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Khârn: Eater of Worlds

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Next week see the release of Khârn: Eater of Worlds novel by Black Library





The Horus Heresy is over and the Traitor Legions have scattered, fleeing the wrath of a vengeful Imperium. The World Eaters are leaderless, their primarch missing and their greatest hero, Khârn, in a coma. The surviving World Eaters have turned upon themselves, the Butcher’s Nails driving them to ever greater acts of berserk savagery. Poised on the brink of destruction, the Legion needs a leader. It needs Khârn – but will his awakening save them, or doom them entirely?



Khârn is one of the most iconic figures in the Warhammer 40,000 setting, the epitome of Khorne's mortal servants. In this story, you can witness his transition from the Captain of the World Eaters Eighth Company who stood against the Emperor during the Horus Heresy, to the Blood-mad betrayer that he becomes.


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Wasn't this the novel they released along the Butcherhorde thing?  I bought it then, it was okay.  The part where he wakes up was pretty awesome-along with the "I won't start this fight-but I will finish it." line and the ensuing chaos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I pick up Khârn: Eater of Worlds during the weekend there & just started reading it a few days ago.  Currently on page 76, there 222 pagies in all.  I'm find this novel to be really good & first time I've read novel written by Anthony Reynolds.


Seem spoiler tag are not work for me on the forum/when I'm on the PC.  Instead just quickie put down name of some of the character.


Dreagher 9th Company of the XII Legion - Main person/story.  The 9th still wear the Blue/White of the Legion

Argus Brond 17th Company of the XII Legion.  His Company Red, way we know World Eater today

Egil Galerius Palatine Blade Battle Brother of the III Legion

There also a World Eater Chaplain - Blood Priest.  Also a member of the Destroyer unit.

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Thanks for the update IP. I'm definitely going to pick this up.... ironically I probably won't get into Daemonkin, but the World Eaters are always cool. I hope Khârn comes off as intelligent as he's been written by ADB.

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Little bit further, page 144?



The Bloodborn unit are pretty cool.  7 Battle Brother, had a black hand print on there armour to show they will fight to the death no matter what.  Be a pretty cool Kill Team unit to convert up.


Few bits from page 88:

They were Bloodborn - warriors oath-sworn to a death mission.


They came for diffrent reasons: resentment, jealousy; a long harboured grudge; fatalism.  Only their blood-pledge united them


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I have read the book and I must say that I really loved the narrative. The finale was properly apocalyptic an the author has done a good build up which was neither slow nor in the realm of bolter porn. I like his version of the Emperor's Children who despite the mutations, the devotion to Slaanesh and their occult practices they still fight, think and act as real III Legion astartes. I think it is a must read for both World Eaters and Emperor's Children fans. 

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I certainly hope that there will be a follow up novel that continues into the Battle of Skalathrax, i'd love to see some more full on battle scenes with the same sense of momentum as Kharns first combat in this novel. I'm not usually a fan of the Emperor's Children, but i do love the description of their commander, with his lack of eyelids and extra long tongue for keeping his eyeballs moist.

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