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More xenos killed


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Last night I had a fantastic match up against my old Tau nemesis. 1850 point game:

2nd ACR 1850 Pnt game

CCS w/ Regimental Advisors in Chimera

Veteran Squad w/ hvy flamer and 2 plasma guns in Chimera

PCS and 2 squads with heavy weapons, lascannons

1 Basilisk

2 Wyvren

Aegis Defense Lin w/ quad gun


Pask in Punisher

Leman Russ Eradicator


Scenario was me attacking a city so he deployed fist 18". And the cowardly xenos all hid in side the buildings. No problem, between 'Fire at My Target' and all the ignore cover weapons. This was no problem.


I deployed with my Tanks to the right, my 2 chimeras to the left and my arty surrounded by bubble wrap.


Turn 1.

Thunderchild supported by Bullet Hose and Lucky Lady moved up 6". My chimeras tore towards the city moving their 12. I cast prescience on my Wyvrens before I realized I had deployed them out of range but no matter. First shot from my Hellhammer took out 2 Broadsides, a squad of Pathfinders and half of a Fire Warrior squad. Lucky Lady then proceeded to take out almost the other half of that squad. Leaving a single Fire Warrior. Who makes his leadership roll. My Basilisk then took out another group of Pathfinders and MoO scattered his shot off the board.

To finish. I move my chimeras Flat Out for another 6"


He responds by glancing one of my chimeras to death. But it was so far forward that my vets were still with in range. Battlefield taxi does its job.

Not much else he can do.


Turn 2.

Continue to move my armor towards the city. Hellhammer finishes off his Pathfinders and 2nd Fire Warrior Squad. Leaving him with 3 Broadsides, 1 Pathfinder and 2 Fire Warrior Squads on the board. Crisis team suits in reserve. I close in with my CCS and disembark them charging into the Fire Warriors. In close combat he gets ridiculous overwatch rolls but my Lord Comissar makes into attack and kills that entire squad.


He drops in his reserves and manages to kill one Wyvren and 6 of my bubble wrap. Not doing anything else but jumping away. That lone Fire Warrior then has the audacity to charge Thunderchild. He makes it into close combat, throws his EMP grenade and rolls a 1. Nothing happens.


Turn 3.

Bullet Hose and Lucky Lady turn back around and finish off the command squad. I grease the treads of Thunderchild with the guts of that warrior and then finish off his remaining 2 Broadsides with Thunderchild.


After taking stock, I lost a total of 1 Chimera, 1 Wyvren, 6 Guardsmen and 3 Veterans.


I'd call that a good day for the 2nd ACR.


Toujours Pret!

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