully)



rhino top

rhino side


Any feedback appreciated :)



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Thanks. Painting that guy convinced me that folk on cool mini or not and here etc are mad for painting whole units like that!


Okay, good to know. My plan was to have him drop in with a assult unit in a pod and lend his extra melta/combat potential to their 9 man duel melta and fist sarge charge. If that plan holds then yay, if not theres a tac squad for that rhino that I believe is only 9 man strong to allow either him or a priest to ride with them, who also have a meltagun and p/fist sarge.

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That's a great idea using him as a sarg! Do you guys think it is plausible to do some sternguard in gold armour (I'd possibly consider nmm again for this!) and have them as a esp fancy sternguard squad? If tycho really isn't worth it in the latest book then I might consider that (having never used sternguard or vanguard before, I remember when they were just called  veterans!), are sterguard worth it byond just a sucide squad (not really a fan of the idea of elite squads being sucide ones lol)


Not asking for any rules etc but in terms of load out, what would be a legal and useful command squad load out if I was to have him lead a command squad instead of sternguard sarge? Can I take a power armoured command squad if I use a captian with TH/SS or would a termi captain limit me to a termie command squad?

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That's a great idea using him as a sarg! Do you guys think it is plausible to do some sternguard in gold armour (I'd possibly consider nmm again for this!) and have them as a esp fancy sternguard squad? If tycho really isn't worth it in the latest book then I might consider that (having never used sternguard or vanguard before, I remember when they were just called  veterans!), are sterguard worth it byond just a sucide squad (not really a fan of the idea of elite squads being sucide ones lol)

Your army, your paint scheme! ;) I am thinking of doing the opposite with red-armoured sanguinary guard so paint them however you feel looks cool.


I really cannot see a use for Tycho beyond liking the fluff. He costs too much for the rules and wargear he has IMHO.


Both Sternguard and Vanguard are great units and can work wonders for you. You can use Sternguard as a suicide squad but our Assault Squads can do the same job almost as well and far cheaper. I prefer to think of them as a super-tactical squad with special bolters that can hurt almost any target. The only foes they struggle against are units with a 2+ save and we have other things that can hurt those.


I would take Sternguard in a largish squad with a transport to make sure they can bring that special ammo to bear quickly. They are expensive so be careful about tooling them up too much. A heavy flamer or 2 is useful at close range as you will mainly want to be shooting infantry. I would avoid the temptation to load up special weapons as they are expensive and effectively waste their special ammo. However a few combi-weapons can help them deal with tough targets without breaking the bank.

If you want an HQ to accompany the Sternguard. Sanguinary Priests are good for adding FNP to protect your expensive squad. Librarians are great with Prescience to make the most of their firepower.
Vanguard on paper look poor compared to our other jump packs. For a little extra, Death Company get FNP and Rage. For an bit more you can get Sanguinary Guard with 2+ armour and power weapons throughout. However Vanguard win in terms of flexibility. You can customize them to take on threats that other units would struggle to deal with. For example, give them storm shields and thunder hammers and you have a unit that can kill MCs and vehicles as well as Hammernators but can fly! :D
If Sternguard are your swiss army shooting unit, then Vanguard are you specialist-killers in CC.
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Okay, Thanks for that response! I think a golden drop pod might be in order to take 'sargent' tycho and his golden sternies into combat. I love the idea of mass tacticals, so super tactical squad sounds like the elite unit I'd be after. As you say, my assult squads will then run the enmy guns and pick up horrendous casualties as that is their role :).


More thoughts and plans now forming. Although time to work on these guys still looks to be many weeks away sadly now :(

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I have seen someone at a GW I used to live near who had a tycho painted half in gold and half in black for that very reason, means he could ipck which version he was using every game. Sadly no half gold half black raider t omatch though

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