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Hi all, Just thought i would post in here and introduce myself, My name is phoenix, 31 years old Been into Warhammer for as long as i can remember (while i was at school) and now i'm 31 and still love it! - had to stop due to touring with my band and lack of money (plus fantasy wise they killed off nagash and split my undead up How dare they!! lol)  ended up just not bothering getting back into the hobby after that, but kept poking my head in my local gw bluewater (May it r.i.p 1999-2015 :'( ) and about 8ish months ago a friend of mine started to collect Chaos and really wanted me to do it too. To which i explain i couldn't afford it *im now living with my fiancee and 6 month old little girl, living on just benefits due to my health* To which he Tried to buy me my first new box, i refused consistently, but in a moment of weakness i told him if i ever did get back into the hobby, it would be guard as me like my tiny tanks lol what happens next is all but history, and now can safely say i have a fairly big army looking at just shy over 13k lol the first model i brought was an old Catachan jungle fighter box, and loved it, and well that is that lol.


Other than warhammer i spend most of my free time just gaming of doing star trek 3d models for games or animations

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Thank you very much Olis, i have had a quick look though and will do tomorrow when i'm awake to re-read them all, a few times it has said power armour only (ok for my blood angels) but then also armies of the imperium, does that mean my guard too?

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Yes. As an Armies of Humanity board you may post Guard. You can also post Sisters of Battle, the Inquisition and the Mechanicus, if you like. So long as it is an army of humanity (good or evil) and not a filthy xenos army, you're good to go.


I think there may still be little bits of the rules section that still refer to the old policy of power armour only, which meant no Guard but since the change of policy to "Armies of Humanity", those parts haven't been fully edited. This is something I may have to seek about rectifying. 

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