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How to deal with dreadknights and drago?


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Title says it all, I'm meeting up with an old work friend who runs a typical gk list that focuses on duel dk, drago and librarian shanagins.


I have a khorne army but fear with the obvious power level difference I will get destroyed by massed ap3 and drago cheese.


So any ideas on what to take? Ideally khorne and unmarked stuff as... Well I love khorne!

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This describes the list my friend runs that I face a lot, only with a Storm Raven instead of a second Dreadknight (and either DA or IH allies.) I'm keenly interested in others opinions on how to crack it, as my record against it is dragging. He centers his list on a Draigo, Libby, Paladins with Apothecary deathstar.


Lately I've been running Chosen or Havoc MSU that is plasma and melta heavy. His deathstar eats whatever it makes base contact with, so I've got my guys running around trying to stay away from his deathstar while eliminating its support so I can make for objectives.


I'm really vexed by the psychic phase of 7th. I've never needed to do much with psykers before, but now I'm trying to figure out how to use them for the first time, because I'm tired of having two or three psychic dice and he five to ten times more than me.


I've had some mild successes with Termicide distractions, and usually have ML Havocs and/or Oblit support. All of these things have caused him trouble, but I can normally only win games against him with CSM in Maelstrom missions where I get a good run of Tactical Objective cards. The last time I was able to table him with CSM was 5th edition. 6th made things more difficult, and 7th edition has always been a mad scramble to get anything accomplished against it. It's definitely frustrating.

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Thanks for commenting guys.its a real shame really facing the list sucks the fun out of it when you know you just can't win, I suppose if we had our own equivalent it may work differently but even princes are pointless at taking because a dk is far superior with s10 shanagins.


The idea of bringing plasma and melts heavy lists has come to mind before but plasma never and I mean never does any real damage to dks, sure maybe take 2 wounds off but the 4++ makes it difficult to kill. Where as drago on the other hand has a 2++ so why take plasma? Or melts.


Do you think taking angrath would be cool? With belakor casting invis on him could show him how death stars are annoying aswell as actually kill those dks for once?

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I dunno... I'd prob be temped to go CSM primary with Daemon allies. Grab Be'Lakor, dual Maulerfiends, a Khorne Soul Grinder, Khorne Dogs or Screamers (prob Screamers tbh but 20 Khorne woofters is an option here), Daemettes, Cultists and a ton of Nurgle Spawn. A lot depends on what you have and what points you're going to play at. I do think it's a nasty match up though.


And yep, it's depressing getting rolled but it depends how much you relish the challenge, you could always tell your mate to lay off Draigo. I tell my mate to lay off Skyblight Nids and he tends to enjoy our 'closer' games more anyway. It's not enjoyable to see your buddy tabled turn 3. I love close games that go to the last turn or dice roll or those 10/11 VP type games.

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