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Which legion and why?


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Well I think I'm planning on Basing my Warband around the Word Bearers but I'm hoping to add my own little bit of fluff about my lord.


The plan is that he is one of the fallen dark angels and he was taken in by the Warband as the saw his as a gift from the warp. From here he has proved himself worthy of leading the Warband.

That sounds like a great start, and I can't wait to see what you do with it!


To answer your original question though...


I was a Word Bearer player previously, during the 3.5 days, and after the last 2 codices felt a little betrayed with how they were handled. The Crimson Slaughter supplement didn't help since it could have been practically called the Word Bearers Supplement.


So like Abaddon, I took that rage and dissapoinment and focused it to a point of black retribution. So it's been Black Legion for me since then. I actually enjoyed the supplement a lot, and use it even though I know it's not optimal. The modeling opportunities are endless since, as Black Legion, everything is at my disposal to further the ends of the Warmaster. Also, black clad marines are pretty awesome... just sayin'.

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Thousands Sons all the way!


1.)  I love the tragic fall background and the idea of warrior scholars trying to spread knowledge and understanding and falling due to their hubris and unseen manipulation of others.

2.) Rubricae are just pure awesome

3.) Magnus is the best Primarch, he kills a titan by giving it a harsh look!

4.) I really like the Blue/Yellow/Gold colour scheme and the Egyptian aesthetic, it makes everything look awesome.

5.) Amazing conversion opportunities.

Angron stops a Titan from Curbstomping Loregar by holding it's foot and entire weight up.  After having dug himself out of rubble he was under due to a number of buildings being dropped on him.


Loregar survives numerous Plasma Destructor shots from said titan.


Guilliman survives being spaced when the bridge of the ship he's on get's blow open-he's next seen Smashing the crap out of Word bearers on the surface of his ship-helmetless and quite cross about the whole "Flying a ship into Calth" thing.



From the 'gaming' side of things, I wandered over to World Eaters, Night Lords (inspired by ADB), but decided against that because my Tau at the time were blue, Red Corsairs because the Badab War reminded me of the US Civil war, and eventually settling back onto the Black Legion to 1. Future Proof my army, and 2. I wanted a Black Army.


I was heavily inspired by a couple of different sources for my Chaos.  Firstly, the Night Lords books by ADB.  Not necessarily the Night Lords parts-but the scrounging, near ork levels of Ghetto, sort of like the COG Gears from the Gears of War games and books-just barely surviving and holding on.


I also found that when I was trying to define my army, it was "Like Alpha Legion but...", "Like World Eaters, But..." "Like the Iron Warriors, but" and negating all the stuff I didn't like about them (Alpha Legion's name, World Eaters' Orkyness, Iron Warrior's color scheme and Hazard stripes, Night Lords' cowardly, bully-like nature).  I didn't like the Black Legion because of the perception that the majority came from the Sons of Horus.


I'm not a big fan of Primarchs outside of the black library novels-if they all just ascended or died and never came back, it'd all be A-Okay with me-they are irrelevant DNA donors whose children have more interesting stories to tell besides which Comic Book character was their Dad.


ADB's depiction of "How to Build a Warband" in The Talon of Horus kinda slapped me in the face and I was like "Well, I do want a Black Army, and I can always use them as a Heresy Army or a Loyalist one if I want to."


So I did.  I do have a lot of world eaters too.

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I put chaos on hold again. Between having no energy or ambition to model, having no one to play, and no decisive idea as to what I want to build has faded my desire for this money sink hobby, which could affectionately be spent on a rifle or new gaming computer.


I like all of the Legions. GW diced them like Chapters into little Warbands and proceeded to pimp out a group I consider a mockery. Two editions of codexes and novels have washed away any semblence of passion for older context I enjoyed a kinship to while newer groups catch none of the interest of when we were actually scary to play.


I guess if I had to choose, it would be Death Guard or Iron Warriors.

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Iron warriors Because it wonderful color scheme and the army Is all about the siege tanks and trench tactics . both of which I adore,the time has come for the final seige of terra has begun.Perturabo Has unleashed the crimson steel crusade Led by the demon prince "father of mutilators" and the triad of of warsmith,warpsmith,and sorcerer,He has unleashed a ever growing legion upon terra to bring the war to the false emperor  on two fronts , the CSC is the engine to just do that,unleashing the dreaded warpsteel upon the their foes,their numbers swell with each new victim , and with a writ signed by all the surviving primarchs the writ of perturabo brings the legions to ally under its banner many are those who now call the csc home and soon terra itself will feel it's wrath after all who better then the master of siege himself to engineer the fall of terra. 

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All of them. I considered going the Black Legion route, but then decided that each Legion deserved it's own army in order to properly be explored. Currently done most of the Alpha Legion and I've modeled the World Eaters, just waiting for the chance to get some paint on them.



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For me it is Deathguard, well a splinter force of them at least. I play Heralds of Despair


1. The modeling aspect is awesome

2. The ability to include cultist, Daemons, vehicles works for me

3. They love terminators I love terminators this is an extreme plus

4. Green and purple is a scheme I love and with the washes available it can look great with a bit of love

5. Tentacles and buboes are easy for a greenstuff Noob like myself

6. Backstory is there and the ability to take a hit and keep at it is pretty awesome

7. They like to be prepared for whatever so are equipped that way.


This is the army I always come back to. I have played Worldeaters Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons, Word Bearers and they all have a place in my game case. Death guard always takes priority though.



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It was a really close call for me... When returning to the modelling aspect of the hobby I knew I wanted to do a chaos force, but was torn between legions. I love all 4 original undivided legions, but in the end it was between Night Lords and IW. In the end I decided for the IW because... well because. Can't really say I like their background better than that of the NL. In the end I read some novels to decide and those were Lord of the Night and Storm of Iron. That turned me to the IW and after painting two squads of csm I sticked with them. You know, had I read ADB fantastic trilogy first, I'd be a Night Lord now biggrin.png But I really love my IW force. I like their paint scheme and their background with their bitterness grown from being used so ruthlessly. In fact I like the legion so much that I really enjoy evertime I can field them, which is only every so often.

Nowadays I'm not looking back at other legions anymore. I love seeing greatly painted models from every legion, but it doesn't make me want to do an army of that legion on my part. I painted a playable IW force and am aiming to add to it. But I know that I'm a really slow painter, and that the time I will be able to put into this hobby will rather further diminish than expand in the future (you know, job and this other rl stuff). The consequence of this is the realization that my current IW army will be the last one I make, and it is and always will be composed completely of models I painted myself. That was my dream since I started 40k during 2nd, and it was the reason for returning and to start painting dudes again (besides having a creative hobby that didn't involve sports or a computer).

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My Chaos marine force is all Word Bearers, mainly because I like the lore.  The color scheme is actually pretty easy to paint to a decent table standard and there are lots of great opportunities to add flavor with possessions and the like.   I have far more Chaos daemons than I do Chaos Marines, and it's always juicy fluff (yes that's a thing) to bring Daemons along, or bring word bearers with the Daemons.



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For me it is Deathguard, well a splinter force of them at least. I play Heralds of Despair

1. The modeling aspect is awesome

2. The ability to include cultist, Daemons, vehicles works for me

3. They love terminators I love terminators this is an extreme plus

4. Green and purple is a scheme I love and with the washes available it can look great with a bit of love

5. Tentacles and buboes are easy for a greenstuff Noob like myself

6. Backstory is there and the ability to take a hit and keep at it is pretty awesome

7. They like to be prepared for whatever so are equipped that way.

This is the army I always come back to. I have played Worldeaters Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons, Word Bearers and they all have a place in my game case. Death guard always takes priority though.


Plus, we nurglites are servants of generous and caring god,.. But the main reason for me playing Death Guard is the modeling opportunities, so many choice bits out there for converting plague marines. Also the back story of being tough as nails infantry sloggers "cursed" with eternal life just rings a bell for me.

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My war band was originally a splinter of the Emperor's Children legion; one that was often far from its parent legion, serving as equerries and diplomats amongst the other legions. As such, they absorbed a great deal of other legion's philosophies and modus operandi during their loyalist days. Since that time, most of their original members have lost themselves, either to the excesses of bodily transgression (they endlessly operate on themselves and one another, altering their physical forms and biology to insane degrees) or to the wars within the Eye of Terror. They are extremely evangelical in their creed of "transcendence through transgression," and thus boast that they include members of all the original legions (including World Eaters and loyalist legions that they have swayed to their faith) as well as myriad chapters, war bands, cults etc.


Though the legions I identify with the most are the Emperor's Children, Thousand Sons and Word Bearers, there are elements I like from all of them, so it made sense to create a more rag-tag war band that is still led and attended to by champions and officers from the Emperor's Children, who now only form the most revered and ascended cults amongst the war band (for example, the Oneirohihm, who only allow children of Fulgrim into their ranks). There is also a sizable and significant force of Black Legionaries amongst the Severed Angels; equerries from Abaddon the Despoiler, who maintain relations between the two. Unlike most, they are neither impressed nor particularly interested in Abbadon's philosophies nor the strength of force he can bring to bear, but they do appreciate the opportunities that his crusades bring about for spreading their own creed, and so maintain a fractious relationship with the new Warmaster.


As to why the Emperor's Children in particular, I like the fact that they are amongst the more "human" legions, at least originally; that they once had some sense of what they were fighting for; of what they might make and do after the fighting was done. Their appreciation of art, inspiration and culture; their promotion of such things as opposed to violence and servility, I identify with, as I do their later efflorescence into a kind of metaphysical hedonism. They are far more complex and fascinating than most give them credit for, and certainly than their superficial descriptions in much of the background suggest; if you read most of the fiction involving them, their pursuit of pleasure and indulgence in pain leads to a kind of spirituality; a transcendence of parameter that alters their perceptions and heightens their state of mind, even in utmost extremis. I find that kind of imagery fascinating; redolent of Clive Barker's writings, which they are undoubtedly influenced by (Fabius Bile's "Terrata" creations in the Horus Heresy novels, for example, are named after similarly unspeakable monstrosities from Barker's novel The Great and Secret Show).

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Past Saturday I was playing in a Doubles tournament and a young boy approached me holding a box of CSM and asked me how should he paint them. Well I took him to the codex stand and I showed him the Black Legion and the Word Bearers. I was clear with him. Painting CSM is quite difficult until you understand how the trim should be done so I have explained him that both the red marines and the black marines are quite awesome, they have legions of warriors, tons of vehicles and they also love to field daemons, i have told him of the other legions too but my advice was to go with the Word Bearers.


My reasoning was that all you need is to spray the minature black, paint it red, do the silver trim, wash the entire model with the black wash and then do the eyes with green. You can add flames and other things for effect, but a WB force done in such a way is always iconic and looks awesome on tabletop, and it is easy to paint too.


I have showed him some models I have painted in such a way and he really liked the scheme. Point being all legions are awesome but one should always play the long game, which translates in Black Legion or Word Bearers since you can easily expand the army with whatever you wish and still be iconic. The rules also benefit this because even a basic CSM + Daemons army list is evocative of those two legion's mindset and typical mode of warfare.


In my long tenure as a Chaos player I have dabbled with a lot of legions, painting the odd squad here and there to see how it turns out but I think that for one who is beginning with Chaos and plans to simply have an army of Chaos, those two legions, WB and BL should be the norm. On the other hand for the Chaos enthusiast, collector and long term player the other legions are the best option, because they are a project which requires a lot of commitment.

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All Chaos Legions are broken down to aspects and their Primarch. These are the top reasons other than colour scheme you would chose a particular one.


Night Lords all around win, Fear, Lightning Bolts, Unstable Primarch, Great Novels to back them up and probably the coolest B+C Legion thread.


But a second for me is Iron Warriors, you can churn them out fast and effectively. Also bionics and cybernetic Daemons are pretty cool.

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No longer a Legion but a Warband for me. The core and background is from the Emperor's Children and my Divine Flayers are very my Slaanesh worshipers. There are even members who remember the Horus Heresy and were part of it.
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