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Brother Halandaar reporting for duty!


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Greetings all. I've been a fan of this forum and lurker for longer than I can remember, and certainly seen a huge amount of inspiring work on these pages (which I have occasionally, shamelessly copied). I figured it was time to join the party myself! I'm from the UK, currently based in Cambridge but likely relocating soon to Yorkshire.


In terms of my background, I'm a huge fan of the setting and fluff of 40k but an inexperienced gamer and inconsistent hobbyist; my only real gaming experience comes from sporadic matchups with my cousin's armies (I blame him for bringing me back to the hobby after several years) and my painting and modelling skills are... well; they exist. That will have to do. I am a bit of a dirty Xenos fan, and have armies of Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Tau and Daemons. But my biggest force(s) are the reason I'm here; the Space Marines!


I enjoy all the various factions of Marines and my initial idea was to create a DIY chapter that could conceivably "counts-as" any of the Astartes factions (an assault-themed company which would play as Blood Angels, first company counting as Deathwing and so on). I had a bit of a purple and gold theme going on but eventually settled on the visual look of the Minotaurs.


I still like the idea of fielding my Chapter using different rulesets and I'm quite interested in knowing if other people have managed to pull this off successfully with a single collection with a unified visual theme. I guess it's easy enough if you are only fielding one type of force (all these Minotaurs are Imperial Fists) as opposed to using allied detachments (these Minotaurs are actually Space Wolves and these Minotaurs are actually White Scars). I'd be very interested which area of the board might be best suited to discussing such things.


Anyway, enough rambling. Thanks for having me!



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