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Why play Chaos?

Lord Lee

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Of course i had no idea about the fluff around UM and Nids at the time, and its a fond memory, but still the silly things you can come up with when you're a kid..., darn i just realised that i grew old, not up...

Don't be too hard on yourself, as I see it there is this magical middle ground where your imagination still gives you pleasure, but your grown-up part of the brain appreciate the boarders existing in the fictional world.

Like, in Lord of the Rings, I kinda appreciate that there is no room for a side-story where Legolas and the Balrog become friends and do sudoku together. That's not just growing up, that is simply recognizing the boundaries of the setting, and understanding that the boundaries often actually improve the setting more than it hinders it.

You were not alone in having strange fantasies about Nids (tongue.png), but they do require some very specific circumstances to make semi-believable within the setting.

I tried to skim the edges of these boundaries, by making the mini cool enough. smile.png

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I'm loving these replies. Though the Smurfnid really tickled me. And that Orkfex is amazing. It really gives me ideas, especially as my warband has a fleshcrafter. I wonder how a CSM controlled Carnifex would look (counts as Helbrute maybe).
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I'm loving these replies. Though the Smurfnid really tickled me. And that Orkfex is amazing. It really gives me ideas, especially as my warband has a fleshcrafter. I wonder how a CSM controlled Carnifex would look (counts as Helbrute maybe).


I can't remember where, but I seem to recall a story where the IW had a possessed Hive ship as their base of operations. Not exactly the same thing, but a possessed Nid would probably be a good avenue for either some count-as models based on nids, or actually having an allied Detachment of Nids. :)


I could well see legions like the WB or BL (perhaps also the TS) capturing a Hive and forcing a possession of it, and through arcane rituals gaining control of the daemon. EC could of course do this too, but they seem to be a bit more into flashcraft as you say, which would require a deeper understanding of the physiology of the 'patient' I think?


On the other hand, that is exactly what I did with the looted carnifex. Painboy/Mekboy/Weirdboy cooperations ftw, and if the greenskins can do it, the boys in pink should be able to as well!

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I'm loving these replies. Though the Smurfnid really tickled me. And that Orkfex is amazing. It really gives me ideas, especially as my warband has a fleshcrafter. I wonder how a CSM controlled Carnifex would look (counts as Helbrute maybe).

I can't remember where, but I seem to recall a story where the IW had a possessed Hive ship as their base of operations. Not exactly the same thing, but a possessed Nid would probably be a good avenue for either some count-as models based on nids, or actually having an allied Detachment of Nids. smile.png

I could well see legions like the WB or BL (perhaps also the TS) capturing a Hive and forcing a possession of it, and through arcane rituals gaining control of the daemon. EC could of course do this too, but they seem to be a bit more into flashcraft as you say, which would require a deeper understanding of the physiology of the 'patient' I think?

On the other hand, that is exactly what I did with the looted carnifex. Painboy/Mekboy/Weirdboy cooperations ftw, and if the greenskins can do it, the boys in pink should be able to as well!

Storm of Iron, they use the Nid ship to transport the Titian from Legio Mortis. Use the Obliterator virus.

In the Imperial Fist supplament. It comment about Iron Warriors Warsmith Shon'tu filling a Space Hulk with Nids aim it that Terra? But went off course, IF fought them & loss there Chapter Master



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In the Deamon hunter codex there was a scenario/excuse to have a GD in a Nid army wich was that a small hive fleet stayed too long next the Khorne Monolithes that Angron had set in the jungles of armageddon, and is now frenzied by the waves of anger emitted by the Monolithes.
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In the Imperial Fist supplament.  It comment about Iron Warriors Warsmith Shon'tu filling a Space Hulk with Nids aim it that Terra?  But went off course, IF fought them & loss there Chapter Master






Captain. But all the same, the Imperial Fists suffered terrible losses of man power and geneseed that day.

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Bare in mind that we all had to start somewhere too so never be ashamed of your efforts but enjoy it. Ask questions of others.


Yeah i remember my start...lolz


Since the models showed on the boxes at the time for Sm was Ultrasmurfs, theni started an Ultrasmurf army.


I liked Marneus, and it had like all the characters at the time a point limit to join the army, in wich case was 2000pts.


And i completly skipped the wargear section about limit on the weapons( 1 two handed and 2 one handed weapons etc), and only read the 100pts limit on IC's and 50pts for sarges etc, but it was all fuzzy, so i went and equipped every.single.model in my army with 50pts of equipement to reach the 2000pts mark to be able to fill marneus.


Iirc the army had 10 scouts, 10 Tacs 5 tacs, 1 dread, 1 tech, Marneus, 2 termies 5 assaults 4 devs and one landpseeder typhoon, wich from the head was just in the 1500pts or something...


So my first few games versus more experienced players din't go well, since i was litteraly outnumbered, until someone checked my list and told me whats what i was doing wrong.


Also proof that i was allready a littel crazy on conversion opportunities, i nagged one of the GW employees with questions, my goal was to field a Nid Tyrant in my UM army...


The way i tried to do it is like this, if i took a Techmarine and an Apothicare i would have the Apoc and Tech modify a captured Tyrant, implant him with a Remote control device that the Techy would use to "pilote" it on the battlefield...


You should have seen the look on the guys face...priceless...


Of course i had no idea about the fluff around UM and Nids at the time, and its a fond memory, but still the silly things you can come up with when you're a kid..., darn i just realised that i grew old, not up...



A guy I know went to great lengths to convert Nids to have genitalia and explain how they were breeding and separate from the Hive mind and all.


Chuck was special in the head.

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I believe hormagaunts can actually reproduce unless they took that out when the codex transitioned from 5th to 6th. Anyways, I love playing chaos. What first drew me to them was the fanatical Word Bearers. They know the truth and make sure everyone else knows it to. Plus whats better than playing zealous crusaders/jihadists in space.

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I started painting and building back in 2003. Been a chaos player since then. I've dabbled in Tau, Nids, Eldar, Space Marines, and Necrons. I would get these random urges to build one of those armies, but then I'd read some chaos fluff or see a cool conversion or model and Chaos would suck me right back in. On the hobby side, we definitely have the force with the most freedom to paint and build what you want however you want. For fluff, chaos armies come in all flavors. Want diehard chaos fanatics? Word Bearers. Want murderous traitors who bend the knee to no one, including the dark gods? Night lords. Want a happy medium? Iron Warriors. And really, you can play almost any army with any background, except the canonical devotees of one particular god/ fanatical mindset. An undivided Alpha Legion army is just as acceptable as a Khornate Alpha Legion warband fluff wise. As rich and defined as the various legions/warbands are, you still have so much freedom to do what you want. Been a servant of the dark gods for twelve years and I don't think I'll ever truly go anywhere else!
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Word Bearer since 2001. Can I apply to the roll of honour?


I started painting and building back in 2003. Been a chaos player since then. Been a servant of the dark gods for twelve years and I don't think I'll ever truly go anywhere else!

I'll repost it as the tread grows, but for now your names have been added to our unhallowed roll, honored brothers.

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Because of the myriad conversion possibilities.

Because we got the sexiest minis.

Because Abbadon will win in the end (he got so far and tried so hard).

but in the end it dosent even matter

We had to fall to gain it all

But in the end it dosent even matter





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Because of the myriad conversion possibilities.

Because we got the sexiest minis.

Because Abbadon will win in the end (he got so far and tried so hard).

but in the end it dosent even matter

We had to fall to gain it all

But in the end it dosent even matter




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