Carlson793 Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 (edited) In the interests of providing the B&C Membership with the parts they need to make the model they envision in their head, we are collecting links in this thread to various sellers of bits and models for use with Warhammer 40k. This is a work in progress. Expect new links to be added on a semi-regular basis, and possibly other moving to new categories as appropriate. If you have a site not listed in this thread, or discover a dead link, please contact myself or one of the PCA Mods and we'll see about getting it added. Assume links without commentary have something for most armies.Games Workshop/Forge World Bit Sellers These folks sell bits produced by GW/FW Games Workshop – No, really: they do sell some bits in the form of unit upgrade kitsForge World - High quality resin bits and modelsBits-World (eBay)BitsBay - Italian bits site for GW/FW bits. BitzBox Bits and Kits Bitzarium - Loads of GW and FW bits.Black Dagger Games (eBay: window-box) Bullet Bits Egg Head Miniatures (eBay) and (web) Hoard O' Bits (eBay) and (web) Hobby Titan - The non-eBay store for Bits World. InHumaN BitZ Box - French eBay-based bits seller Let The Dice Decide MegaBitzShop Non-GW Bits Producers These folks make their own bits that are compatible with GW models Anarchy Models - A very limited selection of AM/IG bits. Their main contribution to the hobby is their stencil system.Anvil Industry - They also have their Miniature Viewer that lets you virtually build a model from their bits Armorcast Battlefield Scenery - Terrain and ‘blast’ bits The Assault Group - Modern weapon bits suitable for IGThe Bannerman - Printed cloth banners Basicks - Bits for various factions, plus basesBitsPudloBlack Cat Bases - A wide variety of bases, plus a selection of bits and modelsBlood and Skulls Industry (machinator248) - Tank bits: turrets, tracks, armour, guns, and LED light rigs Chapter Customizer - 3D printed bits, stencils and decals, as well as a custom decal design/printing service Chapterhouse Studios Conversion World Crooked Dice Game Design Studio - Mostly TV/Movie tie-ins... but who doesn't want to run 40K Ghostbusters? Curious Constructs - Bits and models with a Victorian British/Praetorian Guard feel Custom Minis - Shapeways storefront. The Dark Works - Chaos vehicle and terrain bits. Dragon Forge Design - mainly bases, but a few bits. Evil Craft - Mostly Chaos SM bits. Forge Planet - Mostly vehicle bits, including Razorback alternative turretsHasslefree Miniatures - Primarily full models, but some bits; NSFW warningHitech Miniatures - Primarily full models Irondog Studios - Orkish bits and resin bases Ka•Bu•Ki Models - Selection of bits and models suitable for 40K KFStudio/Liber Daemonica Shop - Resin Space Marines bitsKromlechMad Robot Miniatures - IG/AM bits Martillo Y Cola - Shapeways storefront MaxMini Meridian Miniatures - Steampunkish IG/AM bitsPig Iron Productions - IG/AM bits Plokoone's Bits - Shapeways storefront. POP Goes The Monkey - Shapeways page for Matt Sweitzer. Shoulder pads for many SM and CSM chapters, among other bits. Prodos Games - Bits, models and (if you have the money to blow) 3D Render and Design your own headPuppets War - Loads of conversion bits Ramshackle Games - Loads of bits, but beware: some are 28mm, some 20mm, and most have no clear scale stated. Reaper Miniatures - Not intended for 40K, but some bits, and their Boneyard sells the individual parts of some models. The Reliquary - Shapeways storefront.Scibor Monstrous Miniatures - Primarily full models Secret Weapon Miniatures Shapeways - 3D printing company. Too many 30K/40K bits designers here, so I'm just listing the base site - I can't do ALL the work for you! Soul Dark - Some bits and full models (alt Primarchs), plus posable Knight legsSpellcrow Statuesque Miniatures - Female Guard bits and models, plus Pulp and Fantasy lines Tabletop-Art - Bits, bases, and scenery items The Troll Trader - Models, gaming kit, and modeling tools and accessories Trolls Under The Bridge Victoria Miniatures - IG/AM bits and full models, plus the unexpected Spanish Inquisition Wargame Exclusive - Loads of bits and models compatible with various 40K factionsWargames Factory - Primarily complete models (currently sold through Warlord Games and DreamForge)War Gamma - Terrain and bases Werewoolf Miniatures - A mix of bits Zealot MiniaturesZinge Industries Third Party Full Models Ainsty CastingsAir Connection - Kits of vehicles to convert or raid for bitz.Antenocitis Workshop - Models and terrainBattle Group Helios - Stuff for the BFG playerDomiad Miniatures (blog) and (eBay) - I'd really like to know more about this outfit. All I see is the two items shown on eBay, and their blog page w/o a storefront link.Dreamforge Games - Primarily complete infantry and vehicle models, with Leviathan (Knight scale) models and bits. Note: be aware that some of their products are 15mm scale Empress Miniatures - Carry a number of lines suitable for use as AM/IG. Eureka Miniatures - Aus. Retailer carrying a number of different manufacturers. Grindhouse Games - Featuring Incursion Grim Future WWII models (wait, 'future' WWII??) Ground Zero Games - Heavy Support - Currently just one model - Mortian Battle Tank. German. Heresy Miniatures - Small selection of bits; large selection of complete models (including 'New Series (not) Doctor Who' models. Hitech Miniatures - Large selection of 40k suitable minis. Impact Miniatures - Chibi fantasy, 'Blood Bowl', and a host of other models Infinity - 28mm SciFi game by Corvus Belli Ironclad Miniatures - Very British models, including counts as IG Praetorian Guard Kellerkind Miniaturen - Mostly larger scale miniatures, plus modeling accessories Kingdon Death - 'Boutique Nightmare Horror' game featuring 35mm scale models (Chaos suitable) Lead Adventure - Mostly fantasy, but models from their 'The Last Project', '1881', and 'Heroes & Villains' could work as DKoK, Skitarii, or Chaos Cultists. Lengendarion - Home of the Chibi Primes Mantic Games - Their Deadzone and Warpath models (and possibly Dreadball) could easily fit into most 40K armies Onslaught Miniatures - 6mm and 15mm miniatures inspired by 40K. Otherworld Miniatures - Focussed on old school D&D, but their Demons & Devils line could work for Chaos Privateer Press - Warmachine & Hordes are 30mm scale, but the steampunk vibe might work for Cult Mechanicus or other 40k factions Pulp City - A supers wargame, but there might be some grim dark possibilities in their stock Pulp Figures - A 1930s serials vibe, but with 40k possibilities (especially some of their Weird Menace line) Raging Heroes - Female Sci-fi and Fantasy models for most factions Shadowforge - Female models (some serious, some...not so serious). NOTE: their sales are now handled through Eureka Miniatures. Titan Forge - Oddly, their Fantasy line has more 40K possibilities than their Sci-Fi line... Troll Forged Miniatures - Chaos Cultists, IG, and Mechanicus models Ultraforge Miniatures - Demon Lord models suitable for Chaos factions West Wind Productions - Primarily full models in different genres, with 28mm bits in some categories. Custom Decal CompaniesLinks and commentary in this section is taken unedited (except for the addition of spoiler tags) from Rob de Bie's tutorial on custom decals. Scroll through the link for a great tutorial on ALPS printed decals. Here is a list of around 40 companies and individuals that offer custom Alps decal printing service, grouped by country:Australia Bills Billboards. In addition to their range of standard railroad decals, Bills Billboards does custom decalsBrunel Models. Can no longer accept requests for custom decals due to time constraints, since changing to Brunel Hobbies shopSteam And Things. See 'Services' Canada CanMilAir Decals. Does custom work apart from the Canadian decal rangeCustom Emergency Vehicles (e-mail). Specializes in custom decals for Canadian Police & EMS vehicles in all scales. Examples can be viewed in this blogJbot decals, Jim Botaitis. Jbot may require that permission is obtained to print some commercial logos.Mike Grant Decals. Currently too busy for custom print work.R-Dec Water Slide Decals (e-mail), W. Robert FranklinSpareTimes Hobbies. Uses OKI Red, Green and Blue cartridges too, apart from the standard CMYK cartridges. France Upnorth (e-mail). Produces Alps decals on demand, apart from their regular screen printed decals.FFSMC Productions. FFSMC has its own Alps and laser printed decal lines in several scales, but also does custom work. Germany DecalDoc. Has a large line of 'regular' Alps for race cars in various scales, and also does custom Probably only truck decalsDrucker-Onkel Decalservice. All kinds of decalsHaHen, Harald Hensel. Has a line of 'regular' Alps/OKI decals for post-war Luftwaffe models, but also does custom printingPeddinghaus Decals. Has a large line of 'regular' Alps for many subjects and scales, and also does custom printingTailormadedecals. Has a catalog of decals for large RC planes, but also does custom printing Italy Luca Beato. Has a line of Alps decals for Italian aircraft, and also does custom printing for all subjects.Max-Model. Has a line of decals for Italian emergency vehicles, for trucks and for slotcars. They also do custom printing for all subjects. The Netherlands Black Lion Decals. Black Lion has its own decal lines in 1/72, 1/35 and 1/16, but also does custom work.Scale:Print. Produces Alps/OKI decals for truck models, and also does custom decals for other applications. Stopped accepting orders in August 2011 due to printer problems,. Resumed production 1 November, with a non-Alps printer New Zealand Chosen Scale eTch ceTeraRG Enterprises. Prints Alps decals on request (not mentioned on the website) Poland Slawomir Przymusiak (e-mail), uses a MD-5500 and also does Alps decals with color gradients (as in pin-up nose art) South Africa MAV Decals, does custom work beside a regular line of Alps decals for South African subjects Spain Decal Lab, a graphic designer who enjoys making and printing decals for cars and bikesMask Decals. Miguel Sastre has designed and printed dozens of custom car and motor Alps decals in various scales, that can be viewed in his blog Sweden BenMik decals (e-mail), Bengt Norman. The regular BenMik decal range can be seen at the Rebell Hobby Online Shop. United Kingdom Chris's Bespoke Transfers. Chris is a modeller making decals for other modellers of vehicles including aircraft, trucks, and trainsMike Brown (e-mail). Also produces the decals for Garden Railway SpecialistsPrecision Labels & Decals. Model railway specialist, offering OKI DP5000 custom decalsRed Firecracker. Offers artwork design and Alps decal printing service for various applicationsWessex Transfers. A full-time decal producer for many model manufacturers in UK and Australia, that also offers Oki DP5000 print service for smaller runs.Whirlybird (e-mail). Custom Oki-printed decals; their own line of aircraft and helicopter decals which can be seen at the Linden Hill site USA Andy's Alps Decals. Specializing in custom decals for scale modelsBarney Kable (e-mail). Specialty: printing FS color matchesBedlam Creations. Artwork can be supplied as graphics, photos, or an idea.Bob Anson (e-mail), who runs two Alps MD1000's, one Alps MD5000, and two Kodak First check printers.Cedarleaf Custom Decals. Apart from its standard railroad decal range, Cedarleaf does custom work for railroads and other applicationsChapter Customizer - Stencils and decals, as well as a custom decal design/printing serviceDan's Resin Casting. See 'custom decals' tabDecal Connection. Makes decals for many applications. Will not print decals with copyrights unless permission is given in writingDecal Man. Probably only car decalsDiecast and Decals. Specialises in graphics for diecast vehiclesE.L.S. Trains. Prints Alps decals for model railroading and all types of scale models.Exact Decals & Details. Apart from a catalog of Alps printed aircraft decals, Exact also offers custom design and printing service Fallout Hobbies - Recently completed their Kickstarter. Uses a non-ALPS, underprinting laser printer. Also has vinyl airbrush stencils.Fireball Modelworks, Joseph Osborn. Produces a line of Alps decals for helicopter models and does custom work.Great Decals. Has links to numerous custom railroad decal printersGreg's Decal Graphics. Besides a line of Alps printed hot rod and custom car decals, Greg also offers custom decal workGWS Custom Decals. Designs and prints custom decals for car modelsJohn Hagen (e-mail), Alps decals any scale down to and including N scale. Can do artwork from photos or sketchesKadee Quality Products. A train manufacturer that also does custom decal workModelWerks. Produces decals for Bandai Gundam models, and also does custom decal workRed Pegasus Decals. Produces a line of Alps printed air racing decals, but also does custom workScale Rail Graphics. Produces decals for primarily model railroading, and also does custom decal work, but no race car, military or rocket decals.Shawn Hull Decals. Custom decals are no longer mentioned on the website, so this service is probably discontinued.Tango Papa Decals, Tom Prestia. Tango Papa also sells the decal paper that is most popular with US modelers. Some items to discuss with your custom printer are: type of software and version used (CorelDraw, Illustrator, or perhaps PDF files), which ink-sets are used (always CMYK, but possibly RGB too, and just maybe Kodak orange and green), whether the printer can print two white layers on top of each other (not all printers can do this, yet you need two layers to make opaque white), whether black can be printed over other colors or not, and which decal paper is used (thickness etc), margins to be used in the artwork (at least 15 mm top and bottom, 5 mm left and right), whether the artwork should be put in separate pages, separate layers or even separate files.Most companies will also offer a decal design service. This is usually quite expensive, which is quite understandable if you look at the amount of work involved (see above!). Terrain and Scenery Amera Plastic MouldingsGale Force Nine - Terrain and gaming/modeling accessories Hirst Arts - Silicon molds for creating terrain ‘Lego style' JR Miniatures - Wargaming terrain Keebler Studios - Silicon molds for creating terrain Kerr & King - Bases and terrain in numerous scales Mechanical Warhorse - Acrylic and MDF terrain, markers, and templates. Sold through their eBay store. Multiverse Gaming - Laser cut MDF buildings and terrain Quantum Gothic - Primarily resin terrain pieces Sally 4th - Laser cut MDF buildings and terrain Sarissa Precision - Laser cut terrain Scenic Express - Tons of basing and terrain products. Systema Gaming - Modular MDF terrain Underground Lasers - Laser cut MDF buildings and terrain with acrylic bits Warmill - Lasercut MDF terrain General Modeling Basicks - Though a few bits, their main concern is bases and terrain E.M.A. Model Supplies - Model plastic in various shapes Evergreen Scale Models - Styrene plastic in many forms Greenstuff Industries - Hobby tools and terrain Green Stuff World (eBay storefront) - Paints, modeling tools and accessories Iron Halo - Resin bases and commission painting Plastruct - Styrene plastic 32mm Base Adapters For converting 25mm bases to 32mm. Eccentric Miniatures - Two piece beveled in two styles Cadwallon Miniatures Shop - One piece HDF ring Frontier Wargaming - One piece HDF ring gwensdad2003 via Thingverse - 3D printing file for one piece rounded Ironheart Artisans - MDF and acrylic terrain and markers Models and Minis - Two piece beveled Rust Forge - Small selection of cargo containers, hesco barriers and armor plates. Secret Weapon Miniatures - Two piece beveled Tabletop Adapters - Two piece ring and two piece flat-bottom. Buy complete or download the 3D printing file. War Gamma - One piece beveled Edited February 4, 2019 by Carlson793 Firepower, Acebaur, +DAN+ and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helterskelter Posted March 28, 2015 Share Posted March 28, 2015 Bits and kits are one i use not included on the list, they stopped doing FW buts but have a pretty decent range of GW bits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted March 28, 2015 Author Share Posted March 28, 2015 Oh, the list is far from finished. So far I've only gotten up to the 'g's in my list (with a few notable exceptions). But, just added Bits and Kits to my review list (about half the sites in that list are either dead or whose only use to 40K is that they are 28mm models - 'Okay, that rust monster over there? Yeah, he's a Bloodthirster. And that flumph?...') Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JGeils81 Posted April 8, 2015 Share Posted April 8, 2015 Bulletbits55 from eBay, I use him as well as bits-world(who have their own website now btw) not advertising for him, but I use him almost as often as bits-world, good service, no issues. bits-world has awesome customer service btw, I've had pieces missing(like the front of a DV terminator) and he immediately sent me a replacement after messaging him on eBay, another time my order didnt arrive in like two weeks...(lost in the mail, had it being tracked and it disappeared) he(she?) sent me replacements free Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted April 9, 2015 Author Share Posted April 9, 2015 Can't believe I missed Bulletbits - that's one of the 3-4 eBay shops I use! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thousand Eyes Posted April 16, 2015 Share Posted April 16, 2015 Would you know if any of these did Thousand Sons heads? (Apart from GW) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
infyrana Posted April 16, 2015 Share Posted April 16, 2015 Excellent thread btw ! Would you know if any of these did Thousand Sons heads? (Apart from GW) Google up "Thousand sons heads" and check images. Off the top of that quick view I saw ideas from Kromlech, Maxmini, Spellcrow and PuppetsWar, really depends on how Egyptian you want to go. Seriously, I didn't even realise there were this many options myself until I just looked. As an additional question for this thread, does anyone have any good alternatives and easily purchasable answers to MkIII or MkIV Torsos? I tried 'greenstuffing' armour plates on basic SM torsos to cover the midsection and groin the other day, but failed miserably with my lack-of-skills. I saw the ones from Master Crafted Miniatures, but haven't seen them modelled up yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted April 16, 2015 Author Share Posted April 16, 2015 Would you know if any of these did Thousand Sons heads? (Apart from GW) Kromlech have their Stygian bits (heads, pads, weapons); MaxMIni has their Mecha Egyptian heads; Puppets War has numerous heads based on Egyptian gods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted April 18, 2015 Author Share Posted April 18, 2015 (edited) Added a new section for decal printing services directly based on Rob de Bie's APLS/OKI decal tutorial. Oh, and still working on the larger list in my free time...wait...I have free time??? Edited April 18, 2015 by Carlson793 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted July 1, 2015 Share Posted July 1, 2015 @Carlson793 - Nice idea! By the way the link for Hitech Miniatures doesn't work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted July 2, 2015 Author Share Posted July 2, 2015 Thanks for the heads up, SoF. Somehow, a triple dub that the site doesn't have was at the beginning of the link. It's been fixed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted July 5, 2015 Author Share Posted July 5, 2015 Added a link to The Dark Works - thanks to ThatOneMarshal for the link. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seleucus Posted July 6, 2015 Share Posted July 6, 2015 Don't forget: www.evilcraft. eu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted July 7, 2015 Author Share Posted July 7, 2015 Don't forget: www.evilcraft. eu I didn't forget 'em! I can't forget what I was never aware of! (Both added) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneMarshal Posted July 8, 2015 Share Posted July 8, 2015 I didn't see it on there but there is dreamforge whom has an alternate knight and alternate models There is west wind gas mask heads and ww2 figures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted July 8, 2015 Author Share Posted July 8, 2015 Okay, how did I not have Dreamforge in the list already? I've seen their stuff offered often enough on eBay! (Both links added) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lokkorex Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 You haven't put bitzarium up with the rest of the 40k/fw bitz sellers, i'm waiting for my first order from them at the moment. They're a french site, and have a lot of stuff. (At least when it's not sold out) FormelyKnownAsSmashyPants 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 You haven't put bitzarium up with the rest of the 40k/fw bitz sellers, i'm waiting for my first order from them at the moment. They're a french site, and have a lot of stuff. (At least when it's not sold out) Added, and nice find. The Salamanders/Black Dragons player in me might have to wipe out some of their Dark Elf Corsair and Tyranid Hormagaunt stocks. lokkorex 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lokkorex Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Just to let ya know, i greatly appreciate you posting all these links, i've found so much cool stuff thanks to this thread that i would have never found otherwise! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KRG-23 Posted July 24, 2015 Share Posted July 24, 2015 My favorite, based in France but can sell abroad too (2€ for France, 5€ for rest of the world P&P) : lokkorex 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted July 24, 2015 Author Share Posted July 24, 2015 @lokkorex: Glad to help. I still have a huge text file full of old links to check and review. That's been on hold while I take care of other projects here and there, but what's posted so far covers the 'big names'. @KRG-23: added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted August 8, 2015 Author Share Posted August 8, 2015 Added a number of sites to a couple categories. BetterOffShred 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlson793 Posted August 9, 2015 Author Share Posted August 9, 2015 Added Fallout Hobbies to the Custom Decal Companies: USA category. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firepower Posted August 11, 2015 Share Posted August 11, 2015 I saw Forgeworld bitz sellers, and I was all like Then I saw the prices, and I was all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted August 11, 2015 Share Posted August 11, 2015 I saw Forgeworld bitz sellers, and I was all like Then I saw the prices, and I was all gotta say im not suprised... someone selling select FW bits isnt going to be all community minded im sure the bits sellers are probably Ltd Ed codex sellers too you'd be better off trying to share a purchase with some of your friends to get some choice parts each.... Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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