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Why play Chaos?

Lord Lee

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Is that some how impossible to do with other armies? A IoM player can have 3-4+ factions in a single army. Or do you mean something else by their own motivation?

Yes now while a imperium army can include several factions generally they want the same goal to be completed where as within a warband one aspiring champion and his men might want to steal some forbidden knowledge while another may want to kill the warbands leader and take control and another may just want to survive

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Simple answer.....while SM players are forced to pay with their souls to GW multiple times a edition to get updated books, GW doesn't care that much about us wheeee Chaos players so we usually only have to buy one book, which means more money for models! WIN!


Joking aside...


I've been having part of my soul siphoned off by GW since the early days of 3rd edition (easily 15 years now), but back then it was more fantasy. Slowly I got myself into Space Marines in general, to morph into some DA successor chapter, then nids, then my beloved IW and I haven't looked back. Sure there are times when I want to make a BT army...or IF or SW or BA but then I take a step back and think why? Why do I want them and more likely then not its because I see some extremely well done paint job/conversion on the good old interwebs and I want to try and do that. But time and time again Chaos holds my rotten little fortress like heart in its grip and doesn't let go. It's fun to be the bad guy. It's fun to not have so many restrictions when painting/converting. It's even more fun when people throw your dex in the mud but you manage to pick it back up and beat them in a game with it.


The fluff, the models (ok not all of them but most of them) and the artwork have always struck a cord with me that I cannot seem to give up on them. While its been many a year since I've thrown models down on the work bench or even a gaming table with the purchase of my house I plan on making a gaming table and diving back into things (just as soon as I work on that giant list my fiancee has made...)

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As a side note I did some crude math based on some of the veterans who have posted in this thread and Wikipedia.

Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

I am both in awe of this dedication and reassured as to why my painting is so terrible in comparison with these masters.



We are in it for the Long War :lol:

Aye, brother. Though I am but a child in comparison to thee, I hope to stand with my cousins of the Nine Legions till the long-awaited coming of the Crimson Path. :lol:

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The other thing that we have on our side is that we can freely make up our own characters without contradicting fluff. All major loyalist chapters have defined chapter masters, so taking a custom chapter master requires you to be playing "in the past" or an alternate universe. On top of that as every Astartes chapter has standardized organization even many company captains are "taken" canonically and even if they aren't they can be at any moment.


With Chaos, there are so many warbands of the various Legions and renegade factions running about, that you can very plausibly make up your own Warsmiths, Apostles, Lords, and Sorcerers without any possibility of current or future contradiction in fluff. Hell, given the non-standard nature of Chaos forces you can even have lots of people each playing say, the 5th Grand Company (I guess now Battalion) of the Iron Warriors, each with their own Warsmith without it really being a contradiction because the various Heresy era formations have fragmented and each champion could have decided to retain his old unit number and "promoted" himself to leadership over his splinter of it.


The ultimate make-your-own-fluff faction.

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The other thing that we have on our side is that we can freely make up our own characters without contradicting fluff. All major loyalist chapters have defined chapter masters, so taking a custom chapter master requires you to be playing "in the past" or an alternate universe. On top of that as every Astartes chapter has standardized organization even many company captains are "taken" canonically and even if they aren't they can be at any moment.


With Chaos, there are so many warbands of the various Legions and renegade factions running about, that you can very plausibly make up your own Warsmiths, Apostles, Lords, and Sorcerers without any possibility of current or future contradiction in fluff. Hell, given the non-standard nature of Chaos forces you can even have lots of people each playing say, the 5th Grand Company (I guess now Battalion) of the Iron Warriors, each with their own Warsmith without it really being a contradiction because the various Heresy era formations have fragmented and each champion could have decided to retain his old unit number and "promoted" himself to leadership over his splinter of it.


The ultimate make-your-own-fluff faction.

This right here is the ultimate reason why I chose to play chaos back in the 90s. I thought loyalists were boring and rigid, hehe

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As a side note I did some crude math based on some of the veterans who have posted in this thread and Wikipedia.

Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

I am both in awe of this dedication and reassured as to why my painting is so terrible in comparison with these masters.

We are in it for the Long War laugh.png

Count me in among those. My Thousand Sons have been going since 1999.

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War





Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 17 years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Totgeboren 21 years Chaos

Forte 24 years Chaos

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To expound on that, I began playing Blood Angels in 1999 after getting 2nd Ed Space Hulk.


I played themfor 6 months or so, until this evil looking marine was staring at me from the codex cover.I looke din, read the fluff, and was hooked. Like space marines, but with the powers of the dark gods, marks, magic. The Story of the Thousand Sons and their paint scheme compelled me, although it was a challenge.


My tanks got painted blue night lords, then black legion, while I converted and scrounged rubric marines. My chaos always having a good showing on the tabletop with their summoned daemons.


A min-max style army I played led to me starting a new Iron Warriors army in 2004, finally getting them painted after a labour of love converting every model. 


In 2006, Eldar distracted me for a long while, yet I returned to Chaos.


in 2010, the new Blood Angels drew my attention, yet they were not Tzeentch.


No matter what army I play, I am always drawn back to chaos.


We have the best background, the best colour schemes, and the best modelling opportunities.

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I have to agree with everyone else that the freedom of play style and types of armies you can have. I originally (before Crimson Slaughter came out as a codex) had decided they would be my faction. I also have a Blood Angels army and I figured I would do a full up loyalist army slowly turning to Chaos.


Crimson Slaughter is a perfect example of what I mean. You can have full on Chaos mode with Daemons and such or you can have them closer to when they first turn and they are more like loyalists or anything in between. As others have stated Chaos really is Your army. You make Generic characters and they are fairly awesome. Essentially they are a blank slate do with them as you will.


I can see why they give so much guidance in the Loyalist section. Younger kids wanting to start the hobby might have a hard time with all the intricacies (or maybe not as smart as some are), while Chaos lets you go hog wild and ally whoever you want and be as Chaotic as you will. 

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Win or lose, I always had a blast playing.

I've tried playing IG, Nods, Necrons, Loyal SMs. For me, it always comes down to freedom of models and conversions.

If I want a four armed chosen, I can build one. If I want tentacles or two heads I can raid my bits box. I used to have a Dreadnaut that was built with half the dread and half a Nid Carnafex.


Chaos lets my twisted imagination go" let's see what we can make with these bits".


As a side note:


What size base are Chaos Spawn on?

I have a few ideas for some spawn as soon as I can get the bits.

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Same as Terminators, so 40mm I believe. I really need to get some Spawn myself, just not the kind of silly standard models, I think some Minotaurs would work well, basically giant beastmen found on a daemon world within the Maelstrom and enslaved by the Red Corsairs. See, this is why I play Chaos :D

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War




Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 13+ years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos


You forgot to add me. 21 years. :p

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War




Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 13+ years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

You forgot to add me. 21 years. :p

And me at 24

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War




Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 13+ years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Tad more then 13 on my part, I started when 3rd was first out, 98 or 99 maybe on 40k? I think it was 5th edition of fantasy still.

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War




Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 13+ years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Tad more then 13 on my part, I started when 3rd was first out, 98 or 99 maybe on 40k? I think it was 5th edition of fantasy still.



Yes 3rd ed was release in 1998, WD 226 with free Dark Eldar model.  With Chaos in White Dwarf 230 (Codex/Oblits/Raptors) & 231 (Berzerker release) & we where still in 5th ed WFB, 6th ed (WFB) was release just after the armageddon world wide campaign.

Still one of my many favrout battle report with WD 230, Black Legion vs White Scars on a trench theme gaming table.  Still rememeber seeing the table down that Warhammer World as well just wish I got more photos of it.

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War




Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 13+ years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Tad more then 13 on my part, I started when 3rd was first out, 98 or 99 maybe on 40k? I think it was 5th edition of fantasy still.



Yes 3rd ed was release in 1998, WD 226 with free Dark Eldar model.  With Chaos in White Dwarf 230 (Codex/Oblits/Raptors) & 231 (Berzerker release) & we where still in 5th ed WFB, 6th ed (WFB) was release just after the armageddon world wide campaign.

Still one of my many favrout battle report with WD 230, Black Legion vs White Scars on a trench theme gaming table.  Still rememeber seeing the table down that Warhammer World as well just wish I got more photos of it.



I was in Glasgow for the referendum, and actually took WD 230 and a couple of others with me to read for nostalgic value. Definitely a great battle report. I do have photos somewhere of that... will see if I can dig them out at some point.

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  • 2 weeks later...




An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War




Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 13+ years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Tad more then 13 on my part, I started when 3rd was first out, 98 or 99 maybe on 40k? I think it was 5th edition of fantasy still.

Yes 3rd ed was release in 1998, WD 226 with free Dark Eldar model. With Chaos in White Dwarf 230 (Codex/Oblits/Raptors) & 231 (Berzerker release) & we where still in 5th ed WFB, 6th ed (WFB) was release just after the armageddon world wide campaign.

Still one of my many favrout battle report with WD 230, Black Legion vs White Scars on a trench theme gaming table. Still rememeber seeing the table down that Warhammer World as well just wish I got more photos of it.

I've been playing off and on since 2nd edition. Yes, I'm old. I remember guess range weapons, and the cardstock Ork dread.

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One of the Chaos Space Marines in the fluff is a daemon prince with a flaming head riding a motorbike who suddenly warps in and out of our dimension to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people across the universe while most likely doing insane amounts of drugs.


Why would you not play Chaos?

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17 year veteran, just throwing that out there too. 


The other thing that we have on our side is that we can freely make up our own characters without contradicting fluff. All major loyalist chapters have defined chapter masters, so taking a custom chapter master requires you to be playing "in the past" or an alternate universe. On top of that as every Astartes chapter has standardized organization even many company captains are "taken" canonically and even if they aren't they can be at any moment.


With Chaos, there are so many warbands of the various Legions and renegade factions running about, that you can very plausibly make up your own Warsmiths, Apostles, Lords, and Sorcerers without any possibility of current or future contradiction in fluff. Hell, given the non-standard nature of Chaos forces you can even have lots of people each playing say, the 5th Grand Company (I guess now Battalion) of the Iron Warriors, each with their own Warsmith without it really being a contradiction because the various Heresy era formations have fragmented and each champion could have decided to retain his old unit number and "promoted" himself to leadership over his splinter of it.


The ultimate make-your-own-fluff faction.


^^This. Yes, we have our special characters in the form of Abby, Bile, Khârn etc. But they are mere names in the sea of madness that we call Chaos. Another example would be if using the Dark Angel codex, why does my Chapter Master of the Guardians of the Covenant have the same equipment as Azreal? Our army can be as unique as our imaginations and provides great modelling opportunities in the process.  

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