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How to Squeeze a Khorne Assault Themed List Into 500pts?


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This thread might belong in the List sub-forum but it is more about how to go about building 500-point lists for random doubles for Chaos in general, and a Khorne assault themed one in particular. I have five or so I've come up with and I'll give a synopsis of them later in the post.


We all know Chaos is very expensive and I've seen it said plenty of times here and elsewhere that it is hard to play Chaos in low point games. It is even worse for those of us who prefer to play sub-optimal fluffy assault armies (for me it's Berserkers though I've decided to bench them in the 500-point random doubles tournament coming up in two weeks).


When approaching my list-building for this event I have had a few objectives in mind...

  1. I want to play an assault list. Shooting is not fun for me and I would rather just sit and watch other players play if an assault list at 500-points is just too unfeasible.
  2. I would prefer to field my general. A big part of the game for me is to have my Juggerlord or Daemon Prince seek out duels with the opponents characters. I like to have a narrative going and the loose idea behind my World Eaters army is that it consists a few mighty champions of Chaos seeking glory in 1-on-1 combat while Berserkers and Cultists tag along in the hopes of stealing some of that glory for themselves as they know they will encounter worthy foes if they tag along.
  3. I don't want to let whomever my team mate ends up being down so I've also looked at making a support list... which is as far as I am willing to break away from my preferred play-style.

Here are a few of the lists I've come up with - feel free to let me know if I am approaching this the wrong way.


First up is the one I am leaning towards now... it is my Defiler list (inspired by the Defiler thread someone made). I am fielding it as an Allied Detachment so that it stays bound.



[40k] Random Doubles - Defiler (499/500pts) v1.0


Lord on Juggernaut (215 points)

  • Axe of Blind Fury
  • Burning Brand of Scalathrax
  • Gift of Mutation
  • Juggernaut of Khorne
  • Sigil of Corruption
  • Power Armor
  • Mark of Khorne
  • Veterans of the Long War
  • Warlord

Cultists (84 points)

  • Champion w/ Autogun
  • Cultists x9
  • Autoguns x 8
  • Heavy Stubber x1
  • Mark of Nurgle

Defiler (200 points)

  • Battle Cannon
  • Daemonic Possession
  • Dozer Blade
  • Heavy Flamer
  • Reaper Autocannon
  • Dreadnaught CCW x2


The idea behind this list is that I am assuming the Juggerlord won't need a retinue in a 500-point random doubles game if I play smart. I brought the Burning Brand of Scalathrax just for fun, I haven't used it before. Gift of Mutation because it is a cheap chance at a game changing ability. The last game I played I rolled a 64 (the one where you get to roll again D3+1 times) twice before the game even started. The cultists are MoN something I don't generally do but they are just meant to either sit on an objective or provide a screen for the Defiler. As for the Defiler I figure once again since it is smaller points he will be a little harder to deal with and he can provide a supporting role with his Battle Cannon. Again I've never done this kind of game before so for all I know this list is a very dumb idea. I know it is not optimal and as I said before I don't really play optimal lists but if this is just plain retarded please let me know.


Next is my Khârn in a Land Raider list... extremely cheesy and probably not the best idea as it puts all my eggs in one basket. Again I am running it as an Allied Detachment so that it stays bound.



[40k] Random Doubles - Land Raider (500/500pts) v1.0


Khârn the Betrayer (160 points)

  • Warlord

Chaos Space Marines (105 points)

  • Champion w/ Bolter, Bolt Pistol, & CCW
  • Marines x4 w/ Close Combat Loadout
  • Icon of Wrath
  • Mark of Khorne

Land Raider (235 points)

  • Stock w/ added Dirge Caster


This is supposed to be a Death Star and I figure there won't be a lot of things that can easily deal with the Land Raider but I am not a fan of this one. Very limited in what it can accomplish but does fulfill my assaulting desires.


Finally I have my Bel'akor list... I have a few others but they require models I don't have nor can afford to buy right now. This is sort of a cop out list and is just meant to support whomever my team mate ends up being. It is also Unbound.



[40k] Random Doubles - Bel'akor (500/500pts) v1.0


Bel'akor (350 points)

  • Warlord

Thousand Sons (150 points)

  • Stock


Bel'akor can just fly around and assist my ally and the Thousand Sons should make good objective holders at this points level.


So any thoughts on how to approach making 500 point lists for Doubles or critiques / criticisms of what I've come up with so far?

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Lord needs a bodyguard. He's only ever T5 with 3W & a 3+/4++ in your build. All it needs is some plasma and he's in trouble.


I'd roll something like this.

  • Chaos Lord
    • Axe of Blind Fury, Juggernaut of Khorne, Mark of Khorne, Melta bombs, Power Armour, Veterans of the Long War.

  • 10 Cultists

  • 10 Cultists

  • Spawn x 4

  • Maulerfiend

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Lord needs a bodyguard. He's only ever T5 with 3W & a 3+/4++ in your build. All it needs is some plasma and he's in trouble.


I'd roll something like this.

  • Chaos Lord
    • Axe of Blind Fury, Juggernaut of Khorne, Mark of Khorne, Melta bombs, Power Armour, Veterans of the Long War.

  • 10 Cultists

  • 10 Cultists

  • Spawn x 4

  • Maulerfiend


Well, it is about time I gave my Maulerfiend some play.

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At 500 points its difficult to have any character at all in your lists if you play an Elite army like Chaos Marines or Grey Knights. Fortunately however you do have Cultists so its possible to run a HQ+2xCultists+Nasty Thing list and have it be effective. I like Dallas Drake's suggestion, with the Spawn being nice body guards for the Lord who does most of the heavy lifting plus the Maulerfiend which tends to be annoying to deal with even in normal games.

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At 500 points its difficult to have any character at all in your lists if you play an Elite army like Chaos Marines or Grey Knights.


True. Khârn is damn effective though. I'd be tempted to just play him in a Dreadclaw with 9 Khorne CSMs/Chosen (Black Legion) just for giggles and fluff.

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