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Order of the Shieldmaidens


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Been busy with making a Sister order although i be using the SW dex and AM. to make it. But now i wanted to know on oppinions about some unit choices. Iam trying to get some Battle sister looking vibe on it.

Female Spacemarines posing as a Sororitas order.

The army on itself will have a big Marvels Valkerie/ Sif feel to it (at least thats the idea)

For those who dont know them:



(Maybe even that Female Thor as Lone wolf and or Enchantress as a Runepriest/ Primaris psyker)

Already finished 2 units of Greyhunters and a Thunderwolf unit (although the last one was made from Fantasy Wood elf deer thingies eg Thunderdeers :) )

The units:

Wolfguard with jump pack, Seraphim looking as for some reason i cant see any battle sister army without Seraphim.

AM Veterans with 4+ armour upgrade and Shotguns (shotguns sound cooler than lasguns smile.png ) it somehow seems to fit them. They are slightly altered, so they look more female eg slightly bigger chest and smaller midsection, female heads, not overdone (i hope) stil working on those.

Razorback using the Immolator kit, which seems an obvious choice.

The Am part will also provide my anti air, as i cant get enough AM missile launchers to go with "Battle sisters", and Multimeltas simply dont fit. Iam thinking Vendetta and Avenger strike fighter.

What do you think of these ideas?

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Power armor conveys a 3+ Armor Save, carapace armor conveys a 4+ Armor Save. There is no such thing as a "Female Space Marine" in 'Warhammer 40,000', though there may be female Skitarii whose bionic enhancements grant them a Space Marine's profile. Write carefully, or "fluff Nazis" will crucify you as badly as you'd be on 4chan.

Power armor conveys a 3+ Armor Save, carapace armor conveys a 4+ Armor Save. There is no such thing as a "Female Space Marine" in 'Warhammer 40,000', though there may be female Skitarii whose bionic enhancements grant them a Space Marine's profile. Write carefully, or "fluff Nazis" will crucify you as badly as you'd be on 4chan.

The 4+ save is on the AM Veterans, which are Astra Militarum veterans, see got that covered (forgot the actual name of carapace armour).


The fluff mongers should re-read there lore, it says near impossible, thats more than impossible. like 0.0000001 being more than 0.

Although those same fluff mongers might even cringe at the the idea that these Shield maidens are also refer themselves as Daughters of Russ or Valkeries of the Allfather (thats the Emperor btw, also fits the Norse myth part).

But lets leave that discussion out of it, cause frankly i dont care if its possible yes or no.

A warning in advance, this thread is not about the existence of female space marines and their feasibility in the completely open-ended, inconsistent and ever-changing canon ;)


For the purposes of this thread, assume they DO exist and answer Spacefrisian's question.


OT: I would need to see some example test models to really get an idea of where your army is going, but the idea of them hiding as Sisters and taking the Norse aesthetic is interesting.  Would they pray to the Emperor or at least pretend to?

I try to have some up this week.


In the mean time, i figured out something against the nay sayers. The idea is actually genius and i got this idea while playing Skyrim. There is the Thieves guild there and an NPC named Karliah who is also part of a group called the Nightingales, during the quest she mentions that the Nightingales myth was deliberatly seeded as non existent amongs the thievesguild to draw away suspicion.

The same could be applied to "female Spacemarines" the Emperor deliberatly seeded th idea that such was near impossible, even though he was fully capable of doing so. Just to draw attention away from it.

Are you Implying that our God Emperor provided us with falsehoods?...

I call Heresy on that! ;)



But no, I can see it happening but I also see why GW did it.

Space Marines with love interests get a little murky in 40k and we like to keep things grim, hell even the sexualised Slaanesh has been pulled back over the years sadly.

  • 2 weeks later...

Question time:

I maybe want to include a unit of Terminators (Adepta Sororitas Terminators tongue.png), so i wanted to know what would be the best option for this.

1: Regular marine terminator models

2: Grey Knight Terminator models

I myself think option 2 as they seem less bulky.

This is the inspiration for this very random idea:


Note: nothing solid on this yet, i just want some options.

  • 4 weeks later...

The GW guy said i should give Dark Elf witches some thought. Obviously trying to sell them so i said i couldnt add them cause of almost no armour. But i was wondering what others think of this. 


Eg give this random idea a spin or dont even think about it. Use as Blood claws or as Scouts?

I'd also say go for the Grey Knights Terminators, with say, these:

As a side note, a possible example (Adapt to your liking, this was a "Special" model) if you need to know the result:1015045_10153867492970538_188670298_o.jp


As for Dark elf Wytches as conversions for Blood Claws? Sounds pretty good although a lot of "Imperial" conversion will be needed to avoid them looking too "Chaos" =P

Sisters with a Norse Theme


I'm excited; this is a great idea. Space Wolf kits have tons of fun bits you can use for this if you're down for animal pelts and horns. :)


Sisters in Terminator Armor


I wanted to try and model a Sisters in terminator armor for two years now, and I've failed to find parts or methods that are aesthetically pleasing to me.


Question 1: BlackTalos, where'd you find that head?!


I'd like to see any other conversion work around this specific topic, haha. :)


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