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D-Weapon Rules, which to use?


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So IA: War Machines includes a set of rules for how to use D-Weapons. It's very similar to the BRB one but is slightly more deadly. It's also called Apocolyptic D weapons. I'm assuming when running a super heavy from IA:WM (like a Thunderhawk) you'd use the rules from the BRB as they are a newer publication, but I wanted to see what the community thought. 


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Usually I would say that the newer publication wins out.  However where Forgeworld rules interact within the framework of 40k is unclear.  One could make the case that Forgeworld books are equivalent to codices, in that their rules would override those found in the rulebook.  But no such statement exists to my knowledge, so unless a FAQ clears it up I suspect that it would come down to a house rule as to which set of rules takes precedence.


Personally I'd lean towards the newest set of rules being the ones that take precedence.

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The D weapon rules in Imperial Armor vol2-2nd Ed are in the section specifically stating they are for WH40:Apocalypse.  They are also in the Appendix and included as a reference.  Like the regular codices, when a local reference is counter to the base rule book, go with the basic rule book's version.   Otherwise I would be happy to enjoy the C:AM version of Skyfire for full BS at all targets.  Since it, like IA2-2, are references to an old game edition, the newer book takes precedence.

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