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Short, furry, Welsh and (Allegedly) grumpy.


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Well, thats about sums me up... wacko.png

Hello! And greetings from the fair green(ish) land of sunny (huh.png well, occasionally) Wales - land of hills, rain, rugby, sheep and.. well, me.

I thought i would pop in here and say hello as, having perused the site occasionally from affar, i have finally succumbed to temptation and after several years have decided to return to the joy of crafting and painting various aspects of the 40k(and now 30k) universes and the occasional dwarf. And what greater source of creative inspiration, novel ideas and good, like minded people to bounce ideas off is there than the Emperor's finest - the folks at The Bolter and Chainsword!

So here i am. Old enough and wise enough to know better, and yet shamelessly reveling in once again 'playing with toy soldiers', as my long suffering better half puts it. rolleyes.gif (though i should point out, she is currently in the middle of painting some tree hugging pansies woodelves as i type this. Apparently she decided they were pretty and she would enjoy killing my dwarves with them, but thats another story... dry.png )

Anyways, I look forward to talking with you all and seeing what weird and wonderful creations people are working on.


Argentius (aka, Owen)

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