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Dante Conversion ideas


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So my successor is fairly vampire themed. Trying not to go too overboard with it though. 


So i bought Conrad Kurze, to use as my Dante. I plan on shoving a normal BA:TAC fanged head in there, and a sanguinary guard ax. But, what do you think for a back pack.


Any other ideas on how to spice this conversion up?

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I don't think the size is too much of an issue, some Space Marines are unusually large - for instance, one of the Exorcist Captains is noted to be the size of an Ogryn. A vampire-themed Blood Angels descendant named the Blood Dragons probably value strength/killing potential more than your average Chapter, so it'd make sense that a Primarch-sized muscleman would rise up through the ranks.


In terms of backpacks, the typical Winged Jump-pack might look a little small on a Primarch-sized character. Maybe a Jump-pack converted from two of the MKIV Jump-pack? (Sang. Guard pack w/o wings.) Might make a convincing Primarch-scale jump pack.

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vampire themed chapter you say... Well here's an idea I'm going with for my CM your more than welcome to use.

Chapter master idea: Using the legs from what ever 'jump-style' legs that fancy you, and the torso from the zombie dragon Vampire Lord.

I agree with Xenith that Sevatar would be a better option than Kurse. Kurse's model is just a little bit bigger than the average terminator model. Dante is old and not bulky. He is the embodiment of assault so he's quick, agile. Think Bruce Lee, not Brock Lesner smile.png

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Well first the scolding: why the heck would you go through all that trouble and not clean the flash lines? :-)


Ok, that said, I think this is gonna look awesome. It looks far cooler than I was expecting. Will you add more BA type icons to him?


You could use a DC backpack, since he is more dark vamp than Angel (wings) - and add the tactical banner top to it for bling.


There'd be no easy way to convey the Death Mask of Sanguinius but maybe you don't care about that. That left shoulder pad with the skulls could maybe use a little conversion / mod work imo.


Keep the updates coming dude, looking good...

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Well first the scolding: why the heck would you go through all that trouble and not clean the flash lines? :-)


Ok, that said, I think this is gonna look awesome. It looks far cooler than I was expecting. Will you add more BA type icons to him?


You could use a DC backpack, since he is more dark vamp than Angel (wings) - and add the tactical banner top to it for bling.


There'd be no easy way to convey the Death Mask of Sanguinius but maybe you don't care about that. That left shoulder pad with the skulls could maybe use a little conversion / mod work imo.


Keep the updates coming dude, looking good...


Thanks. I had it sent to a buddy, and i showed up, pretty late. And just slapped this together. So correct, no flash lines have been fixed yet. Haven't washed him either. Just, wanted to get something together, to sate my anticipation. There was also alcohol involved. 


Shoulder pad: was thinking a BA Assault terminator one, to replace the Night Lords.

Death mask: I tried it with a SG head, and it looked great. However, I really wanted a bare headed guy, to be the chapter master of my custom chapter. So, I thought, being covered in the flayed limbs and skulls of his foes, might be scary enough. Not sure. Got some Ork heads to mess with. 

Backpack: I was thinking a Sang Guard one? Its a little small. I honestly hate the regular jump pack. My DC is all Night Lord 30k Raptors, with Sang guard jump packs. I've got a bunch of the old style 2 nozzle rounds, which I gave to my Vanguard vets (who dont have a place in my list). Ultimately, I dont know.


And yes, I need to add some more BA icons to him. Maybe one of those tiny shields the Terms have, on his chest, next to the shoulder pad. Not sure. 


I should post my other conversions... hrm. 

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Well for a backpack, why not go with bat wings. You can get some descent ones either from the dark Eldar scourges, or the gargoyles set. They fit into position with the sanguinary guard jump packs well enough but they might look a little small with the size of the body.
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Thanks. I appreciate it. I can't wait to ruin it with a terrible paint job.


Head: 30k nightlord terror squad leader head

Body: 30k legion praetor terminator armor

Crozus: from chaplain rhino model

Stairs: from coven throne

Ghosts: from that end times 3 option rider beast. The one where you can make 3 different camper lords on skull monsters. Took a lighter to warm the plastic to bend them into a wrap around style.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been awhile since I updated this. And I haven't painted much, just built some stuff. but got a few games. 


Here is Dante, with a base of Khorne red. The head is tacked on, and I might stick with it. Not sure. 


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I have not bought Mephiston because I dislike the model, but yours...dear lord. It is stunning. I feel like it is asking a lot, but could I have a parts breakdown so I can shamelessly copy it and finally have a model that does the lord of death justice?
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I have not bought Mephiston because I dislike the model, but yours...dear lord. It is stunning. I feel like it is asking a lot, but could I have a parts breakdown so I can shamelessly copy it and finally have a model that does the lord of death justice?

thanks a lot. i appreciate it.


Its Astorath. I cut the arms off, and put them out, as opposed to above the head. Used a jewlers saw, which worked out real well. 


I glued him to a bat swarm/tombstone from reaper minis: https://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/bat/latest/77046


and added the cape from manfred. http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Mortarch-Mannfred


the cowl was  green stuff. 


i hope that helped. maybe I'll paint him next, and slap up the horrid result here.


thank you.

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