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Servo skulls + descent of angels = no scatter?


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Both servoskulls and DoA reduce scatter by D6" and neither seems to have any caveat about not reducing to 0d6. 

Am I missing something or does that indeed equate to scatter free deepstrike within 12" of a servoskull?

(assume Dante for guaranteed DoA)

More importantly is this a good idea? Seems like for 9pts (plus an inquisitor who always have their uses) you can make the midfield very dangerous for the enemy. Too easy to avoid or mitigate maybe? Redundant when the enemy is likely going to castle up vs that style of army anyway?

Thinking that combined with 2 or 3 turn 1 drop pods with beacons and rerollable reserves this might play nicely into a skyfall style army? 

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Yes, it's been like that sicnce the 5th ed GK codex, I think? Both reduce scatter by d6".

Oh man, I really am behind the times then!


Worth the effort you think?


Edit: Allies weren't a thing back then so I guess that's probably why it seems new to me.

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Yes, it's been like that sicnce the 5th ed GK codex, I think? Both reduce scatter by d6".

Oh man, I really am behind the times then!


Worth the effort you think?


Edit: Allies weren't a thing back then so I guess that's probably why it seems new to me.



Still no excuse, the 5th ed BA and GK codexes were in use all the way through 6th edition ,)


It's been discussed several times before, you can probably find those threads if you earch for 'servo skull'

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I brought it up a few years ago. Apparently the wording on servo skulls is that they allow "friendly" models to reduce their deepstrike, but 6th ed had no such terminology for Allies of Convenience, as that was the only option for Grey Knights at the time. Fortunately, I believe 7th ed changes all that.

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I love talking a xenos inquisitor, a melee themed Hench men squad, in a land raider as a back field scoring and counter charge element. Grenades on the psyker inquisitor lower stats and mean the unit doesn't need frag assault launchers, death cult assassins murder everything at i5 or 6 (can't remember) and the land raider shoots down range 48 inches. Servo skulls help scatter with a couple if pods or jump units.


It's 450pts, but you won't find a blood angel unit in a land raider with that kind of punch, long and short range, for the same price.

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I would say its certainly woth it.

I'm working on an Inquisitor detachment at the moment and half the reason is because of the awesome DOE/Servo combo. :D[/quotes ]


I used this combo in last dex, works a treat. (at my 1st local tourni t'was devastating) Obvs not as effective nowadays, but worth it.

My -][- was ordo xenos with conversion beamer. His WL traits were useful too.


Also, if your opp has infiltrators those servo skulls can become a defensive asset.


Also also, if you can squeeze a bunch of Long Fangs in your list Split Fire is a boost for -][- and rune priests with jump packs are great bro in arms for assault squads!

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