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Psychic Powers - How many?


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I'm just wondering, because I've heard some difference of opinion regarding this question-


How many psychic powers can a single psyker use per turn?


Let's say you have a ML1 Libby with force sword. Generating on telepathy, so he knows 1 power, plus the primaris and also force because of his force sword.


If say I've got 6 warp dice, can I still only ever cast 1 power per turn? Or can I cast as many as I can so long as I'm duplicating powers and I've got enough warp dice?

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This has been asked before, a summary of the outcome is included in the OR Index thread, here.

Q - How many Psychic Powers may a Psyker manifest in a single Psychic Phase?
Reference: Topic.
A - A Psyker may attempt to manifest as many powers as it has available to it, subject to there being sufficient Warp Charges available to do so.

So in your example, provided he had sufficient Warp Charges, a ML1 Psyker with a Force Weapon could attempt to cast 3 Psychic Powers.  His rolled power, the primaris and force.

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