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Independent Characters and assault

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Captain A is in tactical squad B and they are locked in combat with an enemy Hive Tyrant.  Another tactical squad C joins the combat.  


On the Hive Tyrant's turn he kills off tactical squad B.


Now it is Captain A's turn.  At the end of Captain A's movement he is within 2" of Tactical Squad C.  Although both Captain A and Squad C are locked in combat with the Hive Tyrant.


Is he able to join unit C?  Is he obligated to join unit C?


Let me know if I need to clarify anything.

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He is and must remain joined to unit B:

An Independent Character can leave a unit during the Movement phase by moving out of unit coherency with it. He cannot join or leave during any other phase – once shots are fired or charges are declared, it is too late to join in or duck out!

Unit B (which the IC has joined and counts as part of) is already locked in combat with the Hive Tyrant.
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Unit B is dead.


Edit: so my question is if it is just Unit C and Captain A in close combat now with the Hive Tyrant.  The Captain cannot join until the end of his next movement phase (if he can at all).  Even though he cannot move in the movement phase there still is a movement phase.  Once it gets to his movement phase is he allowed to join the unit or not?  Is he obligated? In the rulebook it makes it clear if a ICis within 2" of a unit he is part of that unit.  If he cannot join that unit for whatever reason he must move at least 2" away.

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Once it gets to his movement phase is he allowed to join the unit or not?

No, he is locked in combat with the Hive Tyrant.

In the rulebook it makes it clear if a ICis within 2" of a unit he is part of that unit.  If he cannot join that unit for whatever reason he must move at least 2" away.

Not quite:

If an Independent Character does not intend to (or cannot) join a unit, it must (where possible) remain more than 2" away from it at the end of the Movement phase.

The IC being locked in combat is a case where he cannot join the unit he may be close to.
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No, he is locked in combat with the Hive Tyrant.


The IC being locked in combat is a case where he cannot join the unit he may be close to.

Got a page number for that rule? I am curious about this as well.


Never mind; I just had to read a little further.


"An Independent Character cannot leave a unit while either he or the unit is in Reserves, locked in combat, Falling Back or has Gone to Ground"

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Thank you for your replies.  I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt with my follow up questions.  Just trying to really explore every avenue.


Okay I understand the second part that he is not obligated IF he cannot because he is locked in combat.  But where does it say being locked in combat you cannot join a unit?  He wouldn't be switching units in another phase.  He has to wait until the movement phase.


Page 47 talks about being locked in combat and what you cannot do.  Joining units isn't listed.


Edit: emphasis

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