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Does anyone know of a Spray Paint similar to Sotek Green?


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Are we thinking of the same shop? The one on bridge street that used to be model zone had a pretty decent range of sprays last time I was in there. Mostly geared towards the more traditional military palette if I remember correctly, but plenty of colours at least.



Good news. It looks pretty good.

I've sprayed 3 models so far, I'll post pictures when they are finished and describe what I've done...


Definitely not as easy to work with at the gw sprays however, slower to dry, a lot more air dispersion too...

Further update, now that it's daytime and it has dried.

I would not advise anyone to use this spray for miniatures.


The finish isn't as smooth as I initially though, it's also a bit sticky. The air dispersion is so bad I regret using the spray indoors, it has spread to almost very surface in the large room I was in.

Also, I sometimes use GW sprays indoors in well ventilated, airy rooms without a mask. I did the same with this spray and feel like I've been hit by a truck today. Not safe for indoor use at all, and in fact I'd wear a mask even if I was using it outside!


Spray is obviously meant for tagging or spraying on concrete outdoors...



The miniatures have not come out to a standard I'd have liked. I'll do what I can to salvage them as they were so expensive (yea, I made the n00b error of not testing on a disposable model). Will post pics of the finished work when it's done...


Shame too, the spray's colour is lovely but it's just not meant for this hobby...

Wow. Sorry to hear about that. I'm really happy you posted this on the forum, though. Maybe someone else will read it and steer clear. I wouldn't have thought the results would be so different, but there you have it. 


Thanks for taking a hit for the team, I guess? Small comfort, I know... 

As the person who brought that spray to your attention, I feel like I owe you an apology for the grief it has caused you. It is definitely a brand meant for graffiti artists and not meant to be used indoors. The stickiness and slow drying are definitely tied to each other, as fast dry primers have more grainy finishes, such as Army Painter. I'm not sure if it would have been possible to at the very least get a more appropriate finish on your miniatures with a lighter touch on the can, but that would likely result in incomplete coverage.


I can understand if you simply want to cut your losses here, but I would be remiss if I didn't at least offer two suggestions that came to mind. The first would be to form up your miniatures in multiple rows like a platoon formation instead of the typical single file most of us use for priming. This way the wide spray dispersal will catch more models and waste less paint. The other suggestion I had would be to decant the spraypaints so you can at least reuse the paint. But this seems kind of pointless as I assume you don't have an airbrush to load the paint into, and if you were going to brush paint it you wouldn't need to decant it at all and would just use Sotek Green.


You could also try sanding it, though I'm not sure how that will turn out at all.

Don't worry about it, I didn't do any research or preparation so it's on me.


I've been able to paint my Praetor - you can have a look on the 40k universe Facebook page. The experience was like was like trying to apply paint onto tarmac :-(


Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be spraying any more models. The cans are low pressure so you need to hold it about 3 - 5" from the model to get any sort of result. Also, even a full day after spraying the colouring still rubs off on my hands after handling the miniatures.


It looks like I'll be able to complete the 3 I've already sprayed, thankfully. It really is a shame as the colour is great for a SoH army...


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