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Painting ridged horns


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I am having a tough time painting the ridged horns on my CSM. My main issue is I have primed them black, but want them white. If I thin my paints, the black shows, if I keep it thick I lose the detail. In the future I will prime the heads separately, but is their anyway I can get the horns white without resorting to stripping and starting over?
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Try: Dark Grey like Eshin Gray over the black then work up to a dark bone / lighter gray shade before going over it in white. 



Medic back


Both whites here I've done over black primer. In the case of the Apothecaries cloak, I worked up the "bone" color scale of GW finishing off with white. On the Raven Guard, I did Dark Gray -> Light Gray -> White.


Granted, the white I'm using is Ceramite White which is a base color and thus has a higher pigment density.


image1 (11)


White here is just Drybrushed Ceramite White over Black Primer too; in 2/3 thin coats.

Use the black undercoat to your advantage and drybrush the white paint on using a normal, standard size brush. Coat just the first 3 -4 mm, wipe off the excess and work it over the ridges. You should end up with a thick enough coating on the raised sections and them you can wash it with Sepia for a reasonable bone effect


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