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Why play Chaos?

Lord Lee

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The latest list of Veterans of the Long War

(apologies for inaccuracies, the thrall-scribes will be flayed as appropriate)


Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 17 years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Totgeboren 21 years Chaos

Forte 24 years Chaos

Radagast's Raiders 17+ years Chaos

Scribe 16 years Chaos

Beachymike 123 17 years Chaos

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One of the Chaos Space Marines in the fluff is a daemon prince with a flaming head riding a motorbike who suddenly warps in and out of our dimension to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people across the universe while most likely doing insane amounts of drugs.


Why would you not play Chaos?



You can't get any more metal then Doomrider.


if there is a model/character that would have made me play Slaanesh it would have been him, i mean something like "take Doomrider, and all bikes are troops".

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But you always need at least one boob to be proper Slaanesh!



So so off topic...




if there is a model/character that would have made me play Slaanesh it would have been him, i mean something like "take Doomrider, and all bikes are awesome".



Fixed that for you. :)

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The latest list of Veterans of the Long War

(apologies for inaccuracies, the thrall-scribes will be flayed as appropriate)


Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched 15 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal 17 years Chaos

Rain 13+ years Chaos

Prot 13 years Chaos

Tenebris 17 years Chaos

Totgeboren 21 years Chaos

Forte 24 years Chaos

Radagast's Raiders 17+ years Chaos

Scribe 16 years Chaos

Beachymike 123 17 years Chaos

This makes me feel so old, i have had a Chaos Marine based army since the very first Chaos Marine figures came out pre Slaves to Darkness, which was 1988. I still have some of the figures i bought and painted then!

Daemonkin has rejuvenated me a lot as i hate the Chaos Codex!

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I am very new to chaos (just got models last month), but I find that I agree with what the others are saying immediately. I really like the visual style of the Thousand Sons, with Egyptian mythology, and I'm using Tomb Kings as proxys for Tzeentch Daemons (tomb guard as horrors, Ushabti as Lords of Change). I like the look of daemons in general (they're like the gothic monsters that medievals drew in the margins of manuscripts).


I also made custom models immediately. Chaos really does hold such potential for custom models and I guess I noticed that immediately. My current project is to make Amon of the Thousand Sons as Ahriman's right-hand sorcerer, with the Book of Magnus (scroll in my case) and a skeletal vulture spell familiar.


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To me, Chaos has always been about the psychological aspects. You have the obvious polar extremes of the 4 gods and their pair, you have the various positives to be taken from each God, and the negatives when taken to extremes, the parallels to the Christian War in Heaven/Fall of Lucifer to the Chaos Marines and the Heresy, the iconography, the art, the visual impact.


Ultimately the self destructive nihilism is what gets me in the end though, and has carried me from angry and rebellious youth, to jaded, bitter, and smoldering dissatisfaction as an adult.


For Khorne, and the end of all things gentlemen and ladies! :]

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I first got into chaos with WFB, not sure what edition it was, but early 90s certainly. Got some Beastmen (the old plastic static pose ones with halberds) whenever that was. Found the Realm of Chaos at some point and found I was definitely a Khorne boy. I had the usual anger issues as a kid (growing up with 2 brothers helped) but kept it all tightly in control. The idea of these guys just giving in was appealing. Add in the customisation of the Warband and we're cooking with gravy. I had a couple of games with Chaos during 2nd but didn't really like the game. After a decade away from the game I came back to WFB with Beastmen. After a bit I joined 40k with Tau at the end of 5th and moved to HH when FW started doing their thing. After umming and ahhing I went with an alternate heresy Legion...who went on to fall to Khorne. And then Daemonkin came out and it was the perfect time more the storyline on with my Legion.


I've never sympathised with their cause. They've always been the bad guys to me. Not that I'm a massive fan of the Imperium but lesser of two evils to me. But the modelling and theme? Doing what I never could as a kid.


Edit: also can't stand any of the other aspects of chaos.

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War

(Stolen from Carrack, reformatted to tenure> alphabetized, and replaced.)



Always check the Shadows- 27 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Forte- 24 years Chaos

Totgeboren- 21 years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Beachymike123- 17 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal- 17 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Radagast's Raiders- 17+ Chaos

Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Tenebris- 17 years Chaos

Scribe- 16 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched- 15 years Chaos

gaurdian31- 14+ years Chaos

Raulmichile- 14 years Chaos

Prot- 13 years Chaos

Rain- 13+ years Chaos

Kaldoth- 12 years Chaos

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An updated list of the Veterans of the Long War

(Stolen from Carrack, reformatted to tenure> alphabetized, and replaced.)




Carrack- 27 years Chaos

Castigor- 27+ years Chaos

Forte- 24 years Chaos

Totgeboren- 21 years Chaos

Chaeron- 20 years Chaos

Excessus -20 years Chaos

Insane Psychopath- 19 years Chaos

Beachymike123- 17 years Chaos

Captain Tezdal- 17 years Chaos

Dragonlover- 17 years Chaos

Radagast's Raiders- 17+ Chaos

Slayer le Boucher- 17 years Chaos

Tenebris- 17 years Chaos

Scribe- 16 years Chaos

Xenith -16 years Chaos

Warsmith Gorrched- 15 years Chaos

Prot- 13 years Chaos

Rain- 13+ years Chaos

I am far from earning veterans rights in this roll call. I've been immersed in the lore for 10 years or so, I played Talisman and blood bowl back in the early 90's, but bought my first minis less than a year ago. You can find pictures of them in my gallery, I'm fairly certain they are the ugliest minis in this forum and I have looked around, :) that's ok I am improving dramaticly and enjoy the hobby side as much as the lore and the 1-2 games I can get a month.


I suggest you be less sparing with the whip on your chronicers.

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I play Chaos for an entirely different reason then what I see most of the players are putting down in this thread, and that is for how they play on the board. Warhammer has plenty of opportunities for the artist and inventor but it also has many more for the strategist and the planner. When I began the hobby in 2005 I was a fan of Starcraft (Terran in particular were my favorite race) so my natural reaction was to play space marines.


It seemed utterly amazing to me when I got my first codex just how many options the army had in terms of wargear, unit selections, leaders, and variant traits. I was used to games like chess and Risk where balance came from everyone having the same pieces so in that sense Warhammer felt like a breath of fresh air. It quickly became apparent though that not all armies were designed to be equally good. This was 2006-2007 where Space Marines were a weak codex because they were so generalist (even with traits) that I often found myself falling victim to more specialized armies (such as all melee Orks, shooty Tau/Necrons) and better written books like Space Wolves and Blood Angels.


It was frustrating time for me, as every list idea I came up with ended in failure. I was sick of the average to poor capabilities of the Tactical Squads I was forced to take, and angry that I seemed to be either outshot or outfought by every opponent I came up against. Then came the day I bought the Chaos Marines Codex. Reading through that book, it seemed like god's gift to Marine players. The 3.5 edition codex was stunning to me... you had an armory that filled four pages of pure options from daemonic statistics upgrades and rules to unique armories for each god. Let me list the great things it had:


- Nine unique Chaos Legions with full variant rules, four of which had 'books' devoted to their gods, rules, armories, and character

- Daemons, both neutral and god specific, giving you a horde element that normal Marines aren't capable of achieving

- The ability to upgrade your normal Chaos Marines to god specific cult troops, each with their own unique approaches to fighting


The last point for me was the big seller. Noise Marines and Rubric Marines in particular were really inspiring because you could build an army around them that was far better then generalist tactical squads. I switched to Chaos and never looked back. Fourth edition was pretty rough when we lost all our flavor and had the daemons cut out of our book and made into a bad offshoot army, but with fifth came allies and two decent books to save Chaos from the abyss.


To this day I have Thousand Sons/Tzeentch Daemons and Noise Marines/Slaanesh Daemons armies and I find them immensely enjoyable to play and to paint.

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 I should supplement my old post with some additional reasons for why I play chaos: 


Chaos, to me, is a brutal army. Subtlety and finesse are for Xenos, Space Monguls, and not!Stormtroops, we are much more simple. Not unintelligent, merely simple: we want our enemy dead. From our close combat abilities to our ranged weaponry, the entire Chaos armory screams killing power and truly nothing would stand in our way if we could simply catch it. 


Both of the chaos armies I play are focused on dominating a particular form of combat  in order to crush the enemy. Either by steam rolling my opponent with a wall of metal and fearless peasants, or annihilating them at range with Sonic weapons and Conversion Beamers. Truly, with a little ingenuity and luck I am capable of answering the challenges my opponents present me with a hail of explosives or a storm of blades. All the while reaping the thematic benefits of my hard work in converting and painting these super warriors as they break Imperial bones and steal Eldar women. 


I answered the call of Chaos because it speaks to my soul, and my desire to see my simple plans of destruction enacted upon my foes. 

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I suggest you be less sparing with the whip on your chronicers.



I am. I find they beg for it more :unsure:

Indeed m'lords. Good help can be so hard to flay these days.

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I wonder if I would qualify as a Veteran of the long war, I began with a small Thousand Sons force with the 3.5 dex about a year before it was replaced.


Lord Lee.

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I wonder if I would qualify as a Veteran of the long war, I began with a small Thousand Sons force with the 3.5 dex about a year before it was replaced.


Lord Lee.

I am in the same boat (although it was mostly paper/proxyhammer for me back then.)

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My feelings are that you have to get into double digits at least, :) The points I was making when I first complied the list, was that we have a wealth of experience in this faction to draw from, which is awesome. Also that something has sustained these Chaos Lords passions for the hobby for decades which is remarkable.


Also it can be a tad overwhelming for a new hobbiest to compare his own first futile attempts at models to the likes of Augusta, Krautscientist, Tzen, Forte, Kierdale, Tenebris, Slanbull, etc... I Could go on for hours here and still leave masters out, not my intention. But after figuring out how many years of effort some of thes artist have been putting in, I feel more comfortable with my bumbling first brush strokes

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Bare in mind that we all had to start somewhere too so never be ashamed of your efforts but enjoy it. Ask questions of others.

Thanks. I have been asking, questions viewing tutorials, looking at others works, and outright experimenting, and am seeing remarkable improvement. This in turn has lead to more enjoyment of the hobby, which is of course the key objective of any hobby.

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I do think some of the great works can be inspiring and daunting in equal measures when you first start. But these days I tend to be more inspired (mainly because I'm realistic in my expectations of my own capabilities). KrautScientist's Khorne work has been truly inspiring as I plan my Daemonkin.
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I've been playing Chaos since late 2000 when my friend got me into the hobby. He was playing goody good Ultramarines and I wanted to play an army to oppose them. World Eaters spoke to me, just get to the enemy and take their skulls. Any deaths on the way there still please my god. I love them, to me their like the Predator, trophy hunters and warriors. The paint scheme is fun, I happen to love the bunny ears and the Mk II helm, and Khârn. Gotta love Khârn.

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Bare in mind that we all had to start somewhere too so never be ashamed of your efforts but enjoy it. Ask questions of others.


Yeah i remember my start...lolz


Since the models showed on the boxes at the time for Sm was Ultrasmurfs, theni started an Ultrasmurf army.


I liked Marneus, and it had like all the characters at the time a point limit to join the army, in wich case was 2000pts.


And i completly skipped the wargear section about limit on the weapons( 1 two handed and 2 one handed weapons etc), and only read the 100pts limit on IC's and 50pts for sarges etc, but it was all fuzzy, so i went and equipped every.single.model in my army with 50pts of equipement to reach the 2000pts mark to be able to fill marneus.


Iirc the army had 10 scouts, 10 Tacs 5 tacs, 1 dread, 1 tech, Marneus, 2 termies 5 assaults 4 devs and one landpseeder typhoon, wich from the head was just in the 1500pts or something...


So my first few games versus more experienced players din't go well, since i was litteraly outnumbered, until someone checked my list and told me whats what i was doing wrong.


Also proof that i was allready a littel crazy on conversion opportunities, i nagged one of the GW employees with questions, my goal was to field a Nid Tyrant in my UM army...


The way i tried to do it is like this, if i took a Techmarine and an Apothicare i would have the Apoc and Tech modify a captured Tyrant, implant him with a Remote control device that the Techy would use to "pilote" it on the battlefield...


You should have seen the look on the guys face...priceless...


Of course i had no idea about the fluff around UM and Nids at the time, and its a fond memory, but still the silly things you can come up with when you're a kid..., darn i just realised that i grew old, not up...

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I wonder if I would qualify as a Veteran of the long war, I began with a small Thousand Sons force with the 3.5 dex about a year before it was replaced.


Lord Lee.

I am in the same boat (although it was mostly paper/proxyhammer for me back then.)



Are we willing to stretch to fluff (and Fantasy)? Because when I first learned how to read (14 years ago now), the Bloodthirster in Daemonslayer was my favorite character in all of my books.

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