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Which legion and why?


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Well after much deliberation I have gone out and bought the dark vengeance box set with the aim to start a CSM army. I'm kind of stuck on what legion I want to represent. I'm leaning toward Word Bearers as I like the religious fanatic fluffiness but still keen to read up on the other legions out there.


So my question to everyone is. What legion are you and why did you choose them?

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Iron warriors. I love their fluff, their trust in technology, the bitter twisted view they have of others, the way they see a means to an end. Their colour scheme is also great - it can be as simple or as complex as you wish. They are also siege specialists, which is another factor i love, as well as being able to field many many armoured vehicles in a fluffy list.

Just my 2p worth.

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This is an extremely hard question to answer, because chaos has some of the best lore, miniatures, and color schemes in the game.  Currently, my favorite legion is the arch heretics themselves, The Word Bearers.  They are the true apostles of chaos itself.  My love for this legion is breaks down for three reasons: Lore, gaming, painting, and modeling/conversion.  They have so much depth in lore, and have several excellent novels based around them.  They during the pre heresy where lied to, mistreated, abused, and mocked by the other legions.  You feel bad for them, they just want the best for humanity, but can’t because of the outlook of the Emperor.   A sense of pride emerges when they discover the truth of the universe and break the shackle of the Emperor.  Here they descend the road to salvation, and tireless try to bring humanity in line with the only truth of the universe.  After 10,000 yrs they are still continuing their crusade, unlike the other legions, which lost focus.   It does not help that “The first Heretic” by ADB is my favorite book of all time.  Gaming wise, they have the flexibility to field every unit, and well come allies in the forms of Daemons and R&H.  Painting wise, they have the best color scheme, who does not like the combination of traitor red and silver?  Also you have the possibility of painting different colors in the forms of Daemon and R&H, which go with WB perfectly.  Finally conversion and modeling is always presented, Chaos is a convert/modeling army, and WB is no different. Special mention to World Eaters and Night Lords for coming in a close 2nd place (I blame ADB for writing great books)

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The Black Legion

1. Be the number 1 bad guys

2. Any play style can fit in the Black Legion

3. You want cult troops, we have them all

4. Same with marks, and if you don't want those, that's fine too

5. Black spiky armor is the most fashionable spiky armor. It's timeless

6. We are headed for Terra, other legions may follow, but we are leading the way.

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Not a warband descended from a legion.

Not a traitor one at any rate!

Though I love the fluff of many of the traitor legions, I made my warband a corrupted formerly loyalist chapter for the opportunity to do something different and -I hope- original.


That's another option for you. :)

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Iron Warriors.


They are the professionals among amateurs and wingnuts.


They kill people and break things, by specification, on time, with brutal efficiency, without any breaks for nonsense like playing grab ass with daemons or hosting tea parties for cultists.


They open hostilities with bombardments, sustain them with fusillades, advance them with engines, and finish them with blades. Then another bombardment for good measure.


As far as practical jokes go, The Iron Cage incident remains unsurpassed by the lesser legions.


They are too busy getting things done to bother with painting their armour.


However, as far back as the Great Crusade the Emperor himself realized how dangerous they were even as allies, which is why they are all adorned with hazard stripes.


Perturabo isn't dead, still comes out to lead his Legion, and is still somehow an Undivided Daemon Prince despite Be'Lakor's delusions of uniqueness.


Speaking of Perturabo, the Imperium still relies on his treatises on siege and armoured warfare, because in 10,000 years it's still the best part of the Codex Astartes.


Iron Warriors were the first space marines to choose to turn into guns instead of daemon princes, and many still prefer it to this day.


Uriel Ventris is extremely upset by them, because Warsmith Honsou managed to be cooler than him without being an insufferable and widely reviled Mary Sue.


Storm of Iron is still one of the best Black Library novels ever written.


I could go on, but my boss expects me to do SOME work today...

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Thousands Sons all the way!


1.)  I love the tragic fall background and the idea of warrior scholars trying to spread knowledge and understanding and falling due to their hubris and unseen manipulation of others.

2.) Rubricae are just pure awesome

3.) Magnus is the best Primarch, he kills a titan by giving it a harsh look!

4.) I really like the Blue/Yellow/Gold colour scheme and the Egyptian aesthetic, it makes everything look awesome.

5.) Amazing conversion opportunities.

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The Legions are dead. The last ones died on the dirt of Terra. They shattered and splintered across a hundred thousand worlds over the galaxy. Now we fight to keep ourselves and those beside us alive. At least until they try to betray us. Then we kill them too. If you promise to fight for me and are willing to perhaps die for me, I promise to try to work your goals into my plans and to keep you supplied and killing. Finally, when you leave my service, do so honestly, and I will not hunt you down, but try to betray me, and I will crush whatever it is that keeps you moving. Do we have a deal?



Honestly though, my chaos army revolves around my leader, and whoever is working with him for the time being. He rarely makes long term deals, because he would rather know when his minions will betray him. In otherwords, it is an evershifting alliance of warriors, united by a rejection of the imperium and perhaps fleeting common goals, who fight together for as long as it continues to serve them and who have no ties to the once legions.

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Well lets say that my favorite legion are the Thousand Sons, I lead the Black Legion community here on B&C and currently I play Chaos Undecided, since I cannot decide which legion to paint (Alpha Legion, Word Bearers, Black Legion). I post in both the Alpha Legion and the Word Bearers communities, my friends say that I should be a Night Lords player and I have so many ideas that making a renegade chapter would be for the best, only that I am a legion, all legions, enthusiast, yet I advocate that the legions are dead... 


Helpful... not really, but no matter which legion do you choose, there is a good chance that I will be able weave a written tribute to its magnificence. My problem is that I like all the legions...

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For me it's a Word Bearers paint scheme. Rules wise theyre my own host that flits between CSM codex and Crimson Slaughter.




1. WB are classic baddies, spurned by their father and forced to realise the truth of the Primordial Anihilator. Plus, there's good literature to support them, they have a fascinating back story, they're among the first to be corrupted, and for me they have the Possessed/Gal Vorbak daemon stuff going on. The fusion of a Space Marine and a creature of the immaterium really draws me.


2. Red is easy/fun to paint. There's a whole range of techniques and methods to suit ability and it's quite forgiving.


However, I don't want to be too shoehorned into one option. For that reason I tend to use mostly undivided symbols/brass extras. I don't want to box myself in too much.


Chaos has loads of cool options. I absolutely love the Night Lords, Alpha Legion and Emperor's Children too! I also think with some real love Thousand Sons could be sooo cool. Tbh it's all the HH/BL books I simply couldn't put down!!!


Remember you can do what you want, don't be put off but be realistic, painting say yellow or pink (IMO) is not easy. Pick the Legion/warband you like or the colour you like/want to paint.


Edit: iPhone :/

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Black legion.

I think the paint scheme is fantastic and I think they can be an army that you can be portrayed anyway you want. For instance my lord is not a particularly Evil man but a man that has spent most of his life trying to survive in an environment as bat **** crazy as the warp with people betraying each other left and right. His companions are loyal (or as loyal as could be expected) because they have similar beliefs in that they could not care less about the 4 gods and there agendas all they want is to live and live free from being hunted by the imperium. This is why the follow abaddon because they know that unless the imperium is destroyed then they will never be free.


Or something like that after a 5minute think of my army

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XVI. I'm partal to the Luna Wolves..


I love the outcast nature of the legion after the Horus heresy and I guess that no other legion really fits my style.

I took the 'behind enemy lines' approach that you tend to see in many war-films, as the pre-heresy legions tend to have more connection to the Imperial army, it was not all that much of a leap to incorporate a regimented, close-knit comrade theme into my lost 19th Luna wolves company.

as for the Lord, I'm surprised that not many followed the rout that some legionnaires are actually from Terra, especially in the early days before many of the Primarchs were found and a sort time after. long story short, the Lord Captain never fit into the Cthonian tribal culture, and what is left of the company adopts this more cultured nature of their beloved lord captain... and I wanted to shoehorn sun tzu quotes.


also, black with dry brushed gray and sliver trim is like the black dress of power armor schemes, very hard to look bad

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I picked Crimson Slaughter as my warband, because I wanted to make use of corrupted Loyalist miniatures, alongside more traditionial Chaos forces. The aim was to not only use all the miniatures in Dark Vengeance, but also make use of the Space Hulk Terminators that my other had bought me for Christmas, so I've got a mix of corrupt Dark Angels and Blood Angels representing captured armour, and traitorous marines.

The Crimson Slaughter themselves offer a decent selection of artifacts and special rules which helps, though admitedly causing Fear isn't much use in a system where every other miniature is Fearless (except strangely Chaos....) but we get better possessed, and more traditional artifacts, and a nice gimmick of being able to use Maelfic Summoning more easily than other Chaos Warbands.

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Many choose a CSM legion based on their history from the Horus Heresy - great warriors from a time of legendary heroes and villains surviving through the millennia to visit bloody vengeance on the heirs of those who wronged them. These players tend to gravitate towards whichever heresy era legion or characters they find especially noble or tragic. The Thousand Sons who were so horribly wronged, the Iron Warriors so heartlessly used, and so on. But me? I didn't choose my legion for the history. Oh, the Heresy is compelling stuff, to be sure, but it's also the past. Yes, the legacy of the original traitor legions laid the foundation for the chaos marines of the 41st millennium, but those who cannot escape the Heresy's memory are doomed to live forever in the shadow of its failure.


No, I did not choose my Legion in order to live out the legacy of Horus the Fallen, or any the False Emperor's sniveling brood of entitled demigods for that matter. Rather, I chose the Black Legion because they are not the Sons of Horus. They may have been founded in part on the remnants of that broken legion, but the Black Legion are Abaddon's sons, born not of the Imperium but from the heart of the Eye of Terror itself. The Black Legion has never fought for the False Emperor. From its terrible dawn, it has existed only to tear the Imperium down.


As such, they might be thought of as the first true chaos marines. The warriors of the Black Legion are no longer the same rebels and heretics they were when they entered the Eye. Every one of the legion's warriors has been shaped by their own unique journey, their own sacred pilgrimage through fire, madness, and death. The dark flames of these trials have burned away all weakness, leaving the warriors' souls scorched as black as their armor, and delivering them into Abaddon's service as changed, transcendent beings. Each Black Legionnaire is a pitiless ebon blade of pure and perfect hatred, with its point at the Imperium's throat and the Warmaster's hand on the hilt.


I chose the Black Legion not to play the faded ghosts of the 31st millennium, but rather the ascendant arch-enemies of the 41st. Not to play the tragic veterans of a failed rebellion, but rather the immortal warrior-kings of the dark gods, as far above mere Astartes as they are above the dregs of humanity, marching down a bloody path towards the inevitable future of the Despoiler's dark victory.


We are the Black Legion.

And We Are Returned.

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Many choose a CSM legion based on their history from the Horus Heresy - great warriors from a time of legendary heroes and villains surviving through the millennia to visit bloody vengeance on the heirs of those who wronged them. These players tend to gravitate towards whichever heresy era legion or characters they find especially noble or tragic. The Thousand Sons who were so horribly wronged, the Iron Warriors so heartlessly used, and so on. But me? I didn't choose my legion for the history. Oh, the Heresy is compelling stuff, to be sure, but it's also the past. Yes, the legacy of the original traitor legions laid the foundation for the chaos marines of the 41st millennium, but those who cannot escape the Heresy's memory are doomed to live forever in the shadow of its failure.


No, I did not choose my Legion in order to live out the legacy of Horus the Fallen, or any the False Emperor's sniveling brood of entitled demigods for that matter. No, I chose the Black Legion because they are not the Sons of Horus. They may have been founded in part on the remnants of that broken legion, but the Black Legion are Abaddon's sons, born not of the Imperium but from the heart of the Eye of Terror itself. The Black Legion has never fought for the False Emperor. From its terrible dawn, it has existed only to tear the Imperium down.


As such, they might be thought of as the first true chaos marines. The warriors of the Black Legion are no longer the same rebels and heretics they were when they entered the Eye. Every one of the legion's warriors has been shaped by their own unique journey, their own sacred pilgrimage through fire, madness, and death. The dark flames of these trials have burned away all weakness, leaving the warriors' souls scorched as black as their armor, and delivering them into Abaddon's service as changed, transcendent beings. Each Black Legionnaire is a pitiless ebon blade of pure and perfect hatred, with its point at the Imperium's throat and the Warmaster's hand on the hilt.


I chose the Black Legion not to play the faded ghosts of the 31st millennium, but rather the ascendant arch-enemies of the 41st. Not to play the tragic veterans of a failed rebellion, but rather the immortal warrior-kings of the dark gods, as far above mere Astartes as they are above the dregs of humanity, marching down a bloody path towards the inevitable future of the Despoiler's dark victory.


We are the Black Legion.

And We Are Returned.

I am saving this for inspiration. Very well put

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Night Lords. Maybe Legions are dead, but not their warriors. Night Lords don't care about Chaos Gods (well, mostly), and still fight as Astartes, not as daemon-worshipping rabble. In my opinion, the fact that Night Lords and Iron Warriors were able to stay as uncorrupted as possible after ten thousand years makes them far superior to those, who are unable to fight as Space Marines and seek help from Chaos Gods.

Let the weak kneel before the daemons, they aren't free, they are just slaves to another master.

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Well I think I'm planning on Basing my Warband around the Word Bearers but I'm hoping to add my own little bit of fluff about my lord.


The plan is that he is one of the fallen dark angels and he was taken in by the Warband as the saw his as a gift from the warp. From here he has proved himself worthy of leading the Warband.

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