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Elysian Drop Troops


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I want to start an Elysain Drop Troop army. I got a copy of IA vol 3 2nd ed but it has the points and rules for 6th ed not 7th. Is there an update somewhere or how would I base my points and rules for the 7th ed? For example the Vendetta now has a 6 troop capacity but IA vol 3 2nd still has it at 12 and both the Valkyrie and Vendetta still have deep strike.
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That's what I thought. But the troop costs are the same as the 6th ed guard. Thought the penlty for being drop troops was no ground armor. Guy running the tournament says get updated costs from a source... was thinking just using AM codex for points but unit availability be from IA for those units that overlap. But sorta need that stated somewhere.


Edit: Just got home and checked. The CCS, PCS, infantry squads, and vet squads are 10 points more in the IA than the 6th ed book. Weapon costs are the same.

I'd advise against mixing codices, even when it seems sensible as it creates a very blurry line. The best thing to do is stick to a list as it is written for safety and simplicity, if you decide to merge/update identical units then be sure to be aware how this works out. If it works out in your favour be sure to expect complaints, if it doesn't then you can expect less friction.

Well, you can tell him what you're doing and if he doesn't get it, too bad on his part. Merging the two books is the best way to be fair to you and your opponent. Forge World units are allowed in normal 40k games, for all the Read As Written, people so I'd like to hear his argument.

The people in my area operate that way- the merging, I mean, not the being obstinate like your tournament overseer. Swing that by him and see what happens.

EDIT: Ninja'd by the Lord Commissar tongue.png!

Commissars don't wear black for nothing laugh.pngmsn-wink.gif

I would email the TO with your findings to confirm the exact units that change and how they are different, that way you can have it printed out for reference should you need it. Even if it's just a list of what unit entries to replace with ones from the Guard codex it will likely save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

I printed out the info from the IA book and have the 6th ed book here to compare poitns before 7th and see if we can just add the difference there to the 7th ed codex. I will acutally lose out in the long run by updating the points, Valks are 25 points more, Vendettas are 40 points more. I just wanted to ask and find out the general idea. Thank you guys for your input will keep you updated on how it goes.


Update: Messaged the tourament leader and he said he was looking forward to the info. I offered to write up a spread sheet including 6th ed points, IA 3 points, 7ed points, approximent point values. Busy day at work tomorrow.

This is just my two cents, but as far as I see it mixing two codexi when not instructed to do so is incorrect. For example, Inquisitorial Chimera's are still the old awesomesauce instead of the new mehsauce. Also, Elysians would be totally unplayable if you ran them with the prices in the current Imperial Guard codex(pretty much exclusively due to 40 points and 6 person carry capacity a vendetta- a massive screw you to the entire Elysians Just-as-planned) for the vehicles and not for the troops (which also really makes no sense- aside valkyries are actually right at the same since you have to pay a boatload for Multiple Rocket pods in IA:3 and you should since they are way better than ordnance missiles on a bs3 "Gunship"). How I see it and how the RAW are supposed to operate to my knowledge.


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