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Dawn of the Highlords


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    The Imperial Palace. What had once been the pinnacle of humanities architectural achievement lay in ruins. Through out it's shattered walls violence now raged as the last few of the Archtraitor's forces fought to the last. In the desiccated heart of the palace six brothers gathered at the foot of the Golden Throne. There had been eleven originally, but the final battle with the Great Betrayer had taken the life of five. Before the dark days of the heresy it would have been absurd to Horus. The thought of one of his brothers being killed was not even an after thought. Even in the gravest of battles against the most hostile of Xenos life forms when a Primarch went to battle victory was assured. He yearned for those simple times as he marched towards the carnage before him.


   Primal Angron lay before him at the foot of the throne. He had died as he had lived with his axes in his hands and defiance on his lips. His death cry had not been of fear or shock, but it had been of unbridled rage. Even that had not been enough and the Betrayer had torn him in half with his warp spawned might. Beside him was noble Fulgrim. His blade had carved a blood swath through their foes Honor Guard before being unceremoniously having his head cleaved off by the Betrayers clawed hands. Of Mortation there was not remains as he was consumed by the Warp fire of the enemy. Vulkan had shared in his fate although pieces of his arms and armor survived. Horus made a note to gather them before he left. Better that then to have them lost. His eyes fell on the last of the dead primarchs. Dorn... betrayed to his last. He had been convinced that he was on humanities side as he and his sons defended the forces of the Arch Traitor. As the doors to the Throne Room had been breached They had discovered Dorn Already dead pierced from behind by the one he had thought his family.


 The others who could stand gathered around the final corpse. Serene Lorgar stood to his right ever a man to consider every avenue of peace, even he had marched to war against there foe  with no qualms. To Horus's left his badly mauled brother Sanguineous. He had given his all during the fight even as he had stuck the final blow the Enemy had torn one of his wings from his back one last act of spite. Behind him he could hear the battle fading as Purterabo and his Legion pounded the remaining troops and warp spawn into dust. Soon there was only silence From behind came the heavy sound of his remaining brothers foot falls. The twins Alpharus and Omegron limped forward. Both supported the other as they mirrior wounds that had took there toll even on their superhuman bodies. In the Shadows somewhere lurked Conrad redeemed at last for his assault on dorn those many years ago. They gathered here now around the body of the Ultimate betrayer, the one who had driven almost each and every legion to near extinction. Finally Lorgar spoke the words of the Oath each had taken after the Dark Revelation.


 "Death to the False Emperor" and with that he stuck down with his scepter Illuminarum and crushed their Corrupted fathers head. 




  Hey all this is hopefully the first chapter of the Alt Heresy story I had thought up. I have quite a bit of it thought out and I do have many more twists and turns thought up for it. Let me know any comments or critiques you guys might have

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